Kawaranu Mono <Kirameki no Gōremu>

Episode 85: You Should Believe

I will be a golem.

The villagers don't really try to get out of the house because they're afraid of the augs.

Yeah, because you don't know the Augs are gone. I won't tell my village chief that Auga tried to tell him in gesture because he walked away in response to my persuasion.

Ha-ha-ha, I'm not a golem who can only gesture forever. If you can't tell them in gestures, you just have to tell them in letters.

< Big horns, no demons. Big demon, I persuaded. You don't have to. Home is good.

You don't know what to write about an ogre. I hope you can tell by the fact that it's a demon with a big horn. But the village chief just twisted his neck about what was going on, and he didn't tell me what I wanted to say.

For once, I also tried to paint and explain, "Ko, this is, of the curse..." crushing things I didn't know what it meant and blued my face. Oh, my God. I still can't seem to communicate long enough on my own.

Haku woke up after noon, so I tried to tell the village chief again via Haku, but he didn't. I wonder why. Even though the orgasms conveyed my thoughts properly.

I wonder what's wrong.

I thought if I showed the hunter where the fort was gone, he would understand, and I tried to take the hunter into the mountains, but nothing progressed with a stiff "I'd rather not go into the mountains now".

Grunt. They say all the problems are solved because of it.

However, I give up telling them and encourage them to train in combat with Haku. Speed and clarity are better than before, thanks to a single hit with a big orga. Even if you can't defeat the demons, I wonder if the experience means you'll be able to beat them.

Before the Lord's soldiers, the adventurers reached the village first. I even have Asua for some reason. I didn't expect to get this far. It would have been tough.

"Haku! Golem! I was worried you wouldn't be back for days!"

Didn't I send you a letter? Haven't you seen it? '

"Letter, I sent it. Look, no?"

"I saw the letter, properly. But if Golem told you to trust me, you wouldn't believe me very much."

What do you mean?

If you look at what I do every day, you'll know right away that nothing is wrong. When I was in shock, Asua explained to me with the expression that she didn't understand.

"You know, Golem's common sense is the insanity of the world. This is important."

Oh, really? When I look at Haku, I have my neck clenched. When I look at the zispo, yeah, he's nodding. Are even my party members divided? Whose word should I believe!?

"Um, Golem should have written a good example for you,"

Indeed, the common sense of the Golem is the insanity of the world and I have written many times in the practice of letters. But wasn't that like an adage in this world? I don't have any - take the example out of the porch and look back at the contents.

Golem's common sense is insanity in the world.

< No discretionary judgment. Check with a trusted adult when you get lost >

< Not in good shape. I see painful eyes when I'm feeling better >

That, then, is this sentence that I was following. Could it be a message to me? No, no, no, I don't. Such an idiot.

If this is a message to me, the first sentence seems to be that I don't have common sense. There's no way a common sense guy like me would say he doesn't have common sense. It's a theory to Buddha. Um, no. It's not a message to me. Asua's not that stupid.

And you're like a kid saying you can't make the next discretionary decision. If this is a message to me, it means I'm not trusted. Let's check with the adults. I'm an adult enough. You can make things happen at your own discretion. Um, this isn't a message to me either.

Only one sentence that is out of tune might apply a little. Indeed, if I stirred up the opponent in good shape, I would have gained [stupid] skills. I don't know if that's all I could possibly apply to you.

Asua's opinion, Haku's opinion, Zispo's opinion. Who the hell should I trust? Who has the same faith worth believing in?


It's not Asua, it's not Haku, it's not Zispo!

I'm the only one who has the same faith worth believing in! Because I'm an [unchangeable thing], and I even have an [enlightened thing]!

Don't trust me. Who else should I trust? No matter who else doesn't, I'm the only one who keeps believing in me! That's the most important thing!

{Log: The effect of [enlightenment stuff] has sedated the state of excitement}

Well, I didn't get through to the village chief, but I think Asua would understand. I am via Haku, that I have defeated the King of Auga. Depending on my persuasion, I will explain that the orgasms headed to the unreturned woods.

Asua said, "I don't persuade you. Really?" A little half-hearted. Oh, my God, where do I doubt it? I'll snap my neck.

"But if you say the orgasms are gone, show them the adventurers to their place," Asua asked me and Haku to guide her.

Me and Haku will lead the adventurers to the fort first.

This time, the adventurers are with us, and the hunters seem to come with us. And when I get to where the fort was, "What, there was a fort here?" the hunters are surprised, but the adventurers are half-hearted. Because there was just more ground spread out there.

Next we take the adventurers and the hunters where the Augs were about to make their country. There is a building lined up with buildings abandoned by the Augs. The adventurers split into groups of several, checking the building one by one, but no sign of the Auga.

Just visiting the square, there was the body of an Auga king buried in half the earth. It's starting to smell a little, but on the surface it doesn't look rotten. Oh, well, if you took the body home, maybe the villagers believed you. I was surprised.

The adventurers talk about what they thought orally: "It's an orgy king," "How huge," "My skin pops just to see" and "Who the hell". Tell those adventurers Haku "Golem, defeated". "This golem," "such an idiot," "but the guild master," "maybe there is," the adventurers begin to talk face-to-face to each of them.

It might not be a good idea to leave the body of the King of Auga like this alone. And you should also keep the building destroyed. Because bandits might use it as a base.

"Do you mind if I erase this Auga King's body and the building?"

"Erase it, okay?"

"What do you want me to erase?" the hunter asks Haku back.

"Auga, building"

"Well, if you can erase it, I'd like to erase it, but this is all the construction..."

Can I turn it off? Then let's turn it off.

I wiped out the body of the king of Auga and the buildings around me with my line lights.

Seeing the sight, the dazzling adventurers and the hunters. Now we're done confirming the orgasms, and we're going home.

I start walking towards the village. Huck follows suit, but the adventurers and the hunters don't try to move around standing up. Is there still something I can do for you?

"Can I help you yet?"


"No, I'm sorry. I was suddenly surprised."

and the hunter first returns to sanity and follows me and Huck. The adventurers follow suit, and we return to the village.

While returning to the village, the adventurers discuss "I don't believe it," "Is that real" and "That's horrible". You must be remembering the body of the King of Auga and the number of buildings I saw earlier. If we deal with it, you must imagine a crisis that would have visited the village.

We reach the village and report to the village chief, Asua and the other villagers that the adventurers and the hunters have confirmed. After thinking about Asua and staying in the village for another night, we head back to the port town.

And I drew momentum from the rear car, and before noon of that day I reached the port town.

"Run slower!" scolded Asua.

I didn't expect to be scolded for rushing through so fast, without being praised.

The world is full of irrationality.

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