The police center, today’s police officers are busy and crazy.

Since noon, the police calls have not stopped, and all the people who called the police said that there had been a shootout in the vicinity, and many people died.

Suddenly, one of the answering officers received a very strange alarm call.

After the call was connected, the police officer was questioned, and the police officer did not speak.

The police thought it was a harassing call, but just as she was about to hang up, a strange conversation came from the phone.

Hearing what ‘ransom’ and what ‘kidnapping’, the answering officer immediately realized that this was most likely a police call secretly made by the victim when he was about to be kidnapped!

Knowing that the police could not give a response, the answering officer immediately tracked the location of the mobile phone signal.

But tracking the location of the cell phone signal was not so fast, and it took some time to locate the apartment complex where the informant was.

But this can also be policed.

The receiving officer immediately notified the police near the apartment building to rush to the scene.

Concubine Yingli Office.

Zhang Kun carried the unconscious concubine Yingli to the living area next to him.

This apartment is Fei Yingli’s office and also where she lives, and the two sides are separated by a door.

Zhang Kun will carry Concubine Yingli to her room and throw her on her own bed.

He had to check if there was a transmitter hidden on Concubine Yingli’s body.

Soon, Zhang Kun carefully checked Concubine Yingli’s whole body up and down to confirm that there was no positioning equipment.

After checking, he didn’t bother to re-put the clothes on the boat for Concubine Yingli, it was too troublesome.

That’s another shirt and a coat, and the underwear inside, which is inconvenient to take off, and more troublesome to wear.

Zhang Kun simply found a yukata from the closet for Concubine Yingli to wear.

Then took out Mao Lilan’s mobile phone before and took a video of the comatose Concubine Yingli.

“Mr. Maori, I will take your wife. This time, I want ten billion. Otherwise, say goodbye to your wife. ”

After recording the video and putting away his mobile phone, Zhang Kun carried Concubine Yingli on his shoulder and returned to the office area outside.

Placing Fei Yingli on the office chair, she opened her bag and checked the contents of the bag.

Although Concubine Yingli is not as rich as Suzuki Tomoko, after all, she is also a well-known lawyer in Tokyo, and she must have made a lot of money.

Not to mention more, one or two hundred million deposits should be there, right?

But Zhang Kun rummaged through Concubine Yingli’s bag, the wallet was inside, but the mobile phone was not found.

“Strange… What about cell phones? ”


When Zhang Kun lowered his head, he suddenly noticed a small gap in a drawer, and through the gap, he saw that there seemed to be a mobile phone in the drawer.

Pull open the drawer and the phone is really inside!

Moreover, the phone is still on the call! And it’s still a police call!

Looking at the ten minutes of call time, Zhang Kun realized that Fei Yingli immediately called the police after confirming his identity.

Turning his head to look at Concubine Yingli who was sleeping in the office chair, Zhang Kun really admired this woman.

It’s really a strong woman.

However, it has been more than ten minutes, and the police have not actually come?

Sure enough, the police in Xiaobaga are all pieces of.

Zhang Kun spoke with a hoarse voice: “Give you a chance, but you are not useful.” Since you didn’t arrive, then I took the concubine lawyer with me. ”

“Tell Officer Twilight who searched the first class that he has the ability to find the location of my hostages and rescue them.” I waited for him. ”

After first mocking the police, and then sending a battle post to the police officer who was searching for a lesson, Zhang Kun hung up the phone.

And set your phone to airplane mode.

Zhang Kun stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window and looked downstairs, where two police cars were parked.

It seems that the police have arrived, but they have not yet come up.

Zhang Kun picked up Concubine Yingli, carried her on his shoulders, and took her to stealth together.

Then grabbed Concubine Yingli’s office chair with one hand and smashed it directly into the huge floor-to-ceiling window.

With a bang, the floor-to-ceiling window glass shattered.

The office chair and broken glass fell downstairs.

With a final thud, the office chair slammed into the roof of one of the police cars.

“Huh… Quite accurate. ”

Zhang Kun did not waste time, put a bamboo dragonfly on his head, and flew out with Concubine Yingli.

The police investigation was downstairs, and he was too lazy to go down, and flew away directly with the hostages, which was convenient.

Today, Tokyo’s entire police system is busy.

Shootings are happening everywhere.

The Metropolitan Police Department’s receiving center has received tens of thousands of alarm records, all of which say that there was a shootout nearby, and there were a large number of casualties.

Of course, tens of thousands of police records do not mean that tens of thousands of shootings have occurred, but many cases reported by police personnel are duplicates.

There are only a few hundred real shootings.

A thousand dead men in groups of ten, a total of only a hundred groups, an average group of one vote, that is, a hundred shootings.

But that’s no less.

After all, this is hundreds of armed squads.

The actions of the dead soldiers even alarmed the director of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Throughout Tokyo, sirens sounded everywhere.

Ara Ichiro is a patrolman in Kobanri, and his usual job is to patrol the streets on his bicycle and then handle small cases.

For example, who has their bicycle stolen, whose mobile phone has been lost, who has picked up a wallet, etc., or mediating disputes between neighbors.

But when he was patrolling today, he was unlucky enough to encounter the biggest case he had ever encountered in his life.

After noon, he and his colleagues put up a sign at the window saying ‘out on patrol’ and rode their bicycles out on patrol.

As a result, halfway through the patrol, suddenly I heard the sound of clicking gunshots!

At the same time, less than five meters ahead, a large amount of broken glass fell.

When the two looked up, they were immediately shocked.

I saw that a window on the second floor was directly shattered! There was also a person lying on the windowsill, and the blood on that person was flowing down the windowsill!

He and his colleagues hurriedly threw down their bicycles in fright, clinging to the wall, not daring to emerge.

As a regular patrolman, Ara Ichiro and his colleagues were familiar with the precinct.

They knew that the second floor of the accident was a small financial company, to put it bluntly, a loan shark company.

“Waste… Arashi-kun, what should I do now? Did we run into a gang fight? Another inspector held the small revolver in his hand.

It seems that only the small revolver in his hand can bring him a sense of security.

But listening to the gunfire just now, the opponent basically had automatic weapons in his hands! Do they have a ghost use for the little revolver in their hands?

Ara Ichiro was slightly calmer than his colleagues, and quickly took out the walkie-talkie to contact the headquarters and call for support.

After reporting the situation here, he stared sweating at the exit of the stairs.

“Tanabe-kun, wait for support.” Ara Ichiro is also holding the little revolver in his hand.

Although the firepower of the little revolver is not strong, it can at least kill people.

This gives him a sense of security.

Soon, someone came out of the stairs, but the other party did not have a gun in his hand, and they were not sure if it was the murderer.

After all, there are not only lenders on the second floor on this floor, but also other residents upstairs.

But immediately after, the man followed a number of people in a row. This group of people is not only a lot of people, but also too calm!

This is very abnormal.

This made the two realize that these people were the party to the shootout upstairs!

Seeing that these people did not have weapons in their hands, Ara Ichiro’s courage suddenly increased.

If they arrested all these people, wouldn’t it be a great accomplishment!?

So suddenly he raised his gun and pointed it at the dead soldier who didn’t care about them.

“Stop! All hands up! ”

Several dead men looked back at the two of them, and directly took out their guns and shot.


They didn’t want to waste time dealing with the two small inspectors, but since others didn’t plan to let them go, they naturally had to clear the initial obstacles.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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