
Not only are the patrols in various stations, commercial areas, and residential areas busy, but also the criminal police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department.

There were gunfights everywhere, police officers everywhere.

There are not enough people in the first section of searches, even the second section of the search in charge of economic criminals, the third section of the search in charge of burglars, and even the organizational crime countermeasures department in charge of the violent group, all of them have been dispatched.

No way, there have been too many shootings in a short period of time.

At this time, Officer Twilight was taking Takagi and Sato to a bar.

There was a shooting inside the bar, thirteen people were shot and killed, and all the cash in the store, as well as all the money in the safe in the manager’s office, were looted.

“Officer, it’s a nine-millimeter bullet.” Miwako Sato picked up a shell case on the ground.

They have already walked to several crime scenes, and the shells left at the scene are all nine-millimeter shells.

In yesterday’s shooting in Tropical Paradise, the miniature Uzi submachine gun used by one of the gangsters also used nine-millimeter bullets.

So they seriously suspect that these people who committed today’s crime are the same people as one of the parties in yesterday’s Tropical Paradise shooting!

But if this is the case, then yesterday’s case, I am afraid it will be difficult to continue to investigate in depth.

Although there are many violent groups in China, it has never been a thing before to dare to use firearms so arrogantly and create such a large-scale shooting.

It’s not like the work of violent groups in the country.

Officer Twilight seriously suspected that this group of people was most likely a foreign force that had come in from abroad.

Suddenly, Officer Twilight’s cell phone rang.

“Hello? I am Twilight. ”

“Officer Twilight, the police receiving center has just received a police call, and a kidnapper has kidnapped a hostage named ‘Concubine Lawyer’.”

“And the kidnappers also asked the police center to tell you that you have the ability to find out the location of the hostages and rescue the hostages.” He is waiting for you. ”

“What!???” After Officer Twilight listened, everyone was shocked.

What’s wrong with these two days?

Even if the cases are frequent, how can there be kidnappers to give themselves war posts??

Who did he offend?

The next moment, Officer Twilight suddenly reacted: “Wait…”

Concubine Lawyer… Get the hostages out again….

Shouldn’t the kidnapped person be a concubine!??

If it’s really her, then the person who kidnapped her is probably the kidnapper who kidnapped Xiaolan and Yuanzi a few days ago! ! !

Hanging up the phone, Officer Twilight immediately left with his men.

“Takagi, Sato, let’s go!”

“Officer Twilight, isn’t there any need to investigate here?” Takagi asked suspiciously.

“No need to check! If my analysis is correct, this group should be an external force that secretly entered the country. ”

“I will report the situation to the Matsumoto management officer and apply for the transfer of this case to the public. Quiet. Division. ”

External forces or something, this belongs to those public. Ann is responsible!

Why should the work of those people make their criminal department suffer?

In the car going back, Officer Twilight dialed Maori Kogoro’s phone.

Soon, the call was connected.

“Officer Twilight, is there something going on?”

“Maori , you contact Eiri, she may have been kidnapped.” Officer Twilight said.

He did not have the contact information of Concubine Eiri, so he could only let Maori Kogoro turn to contact.

“What!? Eiri was kidnapped!?? ”

“Suspicious, suspicious. The police reception center received a report that a kidnapper had kidnapped a person named ‘Concubine Lawyer’. ”

“And the kidnappers also named me to tell me to find out the location of the hostages.”

“So I suspect that the kidnappers who kidnapped Xiaolan before kidnapped Yingli this time.” In short, Māori you hurry up to contact to see. Officer Twilight said solemnly.

In fact, Officer Twilight can call back to the Metropolitan Police Department and ask people to find out if the kidnapped person is a concubine.

However, the Metropolitan Police Department is already busy today.

It is better to call someone to go back and investigate, and it is better to directly ask Maori Kogoro to confirm that it is coming.

On the other side, Maori Kogoro and Mori Lan had just returned when they received a call from Officer Twilight.

Maori Kogoro’s exclamation let Xiaoran also know that her mother had been kidnapped.

“Dad! What’s going on? Has Mom been kidnapped!?? Morilan looked nervously at Maori Kogoro.

She also remembered the text message sent by the kidnappers to her mother’s mobile phone, saying that it would not end like this.

Stumped…… Mom was kidnapped by the kidnappers who kidnapped her and Yuanzi before??

“Xiaolan, don’t worry, I’ll call your mother now.” While comforting, Maori Kogoro looked for Eiri Eiri’s phone and called.

But there was a reminder on the phone that the other party had turned off.

This made Maori Kogoro realize that it was not good, and Concubine Eiri was afraid that she was really kidnapped!

“Abominable! The phone can’t get through!! ”

The relationship between Maori Kogoro and Eiri has been separated for more than ten years.

However, it is undeniable that the two of them still care about each other.

Otherwise, Concubine Eiri would not have been able to divorce Maori Kogoro all the time, and not find a new love.

And what about Maori Kogoro? Although always throwing flowers and grass outside, always drinking with the young little sister outside.

But every time Concubine Eiri is in danger, Maori Kogoro will be like an explosive species, and his reasoning ability and combat effectiveness will soar.

Now that Concubine Eiri has been kidnapped by the kidnappers, Maori Kogoro is naturally full of anger.

He vowed to find this bastard kidnapper! Send to jail!!

“Go! Xiaolan, fuck your mother!! Maori Kogoro’s gaze became resolute.

“Hmm!!” Xiao Lan nodded quickly.

On the other side, Zhang Kun took Concubine Yingli and came to a love-hotel.

It’s just that the room opened this time is not the previous factory warehouse style, but the judo hall style.

Whether it is the decoration style or the decoration materials, it is imitated as much as possible in the judo hall.

There are even mats on the ground to prevent falls.

Zhang Kun put Concubine Yingli on the ground, took out Mao Lilan’s mobile phone, and sent the kidnapping video taken earlier to Maori Kogoro.

Unbeknownst to him, his kidnapping of Eiri completely angered Maori Kogoro.

Let the ordinary form of Maori Kogoro is evolving towards the famous detective Maori Kogoro.

But even if you know him, it doesn’t matter.

What about detectives?

Even if you can really find his location, what can you do?

He’s a systematic man!

Invisibility, instant healing, immense power, and then thousands of dead men with guns.

What if the police find him?

As long as it is possible that the world is not invaded by the forces of other worlds, he is invincible!!

On the other side, Maori Kogoro and Maori Lan had just got into a taxi when they received a message on their mobile phones.

Seeing that it was Xiaolan’s mobile phone sending a message, Maori Kogoro immediately realized that this was the kidnapper contacting him!

Maori Kogoro clicked on the video.

#毛利先生, I will take your lady with me.” This time, I want ten billion. Otherwise, say goodbye to your wife.

Seeing the content of the video, Maori Lan almost cried: “Mom!! ”

Maori Kogoro was even more angry, and his nails were about to dig into the flesh of his palm.

“Bet on my Maori Kogoro name! I have to send this guy to jail!!! ”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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