Suzuki Mansion.

Officer Twilight took Miwako Sato, as well as Yusaku Kudo and Yukiko to Suzuki’s mansion.

Regarding Officer Twilight’s question whether his family had completed a deal with the kidnappers, Shiro Suzuki did not want to say.

But after hearing that this concern the safety of Concubine Eiri, Shiro Suzuki still confessed.

Anyway, the deal between them and the kidnappers has been completed, Suzuki Tomoko has returned, and the police are involved again, and they have nothing to do with their Suzuki family.

So, last Thursday evening, Xiaolan and Yuanzi were kidnapped by kidnappers. Then the next evening, with Xiao Xin’s help, you found the place where the kidnappers were holding the hostages and rescued Xiaolan and Yuanzi. ”

But that night, the kidnappers sneaked in, kidnapped Mrs. Suzuki and threatened Mr. Suzuki. Then Mr. Suzuki gave the kidnappers a ransom of 200 billion yesterday morning, and the kidnappers released Mrs. Suzuki. ”

After releasing Mrs. Suzuki, the kidnappers immediately kidnapped the concubine’s lawyer and demanded a ransom of 10 billion. That’s right. Kudo Yusaku said.

Officer Twilight’s face was not very good-looking.

The kidnappers are clearly punching them in the face of the police!

In the evening, the police rescued the hostages.

As a result, the day was not over, and at night, the kidnappers kidnapped Mrs. Suzuki again! I even almost killed President Suzuki!

After taking President Suzuki’s 200 billion ransom, he was not satisfied, and continued to kidnap Concubine Eiri! And ask for ten billion ransom!

It’s like the kidnappers said that this is retaliation for their actions to call the police!

If the police hadn’t been involved in the first place, the kidnappers would have demanded at least half the ransom they do now!

Officer Twilight felt his face snap.

“How can there be such a vicious kidnapper!!” The garden was.

Bad personality, not to mention, but also super careful eyes!

They have been kidnapped, of course, the family will try their best to save people! This is obviously normal! But the kidnappers actually wanted to take revenge on them!

What kind of person is this!

It’s just abominable!

“Mrs. Suzuki, can you provide some details after the kidnapping? For example, where are you being held? How many kidnappers are there? What did you eat during your abduction? Kudo Yusaku looked at Suzuki Tomoko and asked.

“The kidnappers have already received your 200 billion ransom, not to mention ordinary people, even for enterprises, this is a huge amount of money.”

“So I was worried about kidnapping the concubine lawyer, and I had no intention of asking for a ransom from the beginning. He was simply retaliating against Mr Maori for calling the police. Kudo Yusaku explained.

“How so…!?” After hearing this, Mao Lilan covered his mouth in despair, and tears flowed uncontrollably.

If it was really like Uncle Yusaku said, wouldn’t it be dangerous for her mother!??

“Lan…” Suzuki Sonoko hugged Xiaoran tightly.

Maori Kogoro was also full of chagrin and self-blame: “Abominable!! ”

If he had not chosen to call the police in the first place, but had chosen to raise money, Eiri would not have been kidnapped….

“Mr. Māori, it is useless to blame yourself now. Now the priority is to find Mrs. Ling and rescue her. Kudo Yusaku looked at Mori Kogoro.

After speaking, he looked at Tomoko Suzuki again, which was waiting for her answer.

Suzuki had some hesitation, she didn’t want people to know that she was taken by the kidnappers to a couple’s hotel and locked up for two days.

But looking at Xiaolan’s pleading gaze and her daughter’s expectant gaze, Suzuki Tomoko softened.

In the end, Tomoko Suzuki still spoke: “The kidnappers are very cunning, at first, I thought I was kidnapped into a warehouse in a certain factory. ”

“But then I learned that I was locked up in a room in a love hotel, but the decoration style of the room, the style of the factory warehouse.”

Suzuki Sonoko on the side heard this, his eyes were full of shock, there is still this kind of room in the love hotel!??

Who would open that kind of room?

“Most of the time, the kidnappers were watching me from inside the room. However, the kidnappers also went out several times during this period. The longest was probably Saturday afternoon, and he didn’t come back all afternoon. Tomoko Suzuki said.

Although Tomoko Suzuki seemed to faint after being whipped, he did not completely lose consciousness.

When Zhang Kun left and returned, she still had some reflections. Plus there was a wall clock hanging on the wall of the room, so she knew when Zhang Kun went out and came back.

“Saturday afternoon…” muttered Yusaku Kudo.

Maori Kogoro also frowned slightly.

“As for the food, it’s either instant noodles or cheap bento boxes bought in the store, and I don’t care too much about the specific information on the bento, so I don’t remember.” Tomoko Suzuki recalled.

“Mrs. Suzuki, was the kidnapper only one from beginning to end?” Kudo Yusaku asked.

From Officer Twilight’s mouth, he knew that there was a strong kidnapper.

“There was only one person I saw.” Tomoko Suzuki said.

Anyway, there was only one person who whipped her from beginning to end.

“So, Mrs. Suzuki, where is the approximate location of the hotel where your couple is being held?”

“Because of the success of the last kidnapping, the kidnappers are likely to choose the same location to hold the hostages.”

“Of course, it doesn’t have to be the original room or the original hotel. But it is likely to be a couple hotel, and the location is most likely near the previous hotel. Kudo Yusaku said, looking at Tomoko Suzuki.

Tomoko Suzuki was silent for a moment: “The hotel where I was detained last time was on Shinjuku Sanchome. ”

She felt that with her knowledge of the kidnappers, she definitely locked up Concubine Yingli in a love hotel.

After all, the kidnappers are like cattle, and they don’t know what tiredness is.

“Officer Twilight! Send someone to Shinjuku Sanchome to investigate all the love hotels, focusing on the kind of rooms that have been open for more than a day! ”

“Most people go to the couple’s hotel to open the hourly room, and there are not many who open the room for more than one day, and the workload should not be very large.”

“Of course, this is just my reasoning, and it is possible that the kidnappers changed the location of the hostages.” Kudo Yusaku said.

Kudo Yusaku hoped that the kidnappers had not changed the location of the hostages.

Because this means that the kidnappers intend to continue trading with them.

If you can’t find kidnappers and hostages in a love hotel, it’s troublesome.

Either the kidnappers changed locations, or the kidnappers directly killed Concubine Yingli.

Concubine Eiri is Yukiko’s friend and Xiaoran’s mother, and he really doesn’t want her to be torn off.

“I know, Yusaku. Brother Maori, even if there is only a little hope, I will definitely do my best to save Yingli!! Officer Twilight assured Maori Kogoro.

Whether they can rescue Concubine Yingli and successfully arrest the kidnappers is also related to the face of their Metropolitan Police Department search lesson!!

“Sato! You immediately take someone to Shinjuku Sanchome, move fast! ”



A burst of gunfire and explosions suddenly reached everyone’s ears.

Listening from the sound, the location of the gunshots and explosions was some distance away from them.

But the sound of gunfire and explosions hit the Metropolitan Police Department in the face and told everyone that the gang had started moving again yesterday.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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