Didan High School, Year 2C class.

Zhang Kun sat bored in his seat and deserted, stayed up all morning, and finally finished the last class.

I took out the high-end bento box prepared in advance, sat down in my seat, and ate alone.

Turn on the system while eating.

In the temporary warehouse, the number of dead soldiers has exceeded three thousand, and the number of miniature Uzi submachine guns and M26 grenades has also exceeded one thousand.

You can continue to make money!

Zhang Kun summoned a thousand dead soldiers again, and equipped each of them with a set of miniature Uzi submachine guns and an M26 grenade.

Still in groups of ten, the 1,000 dead were divided into 100 groups.

Compared to the last time, each dead soldier only had one more M26 grenade.

But don’t underestimate this grenade.

The M26 grenade is a defensive grenade that is mainly used for positional defense and urban street warfare to kill and injure live targets.

After the explosion, a large number of fragments will be produced, and the killing radius can exceed fifteen meters.

The marksmanship of the dead soldiers is average, and it is good to fight with other gang gangsters, most of the other gangsters do not have guns, and even if they do, the firepower is not as strong as the dead soldiers.

But when it comes to the SAT, that is, the special police of Xiaohaga, the dead are not enough to see.

Although the submachine gun is more powerful, it will be blocked by the SAT’s bulletproof shield.

The dead men have to face not only SAT assault squads, but also SAT snipers.

Yesterday, nearly half of the dead were killed by the SAT.

That is, the number of SATs is limited, otherwise yesterday’s dead are estimated to have not survived.

But with grenades it’s different.

When encountering the SAT assault squad again, first throw a wave of grenades over to create an artificial bombing zone.

Ten grenades, it’s not too much to blow up a commando squad of the SAT, right?

Even if you can’t blow them all up, as long as they all lose their combat effectiveness.

Yesterday, the Metropolitan Police Department suffered more than 1,000 casualties, more than the dead.

And how many people are there in total?

In the whole of Tokyo, the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department plus the 102 police stations in its jurisdiction, including the clerks, totaled only 43,000 people.

How many people in the Metropolitan Police Department can spend with Zhang Kun?

A two-level dead soldier training camp can produce two thousand dead soldiers a day! Although before, because of weapons, he could only summon a thousand armed dead soldiers a day.

But even if there are only a thousand people a day, he takes this thousand people to the Metropolitan Police Department, and within a month, no one in the Metropolitan Police Department will go out to work.

Summon police from other prefectures to support? Then he would spend a little more time.

Besides, he is making money every day, and weapons factories, death training camps, etc. will continue to upgrade.

It won’t take a month, or even half a month, and the Metropolitan Police Department will collapse.

What to do if Xiao Hachiga dispatches the Self-Defense Forces?

And what can the Self-Defense Forces do, they will die if they are hit by bullets.

Zhang Kun estimated that in two or three months at most, he could occupy all of Tokyo.

Of course, this is only a conservative estimate.

If the development is good, he may be able to occupy Tokyo in a few months!

After summoning the dead soldiers, Zhang Kun gave these dead soldiers an order to act.

It’s still the same as yesterday, money, or money!

But today there is another order, that is, when you see the gang of people from the Metropolitan Police Department, attack directly!

Yesterday, because Zhang Kun’s order was only to get money, even if the dead men encountered the police, they didn’t bother to deal with them until the other party had no intention to attack.

It is for this reason that some dead men have been attacked by some despicable little baga.

In addition, more than nine hundred dead soldiers died in the hands of the gang of the Metropolitan Police Department yesterday, so naturally he can’t act as if nothing happened.

Making money is still the first task of the dead.

But if you encounter someone from the Metropolitan Police Department, don’t be afraid to waste time and ignore them, just empty the magazine.

Can’t give them a chance to sneak attack!

After giving the order to act, Zhang Kun asked the two dead soldiers who guarded Concubine Yingli to buy food for Concubine Yingli.

Concubine Yingli was just a hostage kidnapped by him, but he never thought of killing Concubine Yingli.

Even if he knew that Maori Kogoro couldn’t come up with ten billion to redeem people, it was the same.

Concubine Yingli is such a beautiful and beautiful woman, it is good to bring it with her, what a pity to kill?

So the worries of Yusaku Kudo and Maori Kogoro and others are completely superfluous.

He will not want the life of Concubine Yingli, he will only want Concubine Yingli this person.

“Wow! Kato! You ate so hearty today! Are you rich? A boy next to him was immediately surprised when he saw Zhang Kun’s bento.

It’s seafood and beef, this bento is not cheap!

Of course, it is not that others cannot afford to eat, but for Zhang Kun before, he will not eat this expensive bento.

As an orphan in the past, he made his own bento boxes and brought them to school, and the food in the bento was mostly cheap ingredients.

Most of them are vegetables, and even if there is meat, it is basically chicken, because chicken is the cheapest.

“Kato, you must not be maintained by the rich woman, right? Everyone is a classmate, make money, you must not invite everyone to drink soda~! Another boy came to Zhang Kun with a bento box and said loudly.

School violence does not exist in Zhang Kun, because he often works part-time, and most of them are manual work, so his body is considered strong.

Some of the bad students in the class would not deliberately trouble him.

After all, he is not a soft persimmon.

But he also thought that he always worked, was not very gregarious in the class, plus he was handsome, even if he was a poor orphan with little money, he was still very popular with girls.

This makes some boys always squeeze him verbally. It is pure that the toad lies on the surface of the foot, does not bite, but the diaphragm responds to people.

In the past, Zhang Kun was when they didn’t exist.

After all, there is time to quarrel with them, it is better to rest more, he will go to work after school.

But now, he wasn’t used to these people.

“Drinking soda? Ogawa, last weekend you went to the cinema of the Mihua Municipal Building with your mother to watch a movie, right? All high school students will hug your mother and coquette, I see you don’t want to drink soda, you want to drink your mother’s milk! Zhang Kun unceremoniously stunned back.

“You!! Sling the bull!! The boy’s face was red with stunned, and he pointed at Zhang Kun angrily, because he did have some Oedipus.

And he never thought that the coquettish appearance of his hugging his mother was actually seen by ‘Kato Kun’!

“Why, want to fight?” Zhang Kun stood up and looked down at the other party.

He is half a head taller than the other party, plus the four-dimensional attributes have reached the limit of normal humans, and his physique has broken through the limits of normal humans.

It made Xiaochuan feel a strong sense of oppression.

“Hmph! I don’t know you, an orphan who doesn’t even have a mother! Xiao Chuan did not dare to confront Zhang Kun head-on, mocked, and was ready to turn and leave.


Zhang Kun directly slapped the other party’s face, slapped it to the ground, three teeth flew out, and the left face swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The rest of the class was stunned.

They had never seen ‘Kato-kun’ like this.

“If you want to be beaten, just say it, I’m not dissatisfied with you.” Zhang Kun looked down at the other party with cold eyes.

In the past, he had to work, make money, live, and endure it.

Now, he has awakened.

In the future, any little baga will not want to bully him again.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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