Soon after, Matsumoto Kiyocho announced on the spot that he was going to be transferred to other departments in front of some of his colleagues in the search of the three departments.

And Takuya Kambara successfully ascended to the throne and became the head of the three departments.

After turning from negative to positive, Takuya Kambara’s salary also increased a lot, from 400,000 yen a month to 500,000 yen a month, and if you add some benefits, it is almost 600,000 yen a month.

Equivalent to two Hiroshi Nohara.

In other words, the tuition fee of Concubine Yingli for one year, Takuya Kambara can earn in a month.

This is one of the charms of the professional group, civil servants!

Hiroshi Nohara: Abominable! I actually became a unit of measurement.

And after Matsumoto Kiyonaga announced this matter, Kambara Takuya also announced that everyone would be invited to eat together after work, and all the consumption would be paid by him, and Matsumoto Kiyonaga was also invited.

And Matsumoto Kiyonaga also gave face quite a lot, and directly agreed to go to dinner.

If nothing else, Takuya Kambara will be the top of the Metropolitan Police Department in the future, and if he doesn’t give him face, he may be put in small shoes, so he directly agreed.

And Matsumoto Kiyonaga did not suffer a loss when he left the three series, but earned it, so he did not have any dissatisfaction.

The current situation is hello, hello me, hello everyone.

As for who is not good, it may be colleagues in other departments of the Metropolitan Police Department.

But what does this have to do with Taku Kambara.

A graduate of Eastern University, the façade of the Metropolitan Police Department, the professional group, has three talismans, and no one dares to trouble him, let alone do it in private.

So if you don’t convince, who makes you have no ability.

With the announcement of the news, the three series also became lively.

Fortunately, most of the people in the three departments went out to perform official duties, otherwise the house would be overturned.

After Matsumoto Kiyonaga left, Takuya Kambara found Twilight XIII: “You go and call Ono Yakiniku Restaurant, just say that we will charter the venue tonight and let them get ready.” ”

Ono Yakiniku is a barbecue restaurant owned by a retired police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department, and the taste is quite good, so many colleagues will go to eat some barbecue after work and then have a drink.

And the retired policeman’s rank before retirement was the chief of police, although he only went up when he retired, but the previous police rank and position were not low.

Therefore, in neon, you must also understand the human feelings, maybe when it will come in handy.

“Yes, Officer Kambara, I’ll call and make an appointment right away.” Twilight said.


Takuya Kambara nodded, then turned and left the office of the three departments.

After Matsumoto Kiyonaga left the Third Series, then his office is now Kambara Takuya’s office, so he is now going to move his things in.

He Kamihara Takuya is now also a man with his own independent office.

It would be great if you matched yourself with a sweet-looking, plump Heissy secretary.

But this is impossible, you want a secretary in a small police department, then my section chief does not want a secretary group.

So it’s good to think about this kind of thing.

Meanwhile, the Maori Kogoro family.

After getting up in the morning, Maori Kogoro went to Eiri’s house half an hour later and knocked on the door, but there was no response after knocking.

That is to say, Eiri has been away from home since yesterday, of course, it is also possible that she is hiding from Maori Kogoro.

This hiding from Maori Kogoro is completely his own conjecture.

In fact, Concubine Yingli is simply not at home.

As for where, of course, it is in the home of Takuya Kambara, this needs to be asked!

Unfortunately, Maori Kogoro didn’t know.

“At this time, Yingli should be back!”

Maori Kogoro sat in the living room watching TV, absent-mindedly, looking at the clock every few minutes, promising that he could go out in thirty minutes to see if Eiri had returned.

If he comes back, he will apologize, and if he does not come back, then continue to wait.

But what is the relationship between Maori Kogoro and Concubine Eiri?

It’s just a childhood sweetheart, so there is no need to apologize or anything.

Maori Miho, who was doing housework on the side, couldn’t help but sigh when he saw his soulless son, and secretly said in his heart: “Kogoro, this stupid bastard, why did he go early.” ”

“It’s been many years, there hasn’t been any movement at all, and now Yingli has become like this when he is not at home for a day.”

“And it’s impossible for you now!”

If she can, she is also willing to let Concubine Yingli be her daughter-in-law, after all, she has grown up since she was a child, and she is also her son’s childhood sweetheart.

However, his own son did not fight and made a mess of things.

Now don’t talk about being a daughter-in-law, even the relationship between childhood sweethearts may not be able to maintain.

After all, the matter of you going to find the god girl is directly known, even if you know, the derailment rate of neon is very high, and this is nothing.

But if you go directly into the Metropolitan Police Department, it’s not very good, shame!

So Maori Miho feels that his son has no drama with Concubine Yingli, but there is also a glimmer of hope, that is, the matter of tuition.

If the operation is good, maybe the two people can get back together and tie the knot, but the operation is not good, then there is no future!

At this time, Maori Kogoro got up again and prepared to go out to the next door to see if Concubine Eiri had returned.

Only this time he was stopped by his own mother.

“Mom, is there something going on?” Mori Kogoro asked.

Hearing this, Maori Miho sighed and said: “What’s the use of you looking like this, Yingli will naturally go home in the evening, what’s the use of you going for half an hour?” ”

“Let’s sit honestly at home!”

“And you haggard look, sloppy, hurry up and clean it.”

“No, I’m going, I’m going to apologize to Yingli.” Mori Kogoro no longer cares about his image, he just wants to apologize and then obtain the forgiveness of Eiri Concubine.


Maori Miho no longer knows what to say, his own son.

And then

Mori Kogoro ran out, but this time, he finally saw the person who haunted him.

Concubine Yingli actually came back!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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