This time, Maori Kogoro finally met the concubine Eiri who he had in mind, and his tightly locked brows were immediately relieved.

All the way trotting directly to Concubine Yingli, licking his face and saying: "Yingli, you are finally back!"

Hearing this voice, Concubine Eiri tightened her clothes and turned her head to look at Maori Kogoro, her face cold: "Is there something wrong? Mr. Maori Kogoro!"

Suddenly, Maori Kogoro was struck by lightning.

Concubine Eiri had never called him Mr. Mori Kogoro, but this time she actually called him Mr. Mori Kogoro.

Could it be that their relationship really can't go back to the past, it's just a god serving girl, is it necessary to be so calculating?


I'm not all ready to apologize, what else do you want to do with the vexatious concubine Yingli?

Do you really have to drive me to death??

Maori Kogoro didn't say it because he couldn't say it.

Moreover, Maori Kogoro felt that Concubine Eiri had really changed, not only his attitude towards him, but also his temperament had changed a little, as for the reason, he did not know.

After all, Maori Kogoro has just got rid of the identity of a boy chicken, how can he know what this change in girls is about.

If Maori Miho is there, it is estimated that it will be seen that Concubine Yingli has grown up and changed from a girl to a woman.

After all, it's someone who came over!

Faced with Concubine Yingli's cold words, Maori Kogoro still licked his face and asked, "Did you go to Fujimine's house yesterday?"

If it had been before, he would definitely not have been like this, but now he was really afraid, afraid that he would lose his concubine.

So from tsundere directly to licking dogs.

From one extreme to the other.

Concubine Yingli looked at Maori Kogoro with a flattering look, and couldn't help but become more and more disgusted.

Compared to Maori Kogoro, who licked his face to please her, like a dog, Maori Kogoro, who was still unruly and quarreled with a few words, looked a little more favorably.

The current Maori Kogoro is a little disgusting.

"It's none of your business, you have no right to ask me about it, we don't have anything to do with it!" said Concubine Yingli expressionlessly.

After so many years, the relationship between Maori Kogoro and Concubine Yingli only stayed on the childhood sweetheart, and did not go further.

So Maori Kogoro had no right to ask her anything.

"I..." Maori Kogoro's face turned red at this sentence, not knowing how to refute.

Because it is.

Fortunately, Maori Kogoro was in a hurry: "I care about you as a neighbor and as a classmate." "

"It's not safe at night now, it's easy to get into danger when you're outside, so..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Concubine Yingli again.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine now. Good bye. "

After that, Concubine Yingli walked directly into her home, and then closed the door.

Leaving Maori Kogoro alone in the wind, messy.

But Maori Kogoro, who turned from tsundere to licking dogs, did not return to his own house, but squatted opposite the door of Concubine Eiri's house and stared at Concubine Eiri's house.

It's like a stalker.

If it weren't for the fact that the neighbors around here knew Maori Kogoro, they would probably have called the police and said that there were idiots and perverts here.

At that time, Maori Kogoro will meet with Takuya Kambara again.

And the concubine Yingli, who returned to her home, began to pack up her things.

She was going to move to Takuya Kambara.

Because she knows that she will continue to be harassed by Maori Kogoro if she lives here, and the Maori family will ask her if she wants to get married based on her tuition and childhood sweetheart.

If it had been before, she might have compromised because of tuition, but not now.

Because she had a better choice, she didn't want to tie herself up by getting married so early.

And Fei Yingli also knows that most of Neon's women have become housewives after marriage, and if she wants to get married, she must give up her dreams and give up her hard to get admitted to Dongda.

This is the case in the original book, who married Maori Kogoro before graduating from college, and finally doubted, gave birth to Xiaolan, gave up his dreams, then became a housewife, and finally quarreled and separated.

It takes a lot of time to retake exams and go to school.

Therefore, Concubine Eiri's life was delayed by Maori Kogoro.

But Taku Kambara will not either, you can do whatever you want, if you don't get married, you won't get married.

Anyway, Takuya Kambara is not ready to get married, but children can still be wanted.

After having a baby, you can do whatever you want, study, become a lawyer.

Children or something, someone to bring.

Compared with housewives, Taku Kambara also likes strong women more, and the taste is different.

Therefore, after rolling the sheets yesterday, Eiri's views became consistent with Kamihara Takuya's.

That is, not to get married, but to have children.

It is precisely because of this that Fei Yingli is ready to cut with her past and become a woman in a new era.

In this way, she can have a family, children, and career, which is much stronger than the concubine Yingli in her previous life.


Concubine Yingli packed her luggage, and finally went to her room and took one of the most important things.

That's a family portrait of their family.

"Dad, Mom, Eiri has grown up! I'm going to live for myself now!"

Concubine Yingli looked at the family portrait and muttered, and then left her house with the family portrait and suitcase.

But what she didn't expect was that Maori Kogoro was actually squatting at the door.

And Maori Kogoro looked at Eiri who was dragging her suitcase, and immediately greeted him: "Eiri, where are you going?"

I'll go with you!"

With that, Maori Kogoro was about to take the suitcase.

But Concubine Eiri directly slapped away Maori Kogoro's palm.

"Mr. Mori Kogoro, if you continue like this, I will be shouting. "

"And you don't want to go to the gods and serve the girl yourself to be told by me!"

Suddenly, Maori Kogoro's face became ugly, and it turned black into the bottom of the pot.

At this time, Concubine Yingli also left here with her suitcase.

And Maori Kogoro did not catch up in the end.

Maybe I was afraid that I would be told about my god serving girl, which would affect my schooling!

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Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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