Six o'clock in the evening.

The Metropolitan Police Department also came to the end of work, and most of the colleagues of the three departments of the search section were in the office.

Even those who were not there knew that Taku Kambara had been promoted, and they had to be invited to dinner in the evening.

So everyone is now rubbing their hands, and they want to let Takuya Kambara bleed.

But this is only a month's salary for Takuya Kambara, at most one and a half months, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Because before he crossed over, his predecessor, the Otherworldly Isotope, had been working in the Metropolitan Police Department for nearly a year, and left a little legacy when his parents died.

In addition, I still live in a single dormitory of the Metropolitan Police Department, so there is a lot of money in the bank card, and it is more than enough to eat politely.

Thank you for the gift of the Otherworldly Isotope!

Takuya Kambara: I'm special

So he couldn't afford to invite someone close to the thirty to go to the clubhouse, but it was more than enough to go to the barbecue.

"Today everyone went to the Ono Yakiniku Restaurant, I have already made an appointment, the food and drink are all mine, everyone has fun today!" shouted Takuya Kambara as he stood in the office of the three series.

Suddenly, the colleagues in the office were excited!

It's not because you can mix in for a free dinner, but because of the hospitality.

They can all solve dinner at the Metropolitan Police Department, but the treat is different.

Especially your own boss treats.

"Head Kamihara is amazing!"

"That said!"

"If you don't get drunk today, you won't return!"

"You don't believe this yourself, be careful that your family comes to trouble you!"

"Less verbosity!"

Everyone burst out laughing.

Because most of the police officers in the three departments are married, even their wives were former colleagues of the Metropolitan Police Department, and they quit to become housewives after getting married and having children.

And when the police officers have learned martial arts, their combat effectiveness is not weak.

So... If you go back too late, you may be beaten.

However, as far as Neon's current situation is concerned, housewives dare to beat their husbands rarely, but not for nothing.

"It's not early, let's go over!" said Takuya Kambara.

"Good. "

Afterwards, the people of the three series set off from the Metropolitan Police Department and headed towards the Ono Yakiniku Restaurant.

Because the owner of Ono Yakiniku is the former chief police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, the shop is near the Metropolitan Police Department, not far away.

It's a 10-minute walk.

When everyone arrived, the Ono barbecue shop was ready, and there was enough meat, wine, and so on.

"Ono-senpai, I'm disturbing you!" Takuya Kambara looked politely at the gray-haired, unassuming old man in front of him.

This old man is the retired former chief of police of the Metropolitan Police Department, and he is also a graduate of the professional group of Tokyo University.

In other words, Takuya Kambara and his relationship are invisibly closer, both of them are Dongda plus the police, they belong to the same circle, naturally they have to get closer.

Don't see that Ono has retired from the Metropolitan Police Department, but the energy in his hands is still very large, and opening a barbecue restaurant is just his hobby.

In fact, people are not short of money at all.

Every month's pension is enough for him to splurge, not to mention other industries.

So it's necessary to build a good relationship.

"Takuya, I've been doing a good job lately, keep up the good work, if there is anything that can help, just tell me this old bone, although I am old, I still have a bit of influence!" said Shinichiro Ono as he patted Takuya Kambara's arm and laughed.

He still likes this junior who graduated from Eastern University, so he brought it with him.

And after he retired, no one in the family was on an errand in the Metropolitan Police Department, so befriending Taku Kamihara was also beneficial and harmless.

If he goes one day and encounters any difficulties in the family, then Takuya Kambara will also look at the past and help.

Therefore, the Metropolitan Police Department is also full of human feelings, you help me, I help you, as long as you don't cross the bottom line you set, you can help.

"Yes, if there is trouble, I will definitely speak, don't delay your old man at that time!" Kamihara Takuya climbed up the pole, quite unceremonious, and not cheeky.

But it is precisely this kind of person who is most likely to go to the highest place and see the mountains and small mountains.

"Good, good, old man, I can help. "

"Don't stand outside, come in, everything is ready for you, eat and drink as much as you like! Today all will be paid by your Kamihara head." Shinichiro Ono said.

In the case of Shinichiro Ono, there is no problem in giving Takuya Kambara a waiver, but he will not do it.

After all, Taku Kambara also invited guests to dinner to buy people's hearts, he exempted the bill, isn't he buying people's hearts, this is not doing things!


So stupid things he won't do.


After that, everyone entered the inside of the barbecue restaurant.

However, when Takuya Kambara entered the yakiniku restaurant, he saw a familiar figure.

Eri Valley.

Taku Kambara didn't expect her to appear here, but not as a guest, but as a waiter.

At this time, Shinichiro Ono came over, followed Takuya Kambara's gaze, and asked: "This is Miss Shibuya, who came to my store today to do a short-term job, do you know?"

Because Taku Kambara also brought the people of the three series, there were not enough people in the store, and then he recruited temporary workers.

It just so happened that Eri Descending Valley came over to apply.

Yesterday I met Miss Descending Valley at the snack street, she was being asked for a debt by the subordinate organization of the mud meeting, and I helped!"

"Those guys are still in the detention center!" said Takuya Kambara.

Hearing this, Shinichiro Ono whispered: "You have to pay attention to the mud meeting, they are not as simple as you think." "

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara looked surprised: "What do you say?"

"They've been selling arms lately!"

After saying this, Shinichiro Ono stopped talking.

He is just a retired old man now, and it is not convenient for him to get involved in the mud meeting and the affairs of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Thank you, old man!" Kambara Takuya smiled.

This news is important to Takuya Kambara.

After all, mud participation is one of the targets of the Metropolitan Police Department's suppression.

If he gets the mud to participate in the meeting, he will get credit, and the faster he is promoted.

And Shinichiro Ono will not lie to him on this, because it is not good for him!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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