Yukiko’s eyes flashed, and the whole person was about to stick to Kamihara Takuya’s body.

If it weren’t for the large number of people here, he would have let Yukiko know that it was dangerous to be close to him.

At the same time, Takuya Kambara also noticed the concubine Yingli who seemed to be smiling on the side.

In this regard, he can only helplessly spread his hands.

There is no way, who made him so good!

Concubine Yingli, on the other hand, smiled and said nothing, interrupting and looking at Yukiko, not knowing what she was thinking.

“Officer Kambara, how did you come to me in one fell swoop!?”

In the blink of an eye, Yukiko seemed to have become Takuya Kambara’s little secret, and began to ask questions about the east and west.

Especially just now, Takuya Kambara came over in the blink of an eye, it was really powerful.

Takuya Kambara smiled and said, “I’m just running fast, it’s nothing.” ”

In fact, this is not running, but a shaving in the Navy Six style, continuously stepping on the ground, so as to obtain explosive counterforce, so as to move at high speed.

Just now, he used this trick to come to Yukiko’s side and caught the suspect, lest Yukiko and Concubine Eiri be held hostage by the suspect.

I have to say that the Navy Six is quite easy to use.

If you are proficient in the Six Styles, you can become a superhuman-like existence.

However, Taku Kambara does not want to be Superman, he wants to be a native of the motherland.

But there is still Koizumi Hongko in the Conan world, and it is estimated that there are other magicians.

And now, Koizumi Hongko has not yet been born, but I don’t know who Koizumi Hongko’s mother is, which is a pity!

Taku Kamihara will not say this kind of thing, and it is unlikely that others will believe it if he says it!

After all, becoming Superman or something is really magical.

Hearing this, Yukiko nodded fiercely: “If Officer Kambara goes to the sports meeting, you can definitely take the first place, it’s really powerful!” ”

Perhaps Takuya Kambara saved Yukiko’s relationship, causing Yukiko to be a little wrong now, too clingy.

But he likes clingy Yukiko.

And Neon Muqiang, so there is nothing wrong with Yukiko looking like this, it’s normal!

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara stroked Yukiko’s little head and said softly: “I still prefer to be a police officer than an athlete, and the citizens of Tokyo need me to protect me!” ”

To protect the citizens of Tokyo, I = citizens.

So Taku Kambara is also protecting me.

Yukiko began to convert in her head, and this conversion was not problematic and reasonable.

And her face turned red.

Concubine Yingli, who saw this scene, showed a hint of a smile, and at the same time felt a little taken aback in her heart.

“This guy attracts bees and butterflies all day, sure enough, my idea is not wrong, I really need to find an ally.”

“Yukiko, will you be my ally?” Concubine Yingli looked at Yukiko and secretly said in her heart.

At this time, the arrested suspect suddenly shouted: “What about that detective! Let him come out, Lao Tzu must kill him! ”

It may have slowed down, so Takahashi Jiichiro called out again.

“Do you want to see Yusaku Kudo so much?” Takuya Kambara asked with a smile.

The murderer likes to wander around the crime scene after the victim’s death to see his proud work.

It is estimated that this guy in front of him did this, but he met the detective Yusaku Kudo, and then he was trapped in the café and had no way to get out, so he was caught by Takuya Kambara.

“Hmph!” Jiichiro Takahashi’s face was not very good, and he snorted coldly: “If it weren’t for this nosy detective, I wouldn’t have been caught by you at all!” ”

Takuya Kambara asked rhetorically, “Then why are you staying here?” ”

“You can’t go directly after killing people, you can only say that you are stupid, there is nothing to say!”

Hearing this, Jiichiro Takahashi was speechless.

He really felt that he was stupid, and if he left directly, there would be no such thing.

But he really wanted to see the tragic appearance of this woman after she died, otherwise it would be difficult to vent his hatred.

At this time, Denmi Criminal and others came out of the toilet, and the victim’s body was also in the body bag and was taken away.

At the same time, Kudo Yusaku and the police officers who went to find their coats and shoes also returned.

When he got this coat and shoes, the charge of intentional homicide was already confirmed, and he was not prepared to continue saying anything, as if he had confessed his guilt.

It’s just that when he saw Kudo Yusaku, Takahashi Jiichiro became excited: “It’s all you bastard, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been caught at all!” ”

Hearing this, Kudo Yusaku, whose hands were handcuffed, smiled, elegant and confident: “Then this prisoner-sir, why did you stay at the scene more?!” ”

To this question, Jiichiro Takahashi chose not to answer and chose to hurt each other.

“So Mr. Detective, why are you also handcuffed?”

Suddenly, the smile on Kudo Yusaku’s face froze, lowered his head, and became silent.

What can he say?

It’s not that I made a fool of myself, I think that the Metropolitan Police Department should turn a blind eye, but as a result, Taku Kambara doesn’t play with you at all and starts directly.

This guy doesn’t talk about martial virtue.

Looking at the silent Kudo Yusaku, Jiichiro Takahashi smiled triumphantly.

In the end, I’m better!

Garbage detective, ruined my life.

Wait for it! When Lao Tzu comes out, there will be you good-looking.

Takuya Kambara looked at the two people with different sadness, and waved his hand: “Bring these two people and the first witness back and make a record.” ”


Subsequently, the criminal police took Yusaku Kudo and Jiichiro Takahashi back, and Takuya Kambara looked at Yukiko and Eiri Concubine.

“You two weren’t frightened!” Takuya Kambara asked.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli and Yukiko shook their heads: “There is nothing. ”

“But now that I think about it, I am still a little afraid, if I am really taken hostage, it is estimated that it will be dangerous, and he still has a gun in his hand!”

After the excitement, Yukiko also knew that the situation she had just been in was very dangerous.

One careless will be killed!

Fortunately, Taku Kamihara is also there.

“It’s okay, I still have things, so there is no way to accompany you to dinner.”

“Go get busy! We can figure it out ourselves! ”

Concubine Yingli and Yukiko are still reasonable.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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