Metropolitan Police Department, detention room.

This time, Kudo Yusaku finally met his good friend, Twilight Thirteen, as promised.

It's just that when the two people meet, it is already a matter of things and people.

Kudo Yusaku became a prisoner and needed to be detained for half a month, while Twilight was still a policeman.

"Brother Kudo, what do you want me to say about you!" Twilight moved a stool and sat down in front of Kudo Yusaku.

When he came over, he already knew what happened to Kudo Yusaku.

This kind of thing can be big or small, big things may go to jail, small things nothing.

But now the Metropolitan Police Department doesn't like detectives very much, so they are ready to kill chickens and monkeys, and Kudo Yusaku is the killed chicken.

Who let Kudo Yusaku be caught by Takuya Kambara, and he is also the one who dances the most.

He often appears at the scene of the crime, and there are usually some cases where he appears, and if the real culprit is not finally found, it is estimated that Kudo Yusaku will be arrested.

But Yusaku Kudo didn't know how to converge at all, and often touched the body casually before the police came.

In the past, with the help of Officer Twilight, nothing would have happened, but now it is different.

Takuya Kambara had just taken office, of course, the new official took office with three fires, and the first fire caught Kudo Yusaku.

In this regard, Twilight Thirteen had no way, even if she knelt down and begged him.

And Kudo Yusaku looked at Twilight Thirteen, who immediately got up from the bed board and came to the cell door: "Brother Twilight, can you get me out?"

Hearing this, Twilight Thirteen sighed and said, "Brother Kudo, I really can't help it. "

"Officer Kambara has just taken office, and you have been too high-profile recently, so you can't go out for the time being, and the detention for fifteen days is already a mercy of his subordinates. "

"Destroying evidence at the scene and turning the body at will is punishable by jail, so you are already the lightest punishment." "

Twilight Thirteen really wanted to intercede with Kudo Yusaku, after all, Kudo Yusaku helped him a lot.

But the premise of intercession is to keep his job, what if he intercedes for Kudo Yusaku and makes him lose his job?

If he is fired, he can't be a detective!

So this time Twilight Thirteen was really powerless, and there was no way.

"Is there nothing you can do?" Kudo Yusaku's whole spirit was drained, and there was no vitality at all.

Twilight Thirteen said, "There is no way, there is a way I will get you out a long time ago." "

"So fifteen days of detention. "

"When you go out, you have to pay a fine of 5,000 yen. "

The fine is nothing at all for Kudo Yusaku, he has money in his family, and he is also making money, which is not bad money at all.

What he needs is to get out of this damn place.

He is a famous detective, how can a mystery novelist be detained.

This kind of thing is seen by peers and will be laughed at.

What if those fans know about it and don't buy it in the future?

Now Kudo Yusaku's head is big.

"I'm not short of money, I just want to go out, if it's reported by the media, how can I go out and meet people!" Kudo Yusaku lay back down.

If it weren't for the Metropolitan Police Department, he would have opened the handcuffs and slipped away.

Although he is a detective, he is still very good, and he also studied at the Hawaii Technical School, where he learned a little trick of picking locks by slipping through doors.

But here, it can't be used, just monitoring.

If he escapes from prison while detained, he will really go to prison in the future.

So half a month is half a month!

But it just so happened that the people from the publishing house kept urging him to submit the manuscript.

I am now detained, and I still have to hand in any manuscripts, and if I don't hand them in, I will break it.

Hearing this, Twilight Thirteen said a little embarrassed: "Maybe this matter has been known by the media, and the news will probably be released tomorrow." "


Kudo Yusaku sat up in shock in his dying illness and looked at Twilight Thirteen with an incredulous face.

"Say it again?!"

"In order to make you detectives honest, the Metropolitan Police Department specially publicized this matter, so... You're the first to eat a crab!" Twilight said.

Is this how eating crabs is used?

I'm eating crabs here!

This is completely stuffed with a mouthful of canned herring, which is difficult to swallow!

Kudo Yusaku felt that the Metropolitan Police Department was going to kill him, even if it didn't kill him, they would stink him!

Suddenly, Kudo Yusaku felt that there was nothing left to remember in this world, and he simply died.

Looking at Kudo Yusaku's face like death, Twilight Thirteen was also embarrassed, but there was no way, who let his friend hit the muzzle.

"Forget it. Kudo Yusaku waved his hand, a little frustrated, but as a detective, he still had something to ask: "Where did that guy's gun come from, is it a real gun?"

Kudo Yusaku was quite curious about this matter.

Hearing this, Twilight Thirteen looked around, and after making sure that there was no one, he whispered: "I can tell you, don't spread it outside." "

"If you let people know, I'll be finished, and you won't be able to run." "

"Okay, I've always been tight-lipped up. "

"Actually, it's a real gun, and I got it from the mud meeting..."

Twilight also knew what he could and could not say, only saying something less important, and not saying anything important.

While Twilight was chatting with Kudo Yusaku.

Taku Kambara also meets his boss, Toshiro Oda.

He is also the current head of the search section, and his position is police chief, and he is also a professional group graduated from Eastern University.

He is Takuya Kambara's senior and senior.

Therefore, the relationship between two people is still very good, after all, it is a person who graduated from school, in a circle, and works together, how can the relationship be bad.

And there is no conflict of interest between the two.

Because Taku Kambara is too young.

"Kambara, you came just right, this case was solved very well, and you also caught the typical Kudo Yusaku, so that these detectives can honestly settle down for a while. "

"In addition, I would like to inform you that we will be working on the mud meeting in the near future. "

"Let your people continue to monitor and don't be discovered." Toshiro Oda said.

"Yes, Oda Kirito!"

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