

Inside the office, Takuya Kambara leaned back in his chair, looking at the clock on the wall, waiting for the end of work.

The prisoner caught today has already been interrogated, and there is no need for him to do anything at all.

And the matter of mud participation in the meeting is also when it comes to closing the net, and there is no need to bother too much, as for Kudo Yusaku, there is no need to care, there is Twilight Thirteen to greet it.

Twilight is also an old man in the Metropolitan Police Department, and he won't tell Kudo Yusaku everything unless he really doesn't want to do it anymore and wants to go to jail.

So Twilight Thirteen will reveal something unimportant.

Because of this, Takuya Kambara does not need to work overtime at all, and even if he has work, he only needs his subordinates to do it.

He only needs to leave work until midnight now, and half past five is when he leaves work.

It's still half past five

"Off work!" Takuya Kambara got up directly, went to the clothes rail at the door, put on his suit jacket, and then opened the door and walked outside.

The policemen along the way all nodded and greeted them after seeing Takuya Kambara, and he also nodded to signal to them.

Soon, Takuya Kambara left the Metropolitan Police Department building.

"Alas, Officer Kambara, good afternoon!"

At this moment, a gentle voice came over.

Following the voice, Takuya Kambara looked over, it was Eri Desigani.

However, now Eri Shibuya is wearing the overalls of Ono Yakiniku and carrying a takeaway box in his hand, and it seems that he came to the Metropolitan Police Department to deliver takeaway.

Ono Yakiniku not only serves yakiniku but also serves yakiniku donburi bento, and most of the people who order yakiniku bento are people from the Metropolitan Police Department.

Who let Ono be a retired cadre of the Metropolitan Police Department, plus the taste is good, the guys in the Metropolitan Police Department will naturally order.

However, if you eat too much baked food, it is easy to catch fire.

"Good afternoon, Miss Sink. Takuya Kambara smiled and said, "You haven't encountered any trouble over there during this time!"

Hearing this, Eri Shimitani bowed slightly: "Thanks to the help of Officer Kambara, I was able to work hard and earn money during this time, and I don't know what to do without your help!"

Takuya Kambara on the police station had already asked Twilight Thirteen to say hello, knowing that there were people behind Eri Desigani who did not dare to persecute excessively.

The money will definitely be wanted, but the people they want to borrow have also become well-behaved and do not dare to continue messing around.

If you continue to mess around, you will come to the Metropolitan Police Department for tea the next day.

You know, these guys who are lending money outside have more or less dealings with the Metropolitan Police Department and know a little bit of the inside story.

After all, Taku Kambara is also a criminal policeman, a twenty-three-year-old department head, and in their opinion, this qualification is definitely the top of the Metropolitan Police Department in the future.

If Takuya Kambara really wanted to fix them, none of them would be able to run.

For example, find colleagues in the anti-drug class to order something, go to their bar for a walk, and then you can bring all the staff in the bar and invite them to tea.

Or go directly to their boss, hand over the police gun to the boss, and then the strong gun, the crime of assault, and shoot directly.

So they directly confessed.

Recognition is one thing, but the debt will continue to be wanted.

They can't buy and sell at a loss.

Takuya Kambara glanced at it, and muttered in his heart: Purple, bottomless abyss!

But on the surface, it was still light: "Miss Chenggu, don't be so polite, we are also friends, and I am still a police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, so naturally I have to protect you citizens." "

"And I'm embarrassed that you're so polite every time. "

Egumi straightened up and said with a smile: "Then this is the last time, but Officer Kambara don't forget to go to my house for dinner tomorrow." "

There was no way, Eri was too enthusiastic, and he could only promise to go to her house for a light meal.

"Don't worry, I remember it. Takuya Kambara laughed and joked, "But my taste is very picky, don't make fun of me with ordinary things!"

"Naturally not!" Eri Shimitani blinked his eyes and said, "Officer Kambara is a lifesaver for me, and I naturally won't be perfunctory." "

Call me if there is any problem. Kamihara Takuya said.

"Yes, see you tomorrow, Officer Kambara. "

"See you tomorrow. "

Takuya Kambara nodded and walked towards the parking lot of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Subsequently, Takuya Kambara drove his car directly back home.

However, when he first arrived home, there was another explosion sound from Dr. Agasa's house next door.

However, this time the walls of the house were not blown apart, and it seems that it was only a small explosion.

For this kind of thing, Taku Kambara is used to it.

If Dr. Agasa hadn't had exploded that day, he would have suspected that Dr. Agasa might have died because he stayed up late or had an explosion.

Since it is still exploding, it proves that Dr. Agasa is still alive.

What a congratulations!

Without stopping too long at the door, Takuya Kambara drove the car into the garage and returned to his house.

After entering the entrance, Takuya Kambara heard the sound of the TV.

"I'm doing yoga again!" a smile rose at the corner of Kamihara's mouth.

After not worrying about tuition fees, Concubine Yingli's whole person became relaxed.

I usually go to work in a shop opened by the Metropolitan Police Department, or go out with Yukiko for tea, go shopping, and then go home to do yoga.

The days are quite adequate.

But now Fei Yingli has quit her job at the convenience store because she is about to start school.

She will be busy with her studies after the start of school, so she is not ready to continue working.

Even if you are working part-time, you should find a job at a law firm so that you can accumulate experience in advance.

Although Concubine Eiri can't do it, but Kamihara Taku can.


After Takuya Kambara changed his shoes, he came to the living room.

In the living room, Fei Yingli is doing yoga in front of the TV series, and there are tutorials on the TV, practicing a word horse.

In the next second, Concubine Yingli felt behind Kamihara Takuya's generosity.

"Yingli. Takuya Kambara said softly.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli turned her head to look at Takuya Kambara, her eyes were full of mist, and licked her lips: "I just learned a word horse, do you want to give it a try?"


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