I don’t know how long it took.

The dull sound in the room also died down.

Eri Shibuya lay in Takuya Kambara’s arms with a rosy face, and her eyes were full of confusion.

Takuya Kambara was stuck behind Eri Shibuya, not knowing what he was playing with in his hands

“Did you do it on purpose today!”

Takuya Kambara approached Eri Shibuya and whispered in her ear.

Although he had known about this for a long time, he could still say it to tease Eri, the undead man.

Maybe this is Takuya Kambara’s bad taste!

Hearing this, a trace of clarity appeared in Eri’s eyes, and he said in a hoarse voice: “Hmm. ”

“I also can’t help it, that’s why I choose to do it.”

“Don’t you think I’m … Inferior. ”

This is the first time that Eri has shared a bed with another man since the death of her husband.

Because she felt like she was going to run out of steam.

Seventy million debts, coupled with high interest, and the loss of food, drink, housing, and transportation, these burdens all weighed on her.

At this time, Eri Shimoya was already physically and mentally exhausted, and coupled with the harassment she had been harassed by debt collection before, she didn’t know when she would fall.

Until the appearance of Takuya Kambara, she saw a ray of light on the dark road, this light was like a life-saving straw, she wanted to hold it tightly, unwilling to let go.

That’s why today’s events happened.

Eri Shibuya hopes to please Takuya Kambara with what little he has, make his life a little better, and let his children grow up smoothly.

Although it was despicable, she could only do this.

“Nope!” Takuya Kambara took a deep breath and said with a smile: “I! I like you the most! ”

Although Cao Cao died, the Wei Wu legacy has always existed.

Although he was embarrassed, Taku Kambara dared to say it out loud, his idol was Prime Minister Cao Cheng.

Hearing this, Eri Sinkiya’s smooth and white face turned red again, she didn’t expect that Takuya Kambara was actually this kind of person.

No wonder it was just now


It turned out to be a BUFF bonus!

However, this also made Eri Sinking Valley breathe a sigh of relief in her heart, at least the next days should be much better.

【Ding-dong! 】

[First stepson, reward: storage space opened, cash 100 million yen (legal income), physical enhancement*1, Dragon Ball manga (hand-drawn board), stone hat*1].


The body of the warm fragrance of nephrite Kamihara Takuya suddenly trembled, and the muscles in his whole body swelled slightly.

And Eri Shimitani, who was close to Takuya Kambara, instantly felt her change and turned her head to look at Takuya Kambara.

Looking at Takuya Kambara, Eri Shibuya gritted her teeth, slowly straightened up, and then leaned down.


At this time, Takuya Kambara’s body was being strengthened, and he was also attacked by Eri Shimitani.

Under this double stimulation, the whole person wandered around the world and could not extricate himself.

“I have gained a stepson so simply, then after I find the neon undead, won’t I become a superman in the world!”

Of course, this kind of thing is just thinking about it, and Taku Kambara doesn’t plan to do it at all.

In addition to her beauty and good figure, the most important thing is the kid who is Zero Down.

If nothing else, Valley Zero is the Neon Public Security who was sent by the Neon Public Security to go undercover in the black organization twenty years later.

Valley Zero is an all-round talent, how can this kind of talent not be included.

And the best way to pocket is to become the father of valley zero, and he has now done it.

After all, the rewards of the system have already arrived.

As for what the system rewards, he has no way to count them for the time being.

And this thing is in the system space, you can’t run away.

The most important thing to solve now is the damage of the double attack of physical strengthening and Eri the valley, and he must withstand it!

The other side.

Kambara House.

At this time, Concubine Yingli had finished dinner, lying on the sofa watching TV, and looked towards the door from time to time.

Unfortunately, the person she had in mind did not open this door and came back from outside.

“Tonight, it should be this woman who is cheap to fall into the valley!” Concubine Yingli snorted coldly.

Don’t ask, asking is a woman’s intuition.

And yesterday, Concubine Eiri smelled a trace of Takuya Kambara.

The smell of grilled meat is mixed with a hint of light perfume.

And the only person who has this taste is Eri Shimitani.

Concubine Eiri knows Eri Desigani, and she has also gone to the yakiniku restaurant where she works with Takuya Kambara, so naturally they know each other.

So yesterday, Takuya Kambara must have had contact with Eri Shibuya.

And when she was in the barbecue restaurant, the woman Eri Shimitani often showed her figure to Takuya Kambara, which Concubine Eiri had already discovered.

She had expected it for Eri to join in.

It is only natural that Taku Kambara will also like the figure of the next work.

After all, what Kambara Taku is like, as a pillow person, Princess Yingli knows it all.

But Concubine Yingli is still very confident in herself, confident that no matter how many people come, she will be the eldest lady, which is something that cannot be changed.

As for marrying other women and obtaining licenses, it is even more impossible.

Concubine Yingli and Kamihara Taku also know the bottom line, what he thinks, Concubine Yingli knows very well, this kind of thing will never happen.

Because Taku Kambara will not let the marriage certificate bind him.

A proper scumbag.

But even such a scumbag has a large number of female moths to the fire.

Too good is what it looks like.

“It seems that I will go to meet Eri Shibuya tomorrow, but I have to talk to Takuya first!”

“Take care of things while school hasn’t started yet.”

Concubine Yingli thinks that she is a big woman, but there are some things that you still have to say hello to Takuya Kambara, understand etiquette, and know the progress and retreat, which is what a big woman should do.

“In addition, Yukiko’s side will also be contacted.”

“Let’s see if she’s willing or not.”

“If you don’t want to, you have the ability to compensate her in the future, and it would be better if you were willing!”

After figuring it out, Fei Yingli immediately picked up the phone on the side and dialed a number.

“Hey, this is Fujifeng’s house!”

“It’s me, Eiri!”

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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