In the narrow rental house, Concubine Yingli got up and looked at Eri the Falling Valley, and Eri the Falling Valley on the side also quickly got up.

“Okay, I’ll say so much today, hurry up and move over and bear the pressure for me!”

Concubine Yingli patted Eri Sinking Valley’s shoulder, revealing a big sister-like cheering smile.

In the middle of this conversation, Concubine Yingli completely became a sister in front of Eri Sinking Valley, of course, only a titular sister.

In this regard, Eri Shimoya has nothing to say, sister is sister!

Anyway, she doesn’t suffer a loss, after all, for Eri Sinking Valley, Concubine Yingli is still strange.

Instead of blaming her, humiliating her, he arranged everything.

In the past, Concubine Yingli was the head of the main palace, and now she is also a wealthy woman, and she manages the family in an orderly manner.

Takuya Kambara: It’s a woman I fancy, it’s awesome!

At the same time, Concubine Yingli had already negotiated with Yukiko last night, plus today’s Takeri Shuoya.

The three of them can be regarded as an alliance, and in the future, they will face Takuya Kambara together, and they will also advance and retreat together.

Moreover, this alliance is still an alliance with Fei Yingli as the core.

With this alliance, Fei Yingli no longer needs to worry about those glamorous cheap goods outside.

If you want to enter the door, first obediently call your sister, otherwise you don’t want to enter this house.


“Hmm!” Eri also wants to move out of this place early, but he still needs to talk to Zero Downdale.

However, Eri Shibuya didn’t know that Zero had seen everything, and met Takuya Kambara on the way, and even his father shouted out.

So there’s no problem moving in tonight.

If you add Yukiko, there may be a three-British battle against Lü Bu tonight

No, it’s the scene of Mimi vs. Takuya.

What to say, Concubine Yingli will also cut Takuya Kambara under the horse, and he can’t let him continue to be arrogant.

Sisters, rush!

Three to one, the advantage is in us.

“When Zero comes back, I will tell him immediately, please rest assured sister!” Eri said.

“Hmm!” Concubine Yingli nodded and walked towards the door: “I still have to go to the school to go through some procedures, so I will leave first.” ”

Today, Fei Yingli will also report to school, and then the day after tomorrow will start class.

There will be no such time in the future, after all, she is in a law department, and she has a lot of knowledge to learn, so she can’t be as idle as she is now.

“Yes, sister!”

Although the two have an age gap, Eri Desigani willingly calls Sister Eiri.


Afterwards, Fei Yingli left the apartment.

And Eri Xianggu was also sent downstairs, watching Concubine Yingli get into the car before turning around and returning to the apartment.

After returning to the apartment, Eri Shimutani finally breathed a sigh of relief, I don’t know how, she always had a feeling of facing her mother-in-law in the face of Concubine Yingli, and the pressure was really great.

Fortunately, Concubine Yingli is not an evil mother-in-law, but her good sister.

The most difficult hurdle has finally passed.

At this time, Eri Shimitani was already beginning to imagine his life after Zero, and finally he didn’t have to worry about it like this anymore.

Until then, she had been worried that those who asked for debts would hurt Valley, and ran over in the middle of the night to do something bad.

After all, this is a slum, and the guys from the police station don’t want to come here, let alone help.

What the Tokyo police look like, Eri Shibuya knows too well, and if he can be lazy, he will be lazy.

As long as it is missing and no one can be found, the case will be closed according to suicide.

Because this saves them a lot of time, and there is no need to visit and investigate.

So it is impossible to get them to come to work in the middle of the night, absolutely impossible.

Unless someone puts pressure on you.

“But how do I tell Zero?”

Eri Shimitani sighed, turned around and began to clean up the dishes and chopsticks on the table.

She really doesn’t know how to tell her son, I found you a new father, it’s a little hard to talk about!

Suddenly, a knock outside the door disturbed Eri Sinkya’s mind, and Eri Sinkya, who was washing dishes in the kitchen, came back to her senses because of the knock, wiped her palm on her apron, and then went to open the door.

When the gate opened, Eri Shimitani was taken aback.

Because the people outside the door were Kamihara Takuya and Zero Kamihara, but at the first glance, she only saw Kamihara Takuya.

Falling Valley Zero is a little short, and Taku Kambara is also very tall, and he can see it at a glance.

“Is there something…”

Eri Shuoya hadn’t finished speaking, so he changed his mouth abruptly: “Zero… You’re back! ”

At this moment, Eri Sinking Valley began to panic, and the smile on his face became stiff.

She never imagined that Taku Kambara would also be with Zero Valley, and even began to complain about herself.

Why say it so quickly!

It’s too late to see people clearly!

Taku Kambara also saw Eri’s embarrassment and opened his mouth to relieve her: “I met Zero on the road, and today is the weekend, I don’t need to go to work.” ”

“So I came back after eating a little with Zero.”

“Okay, this is not the place to talk, let’s go in and talk!”

Kamihara Takuya was like the owner of this guy, and after saying this, neither Eri Shimitani nor Takuya Zero refuted, but followed Takuya Kambara and went in together.

Followed by Takuya Kambara, Zero Sinking Valley, and Eri Sinking Valley three people sat in rows, looking at each other.

Among them, Eri has been keeping her head down, not daring to look at her son.

She knows her own son, because of the relationship in the family, he has become very sensible and precocious.

So what she said just now should have made Zero already know something!

That’s why Eri doesn’t know what to say.

And Takuya Kambara looked at the silent mother and son, and directly spoke: “Zero already knows everything.” ”

Sure enough….

Eri Shibuya looked at her son, her face gloomy…

Takuya Kambara glanced at the two and continued, “Zero has agreed to move over, and on the way over, he has already called my father. ”

“So Eri, you don’t need to worry about anything!”

When the words fell, Eri Shimutani’s shocked voice and gaze came from the room.


Her gaze was on her son and Takuya Kambara, and she wanted to say something, but she didn’t know what to say for a while.

At this time, Gu Zero spoke: “Mom, my father has been dead for so long, you should look forward.” ”

“For the sake of your future, you should also be with your father.”

“I don’t have any opinions, so you don’t have to worry about anything, mom.”

“Although I am young, I know everything!”


Looking at Falling Valley Zero who said such a thing, Eri Falling Valley didn’t know what to say, she knew that Falling Valley Zero was very mature.

But this is also too mature!

Is this really my son?

For his mother’s skeptical eyes, Gu Zero was a little unhappy: “Although I am young, I see no less things than you.” ”

Suddenly, Takuya Kambara answered: “What did you see?” ”

“Of course it is…”

Halfway through the words, Zero just shut up, because he couldn’t say the next words.

Is it possible to tell Takuya Kambara that when he was in the same school before, he watched the discs purchased by his classmate’s father together?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

He still has to live in the neon, it is impossible to say this kind of thing and let himself die!

Looking at the valley zero who was not tricked, Takuya Kambara got up and said, “Okay, don’t say anything more, I’ll help you move!” ”

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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