"I am today... It seems that you don't have to go to work! "

Takuya Kambara was standing on the street near the parking lot, and suddenly remembered that today is the weekend, and there is no need to go to work at all!

"Damn it!"

"Because of the appearance of this guy Yingli, he also brought me clothes, I thought I was going to work today, but I forgot that today is the weekend, so I don't have to go to work at all!"

"I'm so stupid that I forgot such an important thing!"

Takuya Kambara patted his head, a little annoyed.

If he hadn't forgotten that today was the weekend, would he be able to complete a challenge, which should have made the relationship between Concubine Yingri and Eri Shimitani a lot better, and quickly became good sisters.

After all, they are all comrades fighting side by side, and the relationship will naturally change.

You say yes or no.

"But it should be time to go back now, Yingli and Eri should not go out yet!"

Immediately, Takuya Kambara wanted to rush back and do something meaningful.

Just as Takuya Kambara was about to turn his head back, he saw an uninvited guest.

A little boy with blond hair, dark skin, and a school bag walked towards this side.

This little boy is the son of Eri Descending Valley, Falling Valley Zero.

During this time, he met with Zero several times.

Because Eri is a mixed race, Zero's hair is not black.

However, Eri Shimitani didn't like blonde hair, so she dyed her hair, but Zero liked the color.

But because of this swaggering hair color, he was isolated in school, had few friends, and often fought.

And because of the fight, he met a good friend, Akemi Miyano.

Akemi Miyano is Masami Hirota twenty years later, and she has not changed her name yet.

That is to say, Akemi Miyano's mother, Elena Miyano, is still alive, has not yet joined the organization, and has not given birth to her second daughter, Shiho Miyano.

All right!

Minotaur ecstasy!

Although Atsuji Miyano is not dead, the Minotaur warrior will not be afraid of challenges!

It's just that now Elena Miyano doesn't know Takuya Kambara.

But it doesn't matter, Taku Kambara also knows Zero Sinking Valley, and Zero Falling Valley knows Akemi Miyano and Elena Miyano.

Rounding up equals... Takuya Kambara knew Elena Miyano.

Although he crossed over, Takuya Kambara's computing power is still as powerful as ever.

It's really nice.

And when Takuya Kambara discovered Takuya Zero, Takuya Kambara was also discovered.

And the first thing the little guy said when he came up was: "You will be my father in the future!" "

"Good morning, my lord!"


Hearing this sentence, Taku Kambara was immediately stunned.

In his previous life, he was alone, but he had experienced a hundred battles, but after crossing, he still experienced a hundred battles, but he was not alone.

It's just that he never had a child, because he hadn't married before crossing.

But now a little boy suddenly appeared and called his father, which really made him a little confused.

However, Zero's mother has become his person, and she has also been certified by the system as a stepson.

So there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with calling his father now!

However, why does this stinky boy understand so much!

This is not scientific at all!

You know, when he was in elementary school, he always believed that children were picked up from garbage dumps.

When I got into junior high school, I realized that it was not the same thing at all.

However, he was an orphan in his previous life, so it doesn't matter if he knows it or not.

But I know at such a young age that something is really wrong!

What, here is neon, that's fine.

Neon, children know that this knowledge is normal, there is no need to fuss.

Takuya Kambara squatted down and hooked his hand.

Then, Zero came over and stood in front of Takuya Kambara.

And what awaits the valley next will be a nightmare that will never wake up.

Hair, his proud light blonde hair was actually messed up, it was really abominable!

But Valley Zero did not choose to resist, probably because he was sensible!

He didn't want to see his mother working so hard, he finally found someone to rely on, and he didn't want his mother to be kicked out of the house and end up sleeping on the street.

So he can still endure this little thing.

After messing up Zero Valley's hair, Takuya Kambara withdrew his paws with satisfaction: "You kid, you are really a little ghost." "

"Why do you call me father?"

Although he already had a little guess in his heart, he still wanted to hear it from the mouth of Zero Valley.

Hearing this, Shugu Zero sorted out his messed hairstyle, stood in place and said: "I heard my mother call your name at night, and I know that you are a good person. "

"And don't look at me as a child, but I know a lot and know where I'm from."

"When I learned that my mother was going to treat you to dinner, I knew that I might have a new father."

"I don't reject new fathers."

"Because of my father's relationship, my mother suffered a lot, and because of my relationship, my mother could not marry another man and let her get out of this situation."

"I'm just a tow oil bottle for my mother!"

"I hope she finds happiness and lives a stable life, even if it is worth sacrificing me!"

Hearing what Zero said, the expression on Takuya Kambara's face gradually became serious, and there was no smile at the beginning.

It can only be said that the child who is sensible is distressing.

Losing his father at a young age, the family was in the middle, and this kind of blow made Zero understand early.

Children at this age usually snuggle up in the arms of their parents, and then eat delicious food or buy toys.

But Valley Zero is here to think about his mother, how to make his mother happy.

This kid is too mature.

It is also because of this maturity that he can make Zero become the future working emperor, Bourbon in the black organization.


Falling Valley Zero covered his doorway and exclaimed bitterly: "What are you doing!" "

I saw that Takuya Kambara was still in the posture of flicking his fingers, and also blew a breath into his hand, as if he had just shot a bullet with his finger.

But fingers do shoot bullets, and they can kill.

The finger gun in the Navy Six can do it, compress the air, and finally eject the air, which is not a bullet.

But for the elementary school student of Falling Valley Zero, Taku Kambara has not yet used this method.

It's just an ordinary bullet forehead, and it hasn't used much strength yet.

"What do you want to do so much at a young age, and you don't care about adult affairs, and you don't look at the knowledge that you can't use at this age."

"No breakfast, my cheap father is going to take his cheap son to breakfast!" Takuya Kambara rubbed the little head of Zero again and laughed.

Shugu Zero covered his forehead and gave Takuya Kambara a white look: "I've eaten it in the same class." "

"But I want a burger, I haven't eaten it for a long time."

Since his father's death, he hasn't eaten hamburgers again.

Although there is also meat to eat, he still misses the taste of these things, but in order to save money and pay off debts, he usually does not make such unreasonable demands on his mother.

But the new father in front of him can be mentioned.

"Let's go, let's go eat burgers, you can eat as many as we want!"

How much is a burger!

No matter how much you eat, you can't eat him.

In fact, when he was a child in the orphanage, he also ate hamburgers eaten by other children, but he had no money and could not afford to eat.

Later, when I grew up and ate again, I felt like that, but my heart was satisfied.

"I'll eat one, and if I eat too much, I won't be able to eat lunch."

"If you are going to go back and continue the fight with your mother, then I can eat two more and send me to the library by the way!" Valley Zero said slowly.

"You actually ridiculed your mother and me, it seems that you owe a beating!"

Taku Kambara also squeezed his fist, but did not choose to do it, deterrence can be done, there is no need to really do it.

"I'm just telling the truth!" Valley-Zero is still hard in the mouth.

Takuya Kambara: "This is called woe coming out of the mouth!" Fortunately, I am a police officer, and if I change someone, I will definitely spank you and make you unable to get out of bed for three days. "

"I'm not afraid!" Valley-zero is quite hard.

"Let's go, go eat a burger!"

Taku Kambara also took Zero Sumiya's palm and walked forward.

And at this moment, Zero felt the warmth of his father who he hadn't seen for a long time.


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