Night falls.

A strange scene appeared in Takuya Kambara’s house.

Eiri Concubine, Yukiko Fujimine, and Eri Shibuya are busy in the kitchen, preparing today’s dinner.

And the three people still talk and laugh, and it is really incomprehensible.

As the saying goes, three women in one play, either intrigue or fight to die and live.

But now the three women are talking and laughing.

It can only be said that Concubine Yingli’s entire main palace is really too powerful!

As for Takuya Kambara, he watched TV on the sofa with Zero Setaya, but while watching TV, he could also glance at the kitchen a few times.

“Father, how did you manage to get your three girlfriends to coexist peacefully?” Zero pulled Takuya Kamihara’s sleeve and asked in a low voice, “Mizutani in our class has two girlfriends. ”

“But once two girlfriends met together, and it turned out that Mizutani had two more slap prints on his face.”

“You don’t have any of the three things, how did you do it?”

For this, Valley Zero is really quite curious!

And I don’t think it’s strange, after all, this is how it is played on TV, and if there are few excellent men, excellent men are not worthy of being excellent men.

What the?

A schoolboy falls in love, and still pedals on two boats?

Oh, neon schoolboys! That’s all right!

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara squirmed to make his body fit the sofa better, and he laughed: “This is your father’s ability.” ”

“I have enough skills to make them live in peace.”

“After all, I’m so strong.” Taku Kambara also sighed.

In the past, his concubine Yingli solved his dissatisfaction, not to mention him who is now strengthened.

If you let go a little, Concubine Yingli will become a whole day of sleep at home.

So the three of them naturally don’t fight.

It’s just that what the hell is Yukiko, why is she spying on me from the kitchen?

Hum! Yukiko, this guy, must be hungry for my body, inferior.

It just so happened that Takuya Kambara also had Kiko’s body, and it was also declining.

So the two of them are really a match made in heaven.

“Too strong? What skills? ”

Mature and sensible, knowing a lot of valley zero and a half will not notice that Taku Kambara is also driving.

After all, what Takuya Kambara said was too cryptic, who knows!

The Riddler rolls out the rice flowers!

“That is to say, I am a time management guru and can make it seamless!”

“That’s what it means!”

“Also, what are you doing so much with this little ghost, you should watch TV now, instead of pulling me to ask questions.”

“The most important thing is that elementary school students are not allowed to fall in love early!”

Taku Kambara doesn’t want to really arrest Zero Valley!

“Cut!” Gu Zero leaned on the sofa and snorted coldly: “I didn’t have early love.” ”

“And I don’t fall in love early, I don’t waste my time in this place.”

In the original book, Valley Zero does not have a girlfriend.

But he himself has said that his girlfriend is this country.

Other than that, there are a few diehards.

It’s just that these few dead parties, without exception, all died tragically.

When he first knew this information, he felt that this guy was a lone star, and there could be no such thing as a good friend.

But then he got along well with Conan and the others.

At this point, Taku Kamihara also understood that it was not the Lone Star that fell into the valley, but that Conan, the guy, was the Grim Reaper.

The five people in the six-member team of the police academy were all harvested by him, and the deaths were quite casual, leaving a single seedling in the valley.

However, in this life, Taku Kambara also needs the six-member team of the police academy to live well, use him, and serve him.

And this life may not be a six-member group of police academies, it may be a group of eight-member police academies.

Maybe sometime, the two guys of gin and vodka will also join them.

Kambara Taku also made up his mind that he wanted them to be his lackeys and work for him.

So black organization or something, don’t think about it.

“Well, it’s okay without early love.”

Taku Kambara answered, and then continued to watch TV.

And Yukiko’s behavior of peeking at Takuya Kambara while standing in the kitchen has been discovered by Eiri and Eri Shibuya.

And he has already begun to torture Yukiko.

“Yukiko, even if I don’t say it, it is estimated that you will be quietly with Takuya before long.”

“Did the heroic rescue last time make you like Takuya all of a sudden?” Concubine Yingli teased softly.

Since the last time at the café, Takuya Kambara saved Yukiko, something is wrong with Yukiko’s state.

Sure enough, Yukiko already likes Takuya Kambara, just because of the hero of the last time to save Mi.

Although the hero saves the beauty is very cheesy, it works very well.

In addition, Taku Kambara is also a handsome guy with a promising future, and it is normal for Kiko to fancy him.

If you can’t see it, it’s not normal.

Therefore, without the invitation of Concubine Yingli, it is only a matter of time before Yukiko falls.

And Taku Kambara has never refused.

This kind of little lamb sent to the door, Kamihara Taku has no reason to let go.

Therefore, sooner or later, now Concubine Yingli just made this matter a hundred million points ahead.

Hearing this, Yukiko nodded with red cheeks: “Last time I was rescued by Takuya at the café, I felt like I had met my own Prince Charming. ”

“I was still hesitating at the time, after all, your relationship with Takuya.”

“And you told me those things again, so I came over.”

Originally, Yukiko was also concerned about her sisterhood with Concubine Eiri.

Concubine Yingli didn’t talk about martial virtue at all, and when they met, they made a big move and hit Yukiko’s seven inches.

So, Yukiko came.

Anyway, she is already an adult, as long as she doesn’t do anything out of line, grandpa won’t say anything about her.

Takuya Kambara just has three girlfriends, which shouldn’t be out of the ordinary!

Most importantly, Yukiko also doesn’t want to keep her grandfather busy all day for her to enter the world of show business and not have time to go fishing.

Since Taku Kambara also has a way, then simply do it.

Concubine Yingli glanced at Yukiko, not believing her ghost words at all.

Hesitation proves that you have the idea to start.

So, this guy Yukiko wants to rob men with me!

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