
“Full, full!”

Takuya Kambara burped, and the dishes on the table were swept away, and then he picked up the tissue on the table and wiped his mouth.

And lying on the chair without any image, patting his belly.

If this look is seen by those mom fans outside, they will definitely be shocked.

Because this look is completely inconsistent with the Kamihara Taku in their imagination.

Coupled with the unsparing publicity of the Metropolitan Police Department, the image of Takuya Kambara on the side of his mother fan was a little deified.

If you want to see this picture in this, it is estimated that it will collapse!

And this look is also the legendary love bean collapsed house.

In the past, Taku Kambara also knew that Aidou collapsed the house, but he was just a melon-eating mass.

But I didn’t expect that he would actually become a melon now.

When you are eating melons, you may also become this melon.

Sure enough, feng shui takes turns!

At this time, Yukiko on the side covered her mouth and laughed: “Your appearance is really different from the outside!” ”

“If those fans of yours knew, they would probably be disillusioned!”

Taku Kambara is also outside and at home, which is completely different.

Outside, he is the dream male god of fans, and inside the family, he is a big man with his feet.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara shrugged and said, “I’ve always been like this, but the Metropolitan Police Department made me like this for publicity.” ”

“And the me you see now is the real me, and I pretended it all outside!”

In fact, the real Kamihara Takuya is really like this, polite, humble, gentle, and seems to be a relatively perfect person.

Otherwise, the Metropolitan Police Department would not have chosen him as the façade of the Metropolitan Police Department.

But what the Metropolitan Police Department didn’t know was that the real Kamihara Takuya had died a long time ago, and the current one was just an isotope who had crossed over from another world.

Although the appearance of the two people is the same, their personalities are completely different.

Fortunately, Taku Kambara also has the memory of the same body in this world, and he can usually disguise it so as not to show flaws.

But when I got home, of course, I returned to my original appearance, how to be comfortable.

There is no need to pay attention to other people’s gazes at all.

If you can’t be unscrupulous at home, then this can’t be called home.

Concubine Yingli said: “When you stay with him for a long time, you will know that although it looks out of tune, he is actually a very responsible man.” ”

Concubine Eiri is right, Takuya Kambara is indeed very responsible, responsible for every girl he likes.

Although it is very scum, but the slag has a bottom line.

He couldn’t do such a thing as abandoning his wife and son.

Hearing this, Yukiko smiled and said, “Not only that, but I also heard Yingli say that you are still a man with single-minded feelings.” ”

“You just like girls who look good and keep up with good figures?”

After entering this house, she felt that this was the real Kamihara Takuya, but she liked it even more.

In the past, although Takuya Kambara treated people mildly, he felt that he was not allowed to get along with people thousands of miles away.

But now Taku Kambara seems to have shed his aura and has become an ordinary person who is not quite normal.

This real Kamihara Takuya, she liked it very much, much more than the fake one outside.

As for Zero Valley, he also returned to his room after eating, which is why Yukiko spoke so unscrupulously.

And the sound insulation of the house is very good, and it is not afraid to hear the valley.

Even if you really hear it, there is nothing, after all, in the future, under one roof, sooner or later you will know these things.

Kamihara Takuya said shamelessly: “Men, just pursue it like this!” ”

He was like this before the crossing, and he was still like this after the crossing.

This is called not changing the original intention.

“You’re really honest!” Yukiko sighed.

Taku Kambara may also be the most honest man she has ever met.

“To deceive people requires one lie to fulfill another lie, which is very tiring.”

“So I said it bluntly, I crave your body, I degrade!” Takuya Kamihara looked indifferent.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli couldn’t help but cover her forehead.

However, Eri Shimitani and Yukiko did not hate it much, but liked it even more.

Sure enough, girls like scumbags.

“So, three beautiful young ladies, may I invite you to the bath together?”

Eat Si Yinyun.

Of course, you have to do something meaningful after eating, otherwise what to do when you are full.

Anyway, he is pursuing it like this, and there is no pattern.

Suddenly, both Yukiko and Eri Shibuya turned red.

It’s at home, but it’s too bold!

It was Concubine Yingli, and her face did not change color.

She has been in this house for a month, and she already knows Takuya Kambara.

As soon as Takuya Kambara spoke, she knew what to say.

Therefore, when she said such words, Concubine Yingli was not surprised at all.


Now is also the time for Yukiko to officially join the big family.

“Yukiko, you should go to the bath with Takuya first!”

“The two of us clean up the table.”

Princess Yingli of the main palace went online and began to arrange their respective times.

Of course, Concubine Yingli will definitely not favor one over the other.

Eri has already experienced it last night, so today according to the process, it is time for Kiko.

As for herself, she has to go to school tomorrow, so she can’t be too tired so as not to get up.

But it’s okay to have a taste.

So she can finale.

The pioneer let Yukiko take the role, after all, she was the first time.

“Yukiko, no opinion!”

Hearing this, Yukiko blushed and nodded.

Since you have come here, you have already made up your mind.

Instead of being targeted by those bad men, it is better to give yourself to Takuya Kambara.

She also wanted to know if Takuya Kambara was really as Concubine Eiri said.

Exceptionally brave and has an indestructible diamond diamond.

You have to try this to find out.

And Takuya Kambara was also the slightest bit unceremonious, came to Yukiko’s side, directly picked Yukiko up by the waist, and walked towards the bathroom.

And Yukiko lowered her head, blushed, and subconsciously grabbed Takuya Kambara’s collar with both hands, not daring to raise her head.

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