
Takuya Kambara got up with a bright look, and patted on whose round hand, and the ripples instantly spread: “It feels so good, but who’s it!” ”

“Huh? No more, really no more! ”

Turning his head to see, it turned out to be the voice from Eri Shibuya, looking at the scene on the side, Taku Kambara also showed a smile: “Hmph!” Wheel war, even if you go together, it is not my opponent. ”

“Sure enough, invincibility is lonely!”

Last night, Takuya Kambara incarnated as Lü Bu and showed his might.

And Yukiko, Concubine Yingli and Eri Desigani were also three heroes who fought Lü Bu, doing everything they could, but in the end they still ended up with a crushing defeat.

The strength of the two sides is not on the same level at all, and it is only natural that Concubine Yingli and the others should lose.

But Takuya Kambara really had fun this time.

The avenue has been worn out, how can it not be enjoyable.

But Concubine Yingli and others also paid a terrible price, and they can’t get out today.

Subsequently, Takuya Kambara came out of the room after changing his clothes, and closed the door smoothly, without disturbing the sleeping of Concubine Eiri and the others.

After working for one night, it is necessary to catch up on sleep.

When Takuya Kambara came to the living room, he found Zero Sinking Valley cooking in the kitchen.

“Zero, you kid can still cook!”

Takuya Kambara came to the kitchen and took a look at what Zero was doing.

At this time, Zero was frying steak in a pan.

The steak is in the refrigerator, and if you want to eat it, you only need to thaw it, then fry it and season it.

“Sometimes when my mother goes out early, I make breakfast at home by myself, and it’s not difficult.”

Zero skillfully changed the steak and continued to fry it.

“You’re really sensible! Same as when I was a child! Takuya Kambara sighed.

Before going out, Taku Kambara also grew up in an orphanage, and when he was a child, he also had to cook.

So when I see the valley zero, it is like seeing myself as a child.

“By the way, also help me get a few portions, my stomach is a little hungry.”

Taku Kambara also had no intention of taking over, and was ready to let Zero continue to make breakfast.

“Yes!” Falling Valley Zero stood on the stool, nodded, and neatly put a piece of steak on the plate: “Father, how many pieces do you want to eat?” ”

“Let’s get a five! Do you cook rice? Kamihara Takuya said.


“That’s good.”

Takuya Kambara nodded, then went to the refrigerator and took out the steak and began to thaw: “By the way, do you want to go to the amusement park later?” ”

Today, Takuya Kambara is going to meet Suzuki Tomoko for dinner, but the meal is in the evening, after all, she is also quite busy.

is competing with Suzuki Shiro for control of the Suzuki Group, it’s strange if it’s not busy.

So it’s better to meet at night, as for the misunderstanding of Shiro Suzuki?

Misunderstanding is misunderstanding, anyway, their husband and wife’s relationship is just like that.

And the Suzuki Group is not a Suzuki chaebol who covers the sky twenty years later, and Taku Kambara is not afraid at all.

Shiro Suzuki couldn’t help him either.

Moreover… For Suzuki Tomoko, a senior sister, Taku Kambara has long been worried.

Inheriting the will of Prime Minister Cao Cheng is not just a joke or talk.

Taku Kambara is also ready to act.

Hearing this, Falling Valley Zero’s hand holding the shovel paused, and then spoke: “No, I’d better go to the library to read books!” ”

During the weekend break, Zero would go to the library alone to read books, so that he could get a rare clean time.

After all, in the original apartment, there was no way to read quietly.

Because there are still guys who want debts, they often harass them in the past.

But after meeting Takuya Kambara, this situation did not happen again, and even the debt became moderate.

I can’t afford to mess with it, I really can’t afford to mess with it!

Although these people who want debts do not dare to find trouble with Eri Setaya, Taku Kambara is also ready to find trouble with money lenders.

Money, not a dime will be returned.

When you get to work, get the owner of this money lender in, and then everything is fine.

It’s not difficult to get in, the bosses of these money lending companies are all related to the Ji Dao Organization, and even the white gloves of the Ji Dao Organization, just check it, and the bottom of the butt must not be clean.

One catch, one accurate.

If you can’t catch it, you can get some guns or laundry detergent.

They all became department chiefs in the Neon Metropolitan Police Department, and what happened to getting people in.

In the past, I couldn’t get it because I didn’t have the ability, but now if I can’t get it again, then I won’t cross it for nothing.

So, get it, you have to get him, there is nothing to discuss about this.

“Reading, what books to read at a young age, it’s the weekend, it’s time to play, reading is a matter of school.”

“So it’s so decided, we’ll go to the amusement park later, play whatever you want, you’re welcome.”

“I’ll send you back after dinner in the evening, I’ll be busy with my own business!”

Taku Kambara made such a pleasant decision.

As for the opinion of valley zero, it does not matter at all.

Because this kid actually wants to go very much, he just likes to pretend to be an adult, his mouth is hard, and he doesn’t know who he learned from.

Now that Tsundere has fallen out of fashion, and it’s still a boy Tsundere, it’s even less good.

“Okay! I’ll accompany you to the amusement park! ”

Valley-Zero is still hard in the mouth.

“It’s really dishonest!”

Takuya Kambara put his hand on Zero Valley’s head and ravaged it fiercely.

Falling Valley Zero didn’t resist, just rolled his eyes: “I want to ask you for one thing.” ”

“What’s the matter, say it!”

“I want to change my last name, to your father’s last name, is that okay?” Valley Zero looked up.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara was stunned for a moment, and said softly: “Are you so afraid that I will give up your mother and drive you out?” ”

Zero wants to change his surname, probably to make Takuya Kambara feel at ease!

“Since my mother chose to follow my father, so did I.” Valley-Zero Road.

“Okay! I don’t have any opinions, just change it. Takuya Kambara spread his hands.

Anyway, it is already his stepson, and there is nothing to change his name.

“So go today?”

“Today and the weekend, people rest, wait for the weekday to go, let Eri take you!” Takuya Kambara.


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