
Takuya Kambara finished breakfast with Zero and prepared to go out.

During this period, Eiri Ei, Yukiko, and Eri Shibuya did not come out of the room, and it seemed that they couldn’t get up this morning.

Therefore, Taku Kambara did not leave them breakfast, because they could not eat it.

What they need most now is rest.

Taku Kambara didn’t bother them either, and went out with Zero after cleaning up the kitchen.

In the garage, Takuya Kambara put on his seat belt, and when he was about to leave, he asked, “What amusement park do you want to go to?” ”

There are quite a few amusement parks near Tokyo, but the original Kamihara Takuya has not been there a few times, so he is not clear.

He couldn’t even figure out the route to the amusement park.

But it doesn’t matter, in this era without navigation, his car has a map of Tokyo at all times, and it is the most detailed kind.

Can’t find the way to look at the map, enough.

Even if you really open in the wrong place, it doesn’t matter, as long as you can return the same way.

“Dorobija Paradise! My mother took me there once before. ”

Zero sat in the passenger seat and fastened his seat belt.

Takuya Kambara nodded and pulled open the cabinet on the side: “Take out the map inside, you will show the way.” ”


“You don’t know the way to the amusement park?” ”

He could never have imagined that Takuya Kambara didn’t know the route to the amusement park, and actually needed him a child to navigate.

“What’s so strange about this, I’m so old, how can I still go to an amusement park like this, and I don’t have a girlfriend, and I won’t go to an amusement park date!” Taku Kambara is also righteous.

Although he doesn’t have a girlfriend, he has a wife, or three.

However, they all have their own affairs, and Taku Kambara also needs to go to work, and even if he is really free, he will be dragged to go shopping.

Little girls go to amusement parks, women go shopping.

And today happens to have time, after all, Concubine Yingli and they are all sleeping and can’t get up.

“Yes, too!” Zero nodded, and then took out the map inside: “I’ll show the way, you will drive.” ”


Subsequently, Takuya Kambara slowly started the car.

After leaving the garage, Takuya Kambara subconsciously looked next door and did not see Dr. Agasa exercising in the yard

“Sure enough, Dr. Agasa said that getting up early to exercise is a lie!”

For a scientist like Dr. Agasa, who loves to study inventions, waking up early can be a waste of life.

Because the morning is one of the few times they have to replenish their sleep, how can they get up early.

“Father, you’re looking at Dr. Agasa next door… Grandfather! Zero said.

Hearing the words grandfather, the corners of Takuya Kambara’s mouth couldn’t help twitching: “Don’t look at Dr. Agasa looks old, his hair is about to fall out, but he is only thirty-two years old, still a… Reluctantly fall into the category of young people. ”

“So don’t shout about grandpa, Dr. Agasa will be angry.”

Dr. Agasa does look old because he stays up late, like he is forty or fifty years old.

But in fact, the age is really only thirty-two years old, like a fake bag.

“Uncle Dr. Agasa is also too anxious!”

Valley Zero listened to advice, so he directly replaced his grandfather with an uncle.

“It’s a little bit of anxiousness, more because he often stays up late, has been for many years, so he looks a lot older than his peers.”

“However, Dr. Agasa is very knowledgeable and a high-achieving student who graduated from Tokyo University, so if you have any questions in the future, you can ask Dr. Agasa, he likes children very much!” Takuya Kambara said, “And I’m very patient. ”

In terms of character, Dr. Agasa has no problems and works hard.

After all, twenty years later, Kudo Shinichi called Dr. Agasa like an old scalper without any complaints.

And also loves Motota, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko as if they were his grandsons.

So, Dr. Agasa is an old man, a good person who can be trusted.

In the original book, such a good man is Kudo Yusaku’s neighbor, but now he is Kamihara Takuya’s neighbor.

Dr. Agasa: I don’t know who Kudo Yusaku is!

As for Takuya Kambara himself, he has long forgotten everything he has learned.

Let him tutor Valley-Zero, it’s better to let him stay up late to catch criminals.

So leave this drudgery to Dr. Agasa!

In the future, Taku Kambara will also repay Dr. Agasa, such as giving Dr. Agasa a little medicinal powder to make him healthy and long-lived.

If you calculate it this way, Dr. Agasa has definitely earned ah!

“Well, I will definitely have a good relationship with Dr. Agasa in the future, Aunt Elena, Akemi…”

Suddenly, Zero looked out the window and shouted.

And a mother and daughter next to the car suddenly stopped and looked at the children in the car.

And this mother and daughter are the mother and daughter of Elena Miyano and Akemi Miyano.

Long light blonde hair, wearing black-framed glasses, a white coat on the outside, and a black dress and hey on the inside, holding a little loli with short black hair.


Hearing this familiar voice, Miyano Elena also looked at the car moving on the side, and just saw the little head of the valley zero.


After the car didn’t travel far, Taku Kambara stopped.

“Zero, is this your friend?” Takuya Kambara asked knowingly.

He naturally knew Elena Miyano and Akemi Miyano, but he didn’t know him now.

“Hmm!” “She is Aunt Elena Miyano of Miyano Clinic and often helps me, and the little girl next to me is her daughter, called Akemi Miyano. ”

Because of his hair color, he often fights with people, so he often goes to the clinic opened by Elena Miyano, and he becomes familiar with it as soon as he comes and goes.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from Zero Valley.

I saw Miyano Elena leading Miyano Akemi over, and her face was a little surprised: “It’s really zero, I thought I was wrong.” ”

She knew what was going on with Zero and even thought she had been kidnapped when she saw Zero sitting in the car.

But for now, it’s not.

Because of the person in the driver’s seat she knew, Takuya Kambara of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Mid-Autumn Festival & National Day family feedback! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: September 29th to October 6th)

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