“Officer Kambara, when we first met, I am Elena Miyano, and this is my daughter Akemi Miyano.”

Elena Miyano crossed her hands together and bowed slightly.

Etiquette is full.

And Takuya Kambara walked down from the car and greeted him as well.

“I’m Takuya Kambara.”

“Zero is also under your care.” Takuya Kambara said, “Thank you very much. ”

He is now Takuya Kambara’s cheap father, and Elena Miyano usually takes care of Zero Valley, so it is also a good thing to thank him.

And he can also go to Miyano Elena’s house to thank him, so that he can appear sincere.

I’m a genius!

Hearing this, Miyano Elena was stunned for a moment, and then asked: “Officer Kambara, are you…”

Although there were already some guesses in her heart, Miyano Elena was still not sure, so she tentatively asked.

Takuya Kambara smiled and replied directly, “Now Zero is my son.” ”


Kambara Takuya’s words made Miyano Elena confirm the guess in her heart.

That is, Eri is in love, and it has reached the point of talking about marriage.

I guessed correctly, but I wasn’t quite right.

Those who are married, but do not have a marriage license.

“Zero, it’s really good, Miss Eri’s burden will be much easier in the future.” Elena Miyano smiled heartily.

Everyone lives in Yonehanamachi, and Elena Miyano and Eri Shimitani also know each other and are still friends.

Of course, she hopes that her friend can have a better life, so she is really happy.

When Eri and Eri was in trouble, Elena Miyano also helped, but the situation in their family was not very good.

Although he runs a clinic, Atsuji Miyano is still researching things and needs a lot of money.

Now that funds are stretched, Elena Miyano can’t wait to get one yen into two flowers.

If you can’t find an investor, the research will stop.

And Atsuji Miyano’s hard work for so many years will be in vain!

And Atsuji Miyano is also a celebrity, known in the scientific community as a crazy scientist.

This shows how terrifying the things he studied are.

It is precisely because of this that the research is too fantastic and terrifying, resulting in no results, investors can not see the benefits, so they withdraw and leave.

There is no way, Miyano Atsuji can only rely on his own savings to study.

But it was simply not enough, causing his wife and children to suffer with it.

It is also because of this relationship that in the end, Atsuji Miyano chose to join the Karasuma chaebol to help them research things, and by the way, use the things of the research institute to study their own things.

This led to the black tissue research of something, the silver bullet appeared.

Among them, the appearance of the silver bullet also has the help of Miyano Elena, otherwise Belmod would not hate Miyano Elena so much.

After all, in the black organization, Elena Miyano is known as the angel who fell into hell.

It is conceivable that Elena Miyano is not a simple character.

“With me, naturally I won’t let Eri continue to suffer.” Takuya Kambara said with a smile.

This is, a milky voice came from the ears: “Brother Zero, where are you going?!” ”

“Shall we play together later?”

The person who spoke was none other than Miyano Elena’s daughter, Akemi Miyano.

The current Akemi Miyano is only five years old, is in kindergarten, and has a good relationship with Zero Valley.

Because there are few friends who have fallen into the valley, they often go to Miyanoya’s clinic.

So the two became playmates.

“I’m going to go to the amusement park with my father!”

When it came to the amusement park, Zero subconsciously raised his chest, looking very energetic.

Because their classmates do the same when they go to the amusement park.

This is showing off.

At that time, Zero also wanted to go to the amusement park, but the conditions did not allow.

In the end, Valley Zero is always a child, even if it is sensible and precocious, but it is also a child.

So at some point it will still show its childish side.

“Can I go along? I also want to go to the amusement park, I haven’t been there for a long time, Mom! ”

Little loli, Akemi Miyano, grabbed Miyano Elena’s arm and shook it.

Because after terminating the contract with the institute, they are using their own funds to conduct research.

After daily consumption, there is no extra money to take Akemi Miyano to the amusement park.

And the last time Akemi Miyano went to the amusement park was the last time, it seems to have been a long time.

“Akemi, I’m sorry, mom can’t take you to the amusement park.”

Elena Miyano couldn’t help but sigh, and her eyes were full of guilt when she looked at Akemi.

It’s really not allowed by economic conditions!

If allowed, she also wants to take Akemi to the amusement park, because she hasn’t been there for a long time.

Akemi Miyano’s kindergarten classmates also go out to eat something delicious from time to time, or go to the amusement park on weekends.

There are always once or twice a month.

“Alright! Then don’t go! ”

After being rejected, little loli Miyano Akemi’s tears were about to fall, but she was sucked back.

It can be seen that Akemi Miyano is also a sensible child.

If you don’t understand things, you can’t raise your sister Shiho Miyano in the terrifying black organization.

But at this time, there is no Shiho Miyano.

Maybe… There won’t be any more!

At this time, Takuya Kambara said: “Mrs. Miyano, if you don’t go together, I will treat you, and I will repay your usual thanks for taking care of Zero, what do you think?” ”


Elena Miyano was a little hesitant, not afraid that Taku Kamihara was also a bad person, but afraid of troublesome others, and also asked Taku Kambara to pay for it.

She was embarrassed.

Gu Zero on the side also said: “Aunt Elena, you just come with us!” ”

“Dad is rich, so don’t worry about him.”

“You boy!”

Valley-Zero’s little head was heavy again.

“There is still a small amount of savings in the family, and it is still okay to treat you or something.”

“Mrs. Miyano, don’t postpone.”

Little Lori Akemi Miyano also used Star Offensive at this time.

In the end, Elena Miyano agreed.

“Then trouble Officer Kambara.”

“You’re welcome!”

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