Night falls.

Sanada Loan Company, open 24 hours a day, these big words are flashing, and colorful lights are illuminating the dark streets.

Unusually conspicuous in the dark.

The company is a three-story building, all on the site of a lending company.

This is not only Sanada Kuro’s company, but also his home, where he lives, as well as some of his younger brothers.

That’s why it’s open 24 hours a day, and as long as there are guests coming, they provide what the guests need, provided that there is a mortgage for something.

If there is really nothing to mortgage, the body is also possible.

After all, the body is more valuable and rewarding than real estate assets and stocks in some cases, and you can also have a good relationship with big people and be familiar.

Unfortunately, very few customers will use their bodies as collateral, most of them are real estate, unless they are really desperate.

Of course, even if you don’t use your body as collateral, when you can’t pay back, they will still take your body, which is called timely stop loss.

The people of these lending companies are very shrewd and will never do loss-making transactions.

But Sanada Lending Company made a loss-making transaction, and this transaction was the loan of Eri Sinkani’s deceased husband.

The borrower is dead, but it doesn’t matter.

They can ask Eri for money, and at first Eri Sunset promises to pay it back.

But now, Eri Descending Valley has fallen on to a powerful person, and has suddenly changed from a pheasant to a phoenix, and even the stall is not open, and he looks like he doesn’t want to pay back.

In fact, Eri Shimitani didn’t plan to pay it back either, because this was what Takuya Kambara said.

To change money, what to exchange for money, when the head of the three departments of my Metropolitan Police Department, the professional group police department needs to repay money to usury, it is really unheard of.

Therefore, Taku Kambara also directly let Eri Shuoya pay the account.

Anyway, Eri Sinking Valley has not borrowed at all, the person who borrowed the money is Eri Sinking Valley’s husband, you have the ability to let Eri Sinking Valley return it, if there is no ability, then don’t want the money.

Taku Kambara is also so tough.

Anyway, the money was not borrowed by him, and it was naturally tough to speak.

If they had the courage to go to the Metropolitan Police Department and ask for money, then Takuya Kambara would dare to invite them to jail.

Gather a crowd to storm the Metropolitan Police Department and carry weapons of mass destruction (nail clippers, belts, necklaces), definitely let him drink a pot.

It would be better if something came out of the interrogation.

Add the criminal law directly to the top.

It is precisely because of Takuya Kambara’s toughness that Zhentianhe is discussing with his subordinates in the office how to get the money back, anyway, he must not lose money.

After all, after the profit rollover, it is already 130 million, if he can’t get so much money back, he will be angry and can’t sleep.

“Tell me, how do you get the money back?!”

“That’s 130 million, if I can’t get it back, I’ll lose sleep!”

Sanada Kuro has copper bell-like eyes, there is a long scar from the right face to the eyebrow to the chin, the beard is very clean-shaven, and the figure is also very burly, and at a glance, you can tell that it is not a good guy, and it is still mixed outside.

Sanada Kuro is indeed hanging out and is also a member of the Polar Organization.

But not anymore, because many years ago, he chose to quit the Extreme Organization and founded the Kuroda Lending Company.

But the Extreme Dao Organization is a place where you say you will enter and retreat when you say you will retreat.

The exit was simply a pretense, and the Jido Organization saw Sanada’s business acumen, so he supported him to open this lending company to help the Jido Organization launder money, and by the way, help some neon bigwigs get some life-saving things.

Like fresh corpses that have just died.

However, these fresh bodies were not violently obtained by them, and they only dragged the bodies away after they committed suicide.

Because these borrowers signed a cadaver donation agreement.

After death, they can take the body away, even the police can’t find anything wrong.

But their lending company is a loan shark and is under the crackdown of the Metropolitan Police Department, so of course they will not be stupid to let the police know that these borrowers committed suicide.

Although there is a donation agreement, it is less troublesome and has as little trouble as possible with the guys in the Metropolitan Police Department.

But this time, he didn’t deal with people from the Metropolitan Police Department.

At this time, a younger brother raised his hand and said, “We can arrest Eri Sinking Valley’s son Shuoyu Zero, and then threaten Eri Valley.” ”

“So you can get the money back.”

“Stupid!” Another younger brother complained: “People don’t have money at all, and the rich is the cover character of the Metropolitan Police Department, Takuya Kamihara.” ”

“So it’s useless for you to catch Valley-Zero, it is estimated that people wish they didn’t have this son!”

“Anyway, it’s not my own hands, if you die, you die!”

Some people do think so, but neither does Taku Kambara.

Because stepsons also let the system trigger rewards, and quite a few.

It can only be said that the system understands the traverser of Takuya Kamihara, which is too intimate.

And this guy is the trump card of neon public security when he grows up, although he is often exploded in the theatrical version and the plot is killed.

But there is no denying that he is powerful.

However, the screenwriter is not a good person.

“Makes sense! So if you can’t catch children, how can we get money? ”

“Go to the Metropolitan Police Department to find Takuya Kambara?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at this amazing guy, including Sanada Kuro.

Go to the Metropolitan Police Department to find Takuya Kambara and ask for money, what is the difference between this and putting yourself in prison.

Big brother, we are lending usury, it is illegal, isn’t this a slap in the face to others?

“Come on, drag this guy down!” Sanada Kuro covered his head and waved his hand.

These subordinates of his, let them fight and kill is okay, but if they come up with ideas, one by one the fart can’t release one, even if it is released, it is all smelly farts, useless at all, it is all causing him chaos.


A few eye-catching little brothers were immediately dragged out by this amazing guy.

“Big brother, I have shed blood for the company, don’t let them drag me out, so I’m embarrassed, big brother, in…”

As the voice grew quieter, the guy was already dragged out.

Without this troublemaker, the office finally quieted down.

Sanada looked at everyone again: “Continue to discuss how to get the money back, but also not offend Takuya Kamihara.” ”

This is a difficult question.

You want to get the money back, and you don’t want to offend Takuya Kamihara, you really want to fart.

But Sanada Kuro really can’t help it!

The money released by the money lent is not his money at all, but the money of the Extreme Organization behind him, and if he does not get the money back, then he needs to make up for it.

The principal plus interest is made up.

Of course, if you can get something new, you’ll be fine.

But the current situation is that it is impossible to get Eri Shimitani’s body, and letting her commit suicide is not challenging Takuya Kambara!

If he really did this kind of thing, his company would not be able to continue.

There will definitely be people coming to check every three or five, even if there are people behind their Extreme Dao Organization.

The county official is better than the current management.

What’s more, the people behind their Extreme Dao Organization are not people from the Metropolitan Police Department at all, and people will not give face at all.

Therefore, Takuya Kambara really can’t afford to offend!

They didn’t even dare to come to Yin, and Taku Kambara also represented the face of the Metropolitan Police Department.

If something happened to him, the Metropolitan Police Department would definitely find out.

Their own family’s face has been killed, if their Metropolitan Police Department does not find out what happened, people’s hearts will be scattered, and the team will be difficult to bring, this is hitting their Metropolitan Police Department in the face!

Therefore, moving the god Yuan Taku is also the most stupid way.

It’s better to kill Eri the valley!

Suddenly, the office fell silent.

This is simply embarrassing for them!

This is simply not something that cannot be done, because you offend Takuya Kambara by asking for money, there is no doubt about it.

Because you can’t even protect your own women, what kind of police department are you still in the Metropolitan Police Department!

Go home early and sell sweet potatoes!

It’s a matter of face!

“Boss, don’t be embarrassed for us, we really can’t help it!”

A younger brother who had followed Sanada for many years stood up and spoke.

Just them, the stinkers, couldn’t think of anything good at all. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As for the three stinkers at the top, this is completely impossible.

“Hey!” Sanada Kuro sighed.

He also knows that his ideas are a little whimsical, and people are not muddy, why should he return the money to you!

But he is really unwilling to get the money back, because if he can’t get the money back, he has to make up for it.

The Extreme Organization is this rule, if you don’t want to take money, then hack you to death, change someone to continue to be the boss.

There is not much in the Polar Organization, that is, there are many people.

Change people, and then continue to use this model, the same can be laundered.

It’s not that without Sanada Kuro, the company can’t continue to turn, it doesn’t exist.

“Who is the person who lent money to Kyōichiro Shimotani?!”

Kyōichiro Shibuya is Eri Shibuya’s husband and Zero’s father, but he is dead.

Sanada Kuro now hates the guy who lent Kyōichiro Shibuya.

The money can’t be collected at all, and it will even provoke the uncle of the Metropolitan Police Department.

It’s a complete loss-making deal.

So he wants to teach this little brother a lesson, and unload his anger!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door of the office, and the door opened directly from the outside.

A little brother stumbled in.

Seeing this scene, Sanada scolded with a calm face: “Do you understand the rules, you must knock first when you enter the door, what are you doing?” ”

“Go out and do it all over again.”

Sanada Hei’s voice fell, and the younger brother hurriedly said: “Big brother, the big thing is not good, the sliver is coming, and the sliver from the Metropolitan Police Department is coming.” ”

In the next second, a group of men in suits and leather shoes with fierce faces appeared outside the door, and the leader was a handsome man.

And this man is none other than Takuya Kambara.

When he looked at Takuya Kamihara, Sanada’s face instantly became gloomy.

He knew that Takuya Kambara was not a good person this time, and bringing so many people to this place must be troublesome for him.

Maybe even evidence of trouble for him was brought.

Although Sanada Black believes that the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department are all sacks, this Kamihara Taku should also have some strength, especially since many cases have been solved recently.

Or come without detectives.

Therefore, Sanada Black believes that Taku Kambara will not bring people over without evidence.

“Could it be that the last time I knocked a baseball bat on the head of a debtor was discovered?”

“Maybe last time I gave his wife in front of my husband, and people called the police?”

“I did too many bad things, I don’t know that it was Takuya Kambara who caught the handle!”

Sanada said secretly in his heart.

Over the years, he can’t remember how many bad things he has done, and even the cement piers in the sea of Tokyo Bay have contributed a lot.

Killing, arson, robbery, he has done everything, and it is precisely these things that he can climb to this position without having to fight and kill with the members at the bottom.

“‘~Officer Kambara, what kind of wind is blowing you today?”

“Come, sit down.” Sanada Kuro looked at his little brother and scolded angrily, “Didn’t you see any distinguished guests?” ”

“Don’t hurry up to make tea, use the most expensive tea leaves!”

Sanada Kuro is worthy of being a person who has been in society for decades, and he has long practiced a pair of skin that is invulnerable to swords and guns, and is invincible.

His face is here to punch these powerful guys.

What’s more, reaching out and not hitting the smiling person, he is smiling like this, it shouldn’t be too much!

“You’re Sanada Kuro, aren’t you?”

Takuya Kambara came to Sanada Kuro expressionlessly, and took out a arrest warrant from his body.

“Sanada Kuro, you are now suspected of intentional homicide and the crime of arms smuggling, arrest you according to law, go to the Metropolitan Police Department and say anything!”

After that, Takuya Kambara took out a handcuff.

Hearing this, the smile on Sanada’s black face immediately froze.

He confessed to intentional homicide because he had done it, and more than once.

But he definitely did not do anything about smuggling arms, and he got at most a few AKs and pistols for self-defense.

Because he is only responsible for lending money to launder money, and smuggling arms is the job of other members of the Pole Sect, he cannot cross the line.

Sanada Kuro knew that this guy in front of him had come to look for something, and the crime of smuggling arms was completely fabricated.

At this moment, Sanada’s entire face darkened, and anger appeared in his eyes: “You are slandering, but I am an honest businessman, and I will never do anything illegal.” ”

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara was silent for a few seconds, and their little brother was also silent for a few seconds.

Because usury is illegal, but as long as no one is prosecuted, it is a gray industry, which can be illegal or not.

But now the Metropolitan Police Department is trying to trouble you, and you now say that you are an honest businessman, who believes it!

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara smiled and waved his hand.

Then, the (good) police officers led by Twilight Thirteen in the room looked at the younger brothers around them, and all pulled out their pistols.

“You all get out!”

At the moment of being pointed at by a pistol, the little brothers subconsciously took a step back.

Black barrel, there is no one who is not afraid.

At such a close distance, as criminal policemen, they would not miss at all, and it was a blood hole on their bodies.

If you hit the vital part, you will die, and no one is not afraid.

But the police don’t shoot if they want to, unless they grab a gun, or they wear a gun.

This is not good, Neon should learn more from the United States.

Although they were afraid, they did not go out immediately, and they all looked at their boss.

Seeing this scene, Sanada Kuro gritted his teeth and looked at Takuya Kambara, and then looked at his little brother: “You guys go out first, I’ll talk to this police officer Kambara alone, maybe it’s a misunderstanding.” ”

Finally, the criminal police and the younger brothers in the room all retreated, and the two parties stood at the door, staring at each other.

And there were only two people left in the room, Takuya Kambara and Sanada Kuro.

“Officer Kambara, you are naked and false!” Sanada Kuro looked at Takuya Kambara.

Hearing this, the corners of Takuya Kambara’s mouth raised slightly: “Framed? ”

“I really framed you!”


At this time, Takuya Kambara suddenly took out a green sphere from his pocket, and there was a pull ring on it.

This is a grenade.

Sanada’s black face, who recognized this thing, changed drastically: “We shouldn’t have reached the point of dying together!?” ”

He didn’t think that Taku Kambara would do such a thing for the sake of an undead person.

Is it really the sperm upper brain?

“Die together? Are you an idiot claw? ”

In the next second, Taku Kambara also moved.

In the blink of an eye, he grabbed Sanada Kuro’s palm and let his hand grasp the grenade.

“This is framing!”

Sanada Kuro was stunned!

Is the planting and framing already so blatant?

He doesn’t understand!.

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