
Sanada trembled and pointed his finger at Takuya Kambara, but the words could not be spoken.

He was really shocked.

Is the road of the Metropolitan Police Department so wild now?

Actually planting and framing in front of people, are you not afraid that there are monitors in the office?

Oh, he was afraid that the evidence of his crime would be seen on the monitor, so he did not install it in the office.

That’s okay.

Next second.

Sanada Kuro suddenly let out a wail, and the whole person knelt on the ground, while his fingers were being held by Takuya Kambara, and his fingers were already deformed.

It can be seen that it has been twisted off.

“Hand, my hand, let go, let go for Lao Tzu!”

Sanada’s forehead was bruised, and his other hand covered Takuya Kambara’s palm, wanting to break it, but he couldn’t break it at all.

Although Takuya Kambara has not become a superman, his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

“Don’t bark!” Takuya Kambara looked indifferent: “If you shout again, I will stuff the grenade into your mouth!” ”

“You can never call out, do you want to try?!”

Suddenly, Sanada Kuro quieted down, he felt that Taku Kambara really dared, it didn’t seem like a joke, so for the sake of his own little life, he could only endure the pain and close his mouth.

Because of the severe pain, the sweat on Sanada’s forehead dripped down, and his teeth clenched tightly, even trembling.

Ten fingers to the heart is not a joke, the pain is real pain, the kind of pain that drills the heart.

Sanada Kuro felt that this pain was more painful than the knife cutting on the body, it was really painful!

It hurts, it hurts so much!

Looking at Sanada Kuro, who had calmed down, Taku Kambara was also quite satisfied, and he was a guy who could listen to people.

At this time, there was also a quarrel outside, and the criminal police of the Metropolitan Police Department and the gangsters of the lending company also became tense.

Because of the sound in the office, they also heard.

The gangsters wanted to come in, but the police wouldn’t allow them, so they confronted each other.

Neither side dared to make a move first.

The punks are afraid of the criminal police shooting, and the criminal police are afraid of shooting.

Because you have to write a report after the shooting, if the person killed has not committed any major crime, it will be even more troublesome.

After all, neon is not the United States, so try not to shoot without shooting.

Moreover, these punks also have no weapons, there is no need to shoot, but deterrence is still possible.

“You… This madman, just for a woman you want to frame me? You don’t want your own future anymore? Sanada Kuro endured the severe pain and looked up at Takuya Kambara and said.

Hearing this113, Takuya Kambara released his palm, pulled a stool casually, and sat in front of Sanada Kuro, condescending, as if judging him.

“Framed you, who told you that I framed you?” Takuya Kambara held a grenade in his hand and said with a smile: “This grenade is full of your fingerprints, is this a frame?” ”

“You…” At this time, Sanada Kuro discovered that Takuya Kambara was actually wearing gloves: “You bastard, you actually wear gloves?!!! ”

Kamihara Takuya wore gloves, which he did not expect.

He also thought that he was going to die with himself, but it turned out that this guy Kamihara Takuya was an old ginbi.

“Yo, you finally found out!”

“I thought you wouldn’t find out until I took you!”

“So I say you have no problem smuggling arms!”

The grenade was borrowed by him from the Metropolitan Police Department to frame Sanada.

In addition, the intentional homicide is true, but it is the evidence that Takuya Kambara found from his office.

In this office there is a safe with ledgers, gold bars and some photographs.

The ledger is naturally the ledger of lending, specially for the Extreme Dao Organization behind him to see, as for the photo, it is a photo of him killing.

Taku Kambara doesn’t understand, why do people like to put their own murder evidence in the safe, do they really think that their safe is invulnerable?

Dismantling the safe is actually very simple, tearing it with both hands, and then opening it, and the contents also fall out.

Anyway, Taku Kambara also thinks it’s very simple.

As for where the safe came from, of course, it was taken in this office in an honest manner.

Three hours ago, Takuya Kambara was here, and then let the company have a small power outage, put on a stone hat, and focus on a sneak attack.

The safe was taken directly by him.

Then, he brought an identical safe to confuse Sanada.

By the way, this model of safe was also borrowed by Takuya Kambara.

He has no other skills, only a handsome face, and he can borrow anything.

So now Taku Kambara really has evidence of Sanada Kuro’s crime, otherwise he would not have been able to get an arrest warrant.

As for arms smuggling, he is simply adding charges to Sanada Kuro.

In fact, even if the charges are not added, in Sanada’s case, the minimum sentence is life imprisonment, or the death penalty.

Now neon still has a death sentence.

Therefore, Sanada Black is finished this time, and Eri Sinkani’s debt can also be written off.

As for the Extreme Organization behind Kuroda, the ledger he found also had evidence of their incriminating evidence, which he had handed over to his superiors.

Originally, Toshiro Oda was going to let him deal with the Jido Organization, but he refused.

So here it is.

Although he did not personally catch the people of the Extreme Dao Organization, his credit was still the same, after all, the evidence was found by him.

No one dares to steal his credit, so it’s the same everywhere you go.

“You are planting a frame, I have never smuggled arms, don’t talk nonsense!”

Some charges cannot be admitted, and if he admits, he will die faster, but he really did not smuggle ah!

The smuggler is someone else within the Polar Organization, and he can’t cross the line.

“You didn’t smuggle arms, but you did murder or something, and you did a lot.”

“You can go see your safe now!”

Takuya Kambara said, pointing to the silver-white safe behind him.

“Safe deposit box?!”

Sanada Black glanced at the safe behind him, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

Because this safe is not his at all, he has not noticed it just now, but now he can find it if he looks closely.

The model of the safe is the same, the color is the same, but some traces have disappeared.

At this time, Sanada Black knew that his safe had been dropped, this was not his safe, and his own safe must have fallen into the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department.

So the ledgers, the gold bars, the photographs, and everything was in the hands of the Metropolitan Police Department.

“It’s over, it’s over!”

Sanada Kuro didn’t struggle anymore, his face was like dead ash.

Because this time it was really over, all the evidence was obtained by the Metropolitan Police Department, and he simply did not have the strength to continue to speak hard.

Even if a lawyer is called, this is already an iron case and cannot be overturned.

Even, the Extreme Dao Organization behind him will be implicated.

Fortunately, his family has long been gone, and he divorced early and broke off contact.

So don’t worry about retaliation for your family.

And the Polar Organization should think about how to preserve itself before taking revenge on his family.

Because this ledger contains a lot of intelligence, almost all important cadres of the Extreme Organization are on it.

Therefore, the Polar Organization should also be finished.

Revenge does not exist at all.

“Because there is no hatred between us, I will let you be a ghost and put it on yourself!”

Takuya Kambara threw the handcuffs in Sanada’s arms and watched him quietly.

Sanada laughed miserably, and then picked up the handcuffs on his body and handcuffed himself.

Now going to the Metropolitan Police Department is his only option, and he can’t run away, after all, there are no windows in the office, and the door is full of police.

And he can’t beat Takuya Kambara, how can he run.

The most important thing is that he did not dare to commit suicide, if he dared to commit suicide, he would have just pulled out the latch of the grenade, and everyone died together.

But he didn’t have the courage.

So prison will be his ultimate destination.

“Officer Kambara, I report, I can explain more things, I don’t want to die yet!” Sanada Kuro looked up and said.

Dead Taoist friends, undead poor Dao.

He can still struggle now, if he doesn’t, he will die.

Therefore, his companion betrayed first, and if it was too late, he was betrayed by others. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He definitely can’t let others do this kind of thing first!

“Gee! You guy, your brain spins really fast! ”

“Let’s go! One seat in the Metropolitan Police Department, and then you can honestly explain! ”

Takuya Kambara said.

Sanada is not dead, he doesn’t care at all, anyway, he is at least a life sentence, even if not.

By the time he was released from prison, he was already seventy or eighty, and there was no chance to turn over.

Moreover, he did not become a police officer to seek justice for the neon people, he came to enjoy the blessing.

So he mainly plays a casual fate, and when he encounters it, he will do it, and if he does not meet, then forget it, anyway, he will not find something to do by himself.


Sanada got up from the ground, consciously walked in front of Takuya Kambara, and opened the door.

When the gate opened, the criminal police and the punks all looked over, dozens of pairs of eyes looked over, a little terrifying.

People with dense-phobia may be frightened and faint!

“Boss, you…”

The younger brothers looked at their boss’s dejected appearance, and immediately felt that things were not good.

Could it be that the Metropolitan Police Department really has any evidence here?

Even at this time, there are already shrewd guys ready to escape.

At this time, Takuya Kambara spoke: “Don’t think about escaping, there are all police outside, so just grab it!” ”

Just kidding, Taku Kambara has always been a large number of people, overwhelming people.

The Metropolitan Police Department has so many free laborers who don’t take them out to juggle.

So there are really a lot of police outside, let alone twenty or thirty policemen, and they can’t run away at all.

“Don’t resist!” Sanada Kuro sighed and said, “The Metropolitan Police Department already has evidence of our crime, so be honest, otherwise you may really eat peanuts!” ”

Hearing what his boss said, these punks, you look at me, I look at you, they are all a little overwhelmed.

But more is fear, their own boss has been arrested, do these people still have room to resist?

So it didn’t take long for these punks to be arrested and the police cars outside were stuffed.

After Sanada Kuro and the gangsters were stuffed into a police car and taken to the Metropolitan Police Department.

The rest of the people began to conduct a large-scale search inside the lending company, removing all the documents, which could become evidence.

However, Takuya Kambara did not go to the Metropolitan Police Department with the others, but directly drove his car home.

He Kambara Takuya only played the high-end game, and now the evidence has been placed in front of the Metropolitan Police Department, and it has instantly become a low-end game.

So this kind of thing is no longer interested in him, what he wants most now is to go home and sleep with his fragrant wives.

Who has the leisure to interrogate a prisoner in the interrogation room with a group of old men, and it is also a prisoner of five or three rough.

Even if it is a beautiful female prisoner with a good figure, he will not be interrogated in the evening, and it may be okay during the day.

Because it can be eye-catching, by the way, to pass the boring work time.

If it weren’t for Eri the Valley, Takuya Kambara wouldn’t have come out like this when he was off work.

Although there is overtime pay, there are bonuses for solving major cases.

But he is not short of money!


Takuya Kambara returned to his home.

At this time, it was already past ten o’clock in the evening.

Yukiko is already asleep at this time because she has to practice a lot during the day, and she has slept very early in recent days.

As for Concubine Eiri, she didn’t sleep, because she was the only person in the family who knew what Kambara Takuya was going to do.

Even Eri Shimoya didn’t know what he was doing.

This is the gold content of the main palace!

At this time, Concubine Yingli was sitting on the brightly lit living room sofa wearing her coat, holding a book in her hand, a book about the law.

If you want to become a lawyer, the first thing to do is to memorize some legal provisions, and then think about other things.

“You haven’t slept yet!”

Takuya Kambara came to Eiri and ruffled the long hair next to her ear, pinned it behind her ear, and kissed her on the cheek.

But this was exchanged for the white eyes of Concubine Yingli: “Dirty to death, just came back from outside and ran over to kiss me, did you mean it!?” ”

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara smiled and said: “Yes, I just did it on purpose, I want to take a bath with you!” ”

Concubine Yingli said: “Forget it today, you still go to Huili’s room, you accompany her today, and tell her about it by the way!” ”

“She is always afraid of causing you trouble because of her own affairs!”

Concubine Yingli saw that Takuya Kambara came back so early and was in a good mood, and she knew that the matter had been dealt with.

And Concubine Yingli had long anticipated this result, because she believed that there was nothing in this world that Kamihara Taku could not solve.

If there was, it was that Taku Kambara did not make a move.

“Do you like to push me over to other women so much?”

“You’re too generous, aren’t you?!”

“Even if you call yourself the main palace, you shouldn’t be like this!” Takuya Kambara said.

“Stupid!” Concubine Yingli said angrily: “This is not a matter of generosity. ”

“It’s that I have classes tomorrow morning and don’t have time to play with you!”

It turns out that Concubine Yingli is afraid of being late!

That’s really a good excuse.

And in the past few days, Concubine Yingli has been late several times, all of which are related to Taku Kambara, and she can’t get up in the morning!

As for why it can’t get up, then you can’t go into detail.


Takuya Kambara also knew that today was not possible, so he did not force it.

“It’s not too early now, you also hurry up and go to sleep, don’t look!”

Taku Kambara closed the book in Eiri’s hand.


Concubine Yingli nodded, then got up and walked towards her room on the second floor.

Takuya Kambara looked at the back of Concubine Yingli and couldn’t help but say: “With Yingli here, my backyard will not catch fire, it’s really a good woman!” ”

Later, Takuya Kambara went to take a bath.

After taking a bath, he went to Eri Shibuya’s room, but Takuya Kambara did not directly say anything about today’s night.

It’s about multiplying.


Haneda Airport.

A huge iron bird returned to its nest.

A woman with ponytail, long silver hair, and a hat disembarked from the plane with a man who looked like Atsuji Miyano.

Among them, this woman is the neon Belmode who came from the United States.

Later, Belmode took a man who resembled Atsuji Miyano to the parking lot and found a black car.

Next to the black car stood a man with a cigarette.

In the next second, a cold light flickered.

Half a cigarette fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Kenzo Fengshan smiled and said, “Long time no see, absinthe!” You are still as beautiful as ever! ”

He knew why Belmod did this, not because he had come up with a bad idea.

And Belmod is this executor, naturally a little unhappy!

Kenzo Torayama can be understood!.

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