As Chrissy said, Kujo Reiko was really ready to invite Takuya Kambara to attend their Emperor Dan Junior High School sports festival this month.

“Officer Kambara, my classmates adore you, please go by all means!” Kujo Reiko blinked her eyes wide, with a hint of pleading.

The sports festival in Didan Junior High School is not on weekends, but on the days of work and school.

But it doesn’t matter, the leave is over.

Go to the sports festival of Reiko Kujo and believe that his boss Toshiro Oda will give him face!

“No problem, I will definitely go then!” Takuya Kambara swore by it.


“Then see you at the sports festival!”

Kujo Reiko waved her hand and ran away with a puff of smoke.

Looking at the back of Kujo Reiko, Takuya Kambara sighed: “The little girl is really energetic now!” That’s nice! ”

At this time, Concubine Yingli had already changed into civilian clothes and walked out of the hotel, looking at Kujo Reiko who had not yet gone far: “She is like an insect, step by step falling into the trap you have prepared in advance, and finally being eaten dry and wiped clean!” ”

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara looked at Concubine Yingli on the side and pouted: “This little guy took the initiative, I didn’t do anything.” ”

“And don’t describe me as a spider?”

“Why?” Concubine Yingli was stunned for a moment.

“I… I don’t like this creature very much! Takuya Kambara looked slightly strange.

Not only don’t I like spiders, but those bugs Kamihara Taku don’t like it either.

When I was a child, Takuya Kambara was not afraid of heaven and earth, and catching insects could not be simpler.

But when I grow up, I feel sick when I see this thing!

It’s not that I’m afraid.

Concubine Yingli seemed to see something, covered her mouth and laughed: “You are actually afraid of insects, you really didn’t know before!” ”

She always thought that Kamihara Takuya was not afraid of heaven and earth, but she did not expect that she would be afraid of small insects.

Actually, she was afraid.

Takuya Kambara spread his hands and said, “It’s not that I’m afraid, but it’s uncomfortable to see them all over their bodies, as if something is crawling on their bodies.” If they appeared in front of me, I would have trampled them to death! ”

“Yes, yes, yes.” Concubine Yingli said very perfunctorily: “We are going shopping now, do you want to go together?!” ”

Although Concubine Yingli is pregnant and her belly is gradually getting bigger, shopping does not affect anything at all.

And she doesn’t like to wear high heels or anything, she usually wears flat shoes.

“Good!” Taku Kambara did not refuse.

Anyway, the marriage ended at three o’clock, and the others had already gone back first, and there was nothing to go shopping with them.

Just pass the time.

By the way, Oda Kirito, the son of Toshiro Oda, was also beaten by the joint efforts of Jinhara Zero and Kambara Formation, with a blue nose and swollen face, crying and running over to file a complaint.

But Toshiro Oda didn’t pay attention at all, and even told his son about the transfer to Teidan Elementary School.

Suddenly, Oda Kirito was also in ashes.

Because the two people of Shenyuan Zero and Shenyuan Jin are students of Didan Primary School, and they are still in the same class.

Kambara Saburō: Actually, me too, don’t forget me!

As for these little guys, they were all brought back by Dr. Agasa, and by the way, Dr. Agasa took the sun and the moon out for a walk.

Dr. Agasa is also familiar with the sun and the moon, and takes them for walks when he has time.

From now on, Dr. Agasa can bring not only children, but also pets, which is really omnipotent!

So Takuya Kambara decided that after the sun and moon gave birth to fairy eggs, he must give one to Dr. Agasa.

As for when the eggs will be laid, he does not know.

In short, the future is promising.


At this time, Yukiko, Eri Amuro, and Elena Miyano came over together.

Yes, these four women were going to go shopping together, and as for Akemi Miyano, she was naturally taken away by Dr. Agasa.

Dr. Agasa: I really paid too much for you!

“Let’s go!” Concubine Yingli held Yukiko’s hand and said with a smile.

Subsequently, Takuya Kambara began to work as a driver and porter, and began shopping for several hours.

After this trip, Takuya Kambara felt a little tired, but he was in a very happy mood, as for the reason

Concubine Yingli and the others bought some strange clothes that could not be worn, which means that these clothes were prepared for him.

So, everyone who understands understands.

Today, an amazing war may break out again.

At this time, Takuya Kambara took the sleeping Akemi Miyano out of the room, came outside, and handed it to Elena Miyano; “Akemi is asleep, I’ll send you back~!”

Hearing this, Miyano Elena nodded, looked at her daughter who was sleeping, and smiled.

With the help of Takuya Kambara and Eri Amuro, Elena Miyano and Akemi Miyano’s lives gradually improved.

Elena Miyano’s most difficult period has passed.

Because being a doctor in Neon is really profitable, even if you open a small clinic.

The reason why Miyano was so poor before was entirely because he had to pay for Atsuji Miyano’s research.

It is no longer necessary, so the death of Atsuji Miyano is meaningful, at least liberating Elena Miyano and Akemi Miyano, and there is no need to live a hard life anymore.

It’s just that Atsuji Miyano didn’t die at all, but Takuya Kambara didn’t tell anyone about it, including Elena Miyano.

Takuya Kambara wouldn’t do anything to get himself into trouble, and he had no evidence to prove it.

Find a black organization to confront and no kidding.

So so be it!

“Trouble you, Officer Kamihara!”


Subsequently, Takuya Kambara took Elena Miyano and Akemi Miyano to the car.

After getting into the car, the atmosphere in the car gradually became a little wrong.

In the final analysis, it is Miyano Elena’s complicated feelings for Takuya Kambara.

After Atsuji Miyano left, Elena Miyano was taken care of by Takuya Kambara, plus the last contact from a negative distance.

The relationship between the two is in a strange state.

Takuya Kambara also felt the strange atmosphere in the car, so he took the lead in speaking: “Let’s move here!” ”


Elena Miyano, who was thinking about what to say, was directly stunned when she heard this, she didn’t expect Takuya Kambara to be so direct.

But last time it seemed to be so direct, and then the two of them were…

Thinking of this, Miyano Elena blushed and her heart beat faster.

The events of the last time are still vividly remembered, and sometimes they still appear in her mind, especially in the evening, and she can’t forget it.

This leads to frequent quilt changes in the morning when waking up.

“You and Akemi move in with us! You can still continue to open the clinic, I will not interfere in this matter! Takuya Kambara smiled and continued to repeat.

This time, Miyano Elena heard thoroughly and knew what Takuya Kambara thought, but looking at her daughter on the side, she didn’t know how to answer.

There are some likes that there are some likes, but her husband has just died, and then he is with another man, won’t it make others gossip.

She herself has nothing, anyway, she is already a dead person, gossip and gossip!

But Taku Kambara can’t either, he is now the chief police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, if people gossip, it is easy to affect his future.

Elena Miyano didn’t want to hinder Takuya Kamhara’s future because of herself.

Looking at Miyano Elena’s hesitant look, Takuya Kambara continued: “Do you like me? ”

Hearing this, Miyano Elena was silent for a moment and nodded, but her voice was small and a little shy: “Like!” ”

Like is like, gentle and considerate, responsible, and capable, no one will dislike such a man.

“Just like it. Then you move over! You can still continue the work you like, if you don’t want to open a clinic, if you want to go to a big hospital to be a doctor, I can be your exclusive hospital with the Metropolitan Police Department! Takuya Kambara.

As the chief police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, it is more than enough to arrange for someone to go to the Metropolitan Police Department hospital.

There is no one who will not give him this face.

Even if someone really doesn’t give face, it doesn’t matter.

It is also possible to buy a hospital yourself, and having money is so capricious.

“It’s not!” Elena Miyano quickly shook her head and said with a red face: “I like my current life, but I’m afraid that moving over will cause you trouble.” ”

“I’m afraid that the neighbors around me will gossip and affect you.”

“And Yingli is pregnant now, wouldn’t it irritate her if I moved over at this time!”


Hearing this, Taku Kambara also knew that the woman Elena Miyano thought too much.

“Ying Li she knows everything, stimulation is impossible to stimulate, as for gossip, do you think the person I just held the wedding banquet with great fanfare will be afraid of others gossiping?” Takuya Kambara smiled and said: “I am not married, and I have not broken the law, and I will be denounced on the moral level, and what else.” ”

“Besides, you underestimate the rights of the police chief of the Metropolitan Police Department!”

In their class, as long as it is not a particularly big scandal, it is very difficult to move to them.

Moreover, the news of the high-level of the Metropolitan Police Department, these newspapers and magazines dare not report anything at all.

Unless you want your property to be inspected ten or eight times a day, and come home in the evening with sacks and beaten sticks.

Otherwise, no one would report this thankless news.

Powerful people, they really can’t afford to mess with, and they are not chaebols!

Even if it is a chaebol, it will not be engaged in this way, it will not be divided.

“So follow your heart and give Akemi a complete home!” Takuya Kambara said brazenly.

In the end, Miyano Elena blushed and nodded.


Hearing this, Takuya Kambara also had a smile on his face.

Some things really can’t be hidden, otherwise it’s easy to miss.

Just like Maori Kogoro.

If Maori Kogoro had confessed to Concubine Eiri very early, it is estimated that there would be nothing to do with Takuya Kambara now.

But he kept holding back, which gave him an opportunity.

Therefore, twisting and pinching is really unacceptable, and taking the initiative is king.

Of course, it is also okay to be chased backwards, such as Kujo Reiko and Chris.

They are ready to chase Takuya Kambara.

In this regard, Taku Kamihara is also ready to come and not refuse, as long as you come, then I dare to make a move.

As for the current Kujo Reiko, then forget it, wait until after graduating from high school.

“Okay!” Takuya Kambara smiled and said, “You can move in tomorrow, are you going to stay and continue to be a clinic, or sell it?” ”

Hearing this, Miyano Elena said: “Stay!” Just leave a thought for Akemi, after all, I have lived for so many years and have feelings. ”


Takuya Kambara didn’t have any opinions, so he stayed and stayed.

He hasn’t been stingy to this extent.

And this house is also one of Miyano Elena’s properties, after Miyano Atsuji’s death, these were hers.

There are no loans, which are considered high-quality assets.

“‘Hmm!’ Elena Miyano glanced at Akemi Miyano, who was sleeping next to her, and said softly, “Then what should I tell Akemi?” ”

“Children are very easy to fool, even if it is not safe for you to live outside, now my family can borrow for a while.” Takuya Kambara smiled and said, “When Akemi grows up, she will understand it herself.” ”

The older a child gets, the more he will question the problems he knew as a child.

For example, do we really pick it up from a garbage dump?

The answer is naturally wrong.

So when Akemi Miyano grows up, she will understand everything.

And Akemi Miyano still likes Takuya Kambara, so there should be no problem with letting Takuya Kambara be her father.

“That’s the only way it goes!” Elena Miyano stroked Akemi Miyano’s little head, and a smile appeared on her face.

Now the orphans and widows live in accidents, and it is indeed not so safe.

Although the mud ginseng will be cleaned up, there are other polar organizations, and after they eat the mud participation market, their power has gradually expanded.

But it’s much more low-key than before.

The death of the mud meeting dealt a heavy blow to these extreme organizations.

Knowing that the Metropolitan Police Department is not an existence that they can compete with, they have been settled a lot recently.

Even so, petty theft still happens repeatedly.

Especially those who do not have a pillar in the house are usually targeted by these guys.

Fortunately, all this has been solved.


Takuya Kambara stopped the car and got out of the car to send Elena Miyano and Akemi Miyano back.

After entering the door, Elena Miyano carried Akemi Miyano into the room and asked her to continue sleeping.

After coming out of the room, Miyano Elena pinned the hair on her cheek behind her ear and whispered, “Are you drinking tea, or drinking juice?!” ”

In the next second, Takuya Kambara came to Miyano Elena’s side and exhaled in her ear: “Of course, I will eat you first!” ”

After that, Miyano Elena was held on the kitchen sink, her eyes were closed, and her body was slightly …



Kujo Daisuke.

Reiko Kujo is lying on the sofa watching TV, a drama with a speculative theme.

In this world, the most popular is the detective-themed TV series, and the ratings are quite high.

Kujo Reiko also looks at it when she is bored.

At this time, Kujo Daisuke came from the inside of the room, sat next to Kujo Reiko, and asked, “Participated in the wedding banquet of Takuya Kambara, how do you feel now?!” ”

At the wedding banquet, Kujo Daisuke did not go.

If he went, everyone present would become restrained, so he let his daughter go instead of him.

Although he did not participate, he also learned some information from Toshiro Oda and Twilight XIII.

That is, the women of Kamihara Takuya have all gone, and they have also met with Kujo Reiko.

From this point of view, his daughter should be dead set on this guy Kamihara Takuya.

It’s just that Toshiro Oda Kirito has one more thing he didn’t say, that is, Kujo Reiko asked Takuya Kambara to go to the sports festival.

The reason why Toshiro Oda didn’t say it was probably because he wanted to see Takuya Kambara beaten!

After all, during the sports festival, parents will visit to cheer for their children.

This can be referred to Sakura’s sports festival.

“It feels good, Officer Kambara is even more handsome than in the photo, and several of his wives are also very beautiful and mature, and they are in good shape.”

“I also want to have a good body!” Kujo Reiko was a little envious.

But she is still young, there is still time for development, there is no hurry!

“So, you’re dead set on Taku Kambara!” Kujo Daisuke degged.

“Nope!” Kujo Reiko sat up from the sofa: “I was provoked. ”

“So I’m going to grab Takuya Kambara and marry him.”

“And I also invited Officer Kambara to participate in our school’s sports festival, then dad you don’t have to go!”

Suddenly, Kujo Daisuke was like being struck by lightning!

“Dad, you don’t have to go!”

This sentence has been echoing in his mind!


At this time, Kujo Daisuke seemed to be in a snowy night, and a strange BGM sounded.

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