Metropolitan Police Department Hospital.

Today, Eri Amuro and Yukiko came to the hospital together to check and see if they were pregnant.

At this time, Eri Amuro and Yukiko had already obtained their test sheets and had come to the doctor’s side.

“Miss Amuro, Miss Fujimine, congratulations, you are pregnant!” The female doctor said.

It’s just that the female doctor this time is not the doctor that Concubine Yingli met last time, maybe she won’t go to work today!

Hearing this, Eri Amuro and Yukiko looked at each other, their eyes full of joy.

“Am I going to be a mother?”

Yukiko was stunned, reaching out to touch her belly, she couldn’t imagine that she would actually become a mother not long after graduation.

It was clear that she was still a child before, an eighteen-year-old, close to nineteen-year-old.

Now she is actually going to be a mother, which really makes her a little unresponsive, although she has thought about this stubble before.

But there is still a big difference between what you think and what really happens, especially the difference in heart.

“Yes, that’s right!”

Eri Amuro was calmer than Yukiko, and he was all over no matter how he said.

Although she is relatively calm, she is also quite happy in her heart, because this is Takuya Kambara’s child.

This also means that she has completely integrated into the Kamihara family, and is no longer an outsider.

“Then from today we will sleep in separate rooms!” Happiness is gone! Yukiko suddenly became a little melancholy.

Yukiko’s age is the age of playfulness, so she is exhausted from playing every time.

But now that you are pregnant, you can’t be greedy, otherwise it will have an impact on the baby in your belly.

“Of course, if something goes wrong, Takuke will be very sad, and I will sleep in separate rooms after returning home!” Eri Amuro stroked her stomach.

Hearing this, the female doctor on the side said: “You can’t perform luck in the first three months of pregnancy, otherwise it will affect the fetus that has not yet been fully formed. ”

“Not for the next three months, this is a manual of precautions, you guys take it back and take a look!”

After speaking, the female doctor still wanted to say something, but did not say it.

Because she heard something from the conversation between Yukiko and Eri Amuro.

It seems that the children in the belly of two people seem to belong to the same man and live together.

That’s kind of interesting.

But the female doctor did not continue to ask, after all, this is a hospital under the Metropolitan Police Department.

Generally, the police officers and family members of the Metropolitan Police Department will come to see the doctor, which means that these two should be the women of a relatively divided police officer.

Maybe even the top of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Inquire about the affairs of the 430 senior management of the Metropolitan Police Department, what do you want to do, do you not want to do it.

Therefore, this female doctor does not want to give up this job with good benefits and good treatment.

And this kind of thing is not that she has never seen, so she is not too surprised.

It is enough to be calm, you only need to fulfill your duties as an obstetrician and gynecologist, and other things do not need to be asked too much.

Hearing this, Yukiko waved his hand and said, “There is one in this house, and I have already taken a copy back from here, and we have already read it!” ”

Female doctors: 6

Sure enough, she still underestimated a little, and it was not two, but three.

This made her a little curious about which one of the Metropolitan Police Department was it.

But she was just curious and had no idea of pursuing it.

Let’s talk after tea!

“Well, since you know, I won’t say much, normal work and rest can be done, if you have a cold, come to the hospital, don’t take medicine casually.”

“Come and check it out once a month.” The female doctor said.


The word sick was far away for Yukiko and Eri Amuro, and since following Takuya Kambara, they hadn’t been sick again, not even a cold.

After all, every day is either a medicinal bath or mooed milk, their current physique is as strong as a cow, how can they get sick.

Unless it’s to go outside to get rainy, then turn on the air conditioner to 18 degrees and blow it violently.

So that you can get sick.

In addition, normal life, the change of seasons, will not make them sick.

And they don’t have anything uncomfortable after pregnancy, let alone want to vomit.

These are physique strong relationships.

“Thank you doctor.”

Yukiko and Eri Amuro got up, said thank you to the doctor, and turned to leave.

The female doctor looked at the backs of the two people, and secretly said in her heart: “Sure enough, rich and powerful people can really play, but they seem to be living very well!” ”

“I hope their good lives can last forever.”


Takuya Kambara, who was fishing in the office of the Metropolitan Police Department, suddenly sat up straight from the stool, and his face gradually showed a look of joy.

“It’s great, Yukiko and Eri are also pregnant!”

“And Akemi has also become my daughter!”

[Congratulations to the host for winning the third heir, reward: 30% shares of Nissho Media Group, 500 million yen in cash (legal gain), tracing crutches (Doraea A), Doraea comics complete manuscript]

[Congratulations to the host for winning the fourth heir, reward: 5% of the shares of Daiichi Bank of Tokyo, 500 million yen in cash (legal gain), Ripple Breathing Method Cultivation Manual (JOJO), Pokémon Manga Season 1 Complete Set (System Manuscript)]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the second stepson: reward: physical strengthening*1, cash 100 million yen (legal income), four-wheel drive brothers comic version full manuscript]

“Gee, the rewards given by the system are as rich as ever!”

“With 30% of the shares of Nissho Media Group, I have become the majority shareholder again, and perhaps the largest shareholder!” Takuya Kambara grinned.

Nissho Media Group is the number one media group in Neon, and its main business is TV stations, of which in terms of TV stations, Nissell Media Group accounts for more than 65%, and the remaining 35% is the share of other media groups.

Among them, Nissho TV Station is a subsidiary of Nissho Media Group.

In addition to Nissho TV Station, Nissho Media Group also has performing arts companies and so on.

After all, Nissho Media Group is a super-large entertainment kingdom.

Twenty years later, the big star, Yoko Okino, came out of this group.

And the TV series with explosive ratings on the market have the participation of the Nissell Group.

It can be said that Taku Kambara has also become a big guy in the neon entertainment industry, the strongest big guy.

It is even possible to move a sofa on the spot during the audition of an actor.

Whoever performs well can let her be the star.

The current Taku Kambara also has this right.

As for Tokyo Daiichi Bank, it is also a good bank, which is good in Tokyo, but it is also in the top ten in the entire neon, okay!

Now it is considered a good asset, but when the neon economic bubble is burst, the bank may become a negative asset, and even be investigated by the Neon Financial Agency, which is very troublesome.

Large amounts of debt cannot be recovered, assets are embezzled and embezzled by insiders.

But for now, banks make money.

Before the economic bubble, Taku Kambara will also sell his shares in the bank.

Anyway, he is not short of money, and it does not matter whether he wants to have shares in the bank, after all, the money deposited in the bank is not his.

If the money in the bank is his, then he does not sell shares, but unfortunately it is not.

Finally, Takuya Kambara looked at the ripple breathing manual.

This thing is the stuff of JOJO’s bizarre adventure, and when cultivated, it can produce sun-like energy, strengthen the flesh, and also delay aging.

There is no problem living more than a hundred years on this thing.

However, the ripple breathing method also needs to maintain the breathing rate during the battle, and if the breathing begins to be disordered, the ripple will also be disordered, and the battle will fall into a disadvantage.

But… It is now peacetime, and the possibility of fighting using ripple breathing is almost non-existent.

So this is simply something that the system allows Fei Yingli and others to prolong their lives.

Although the ripple breathing method is difficult, the difficulty is focused on how to maintain breathing during battle, so Eiri and others can learn it, including Takuya Kambara himself.

“Set a goal first, live one hundred and fifty years old, and concubine Yingli they live one hundred and twenty years old!” Takuya Kamihara said secretly in his heart.

He now has the Navy Type Six, and his life has been extended a lot, and if he adds the ripple breathing method, it is estimated that he can live to be one hundred and fifty years old!

After all, among One Piece, Admiral Steel Bone Sky has lived for more than a hundred years, and it seems that he has not eaten any devil fruit, all relying on the blessings of himself and the Navy Six Style.

So it should be no problem for Takuya Kambara to live one hundred and fifty years old!

“As for Doraea’s manga and Pokémon’s unprinted manga in the first season, it’s better to give it to Senior Sister Tomoko!” Takuya Kambara (ajch).

In fact, there is no manga in the first season of Pokémon Season No-print, so the system will only show the system hand-drawn.

In other words, this manga was produced by the system itself, and it was based on the first season of the anime manga.

Good guy, the system directly starts to copy the document, right?

And the IP of Pokémon is worth more than the IP of what Dragon Ball manga, and it can be called the most profitable IP in the world.

Therefore, Takuya Kambara will be the richest man in the world in the future, and even have a terrifying cash flow.

“Ah! What if you can’t spend too much money! ”

Takuya Kambara does not have much desire to spend money, after all, now that he eats well, dresses well, and the house is also very good, there is no place to spend money at all.

So giving him so much money is really nerve-wracking!

He didn’t even know what to do.

If Takuya Kambara’s words were heard by others, they would probably rush up and kick him in the ass hard.

What kind of Versailles is this! It’s just too much.

Maybe this is the welding death of welding, waterlogging death!

While Takuya Kambara was at Versailles, the mobile phone on the table rang.

“Hey, I’m Takuya Kambara!”

In the next second, the voices of Yukiko and Eri Amuro came from the other end of the phone, and they were quite excited.

“Takuya, tell you the good news, we are pregnant!” Yukiko’s excited voice came over the phone.

Even over the phone, Taku Kambara could feel the joy in the hearts of Yukiko and Eri Amuro, because he was also very happy at this time.

Even a son or daughter who wants to see the future now.

It’s a pity that it takes eight or nine months to see each other, and the time is really too slow!

“If only the system rewarded me with a time machine, I could go to the future to see my son and daughter!”

But that’s impossible.

Takuya Kambara has now figured out the rules of system rewards, and things that are too outrageous will not be rewarded.

For example, the time machine, this thing can change the future and the past, too outrageous, the system cannot reward it.

If there is really something, go directly back to ancient times, wouldn’t it be beautiful to be a squire and a local tycoon!

I’m sorry, but Taku Kambara is so unambitious and has no pattern.

Even if I go back to ancient times, I only want to be a squire and a rich party, and then put my arms around my beautiful wife for a lifetime.

What an unpretentious ideal, now Taku Kamihara has already been in advance.

So the time machine or something, don’t do it!

The system will not give anyway, and he will not fantasize.

“Do you need me to pick you up at the hospital?” Takuya Kambara said.

He now wants to miss work, anyway, sitting in the Metropolitan Police Department there is nothing to do, it is better to accompany his wives.

“No thanks.” Eri said, “We were going to the mall to see the children’s clothes, and we also called Elena along with us.” ”

“After all, Elena is living in, and it is only a matter of time before she gets pregnant!” Eri Amuro teased.

Sera Elena has been moving to Takuya Kambara for several days.

It is estimated that two people can get the news that Elena Miyano is pregnant.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara touched the back of his head and smiled: “There is no way, your man’s charm is too great!” ”

Charm is one thing, and ability is also another.

Otherwise, how can you make your backyard calm!

“Yes, yes, yes!”

“Master Shenyuan is the most powerful, but during this time, Master Shenyuan may need to sleep alone!”

“And Elena alone can’t stand your toss!” Eri Amuro said with a bad smile.

Now Eiri Concubine, Yukiko, and Eri Amuro are pregnant and can’t move.

There is only one Shiliang Elena left, but she can’t use it alone!

Hearing this, Kamihara Taku was also a little annoyed: “In your heart, am I such a desolate person?” ”

Hearing this, Yukiko and Eri Amuro looked at each other, smiled, and said in unison: “That’s it!” ”

“Hmph! You look at people accurately! Takuya Kambara complained.

Of course, Taku Kambara only does this to his own women, and the rest of the women do not enjoy this treatment at all.

“Since you don’t need me to accompany you, then pay attention when you go shopping, don’t hurt anything, otherwise I will be distressed!” Takuya Kambara.

“Got it, we will notify you of something, remember to buy the dishes and make the meals when you leave work!” Yukiko said.

“Got it, you can be late for a delicious meal when you get home!”

After the three of them continued to say a few more words, Takuya Kambara hung up the phone.

Just as I was about to put the phone down, another call came in.

“Hey, I’m Takuya Kambara!”

“It’s me, Reiko Kujo!”

On the other end of the phone came the energetic voice of Reiko Kujo, and there was a noise around them, which seemed to be a call from above the playground.

Takuya Kambara looked at the time, it was past two o’clock in the afternoon, and the junior high school students were in class at this time.

Since it is in class, and there is a noisy voice, it is a physical education class.

“You should be in class! I actually called during class, so I am not afraid that I will tell your father about this? Takuya Kambara leaned back in his chair, a smile on his lips.

“Hmph!” Kujo Reiko pouted, “If you tell my dad about this, I’ll tell my dad and say you kiss me?!” ”

“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t talk nonsense about this matter, it will die! The corners of Takuya Kambara’s mouth twitched violently.

If Kujo Reiko really said that, Kujo Daisuke would probably come to the door with a shotgun and give him two shots.

It’s like the first male gun in Japan.

“Hee-hee!” Kujo Reiko grinned, “Just kidding, how could I talk nonsense.” ”

“I just want to tell Officer Kambara that tomorrow is our sports festival, so you don’t forget to come over.”

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara said, “Director Kujo should also go by then!” ”

“I told Dad not to come, he shouldn’t come!”

“So you must come tomorrow! Look at my heroic posture on the field! ”

“I’m very good at sports!” Kujo Reiko showed off.

Are girls so outgoing?

Takuya Kambara seemed to see his future in Kujo Daisuke.


Although Takuya Kambara’s daughter has not yet been born, she is now a little empathetic! .

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