“Belmode’s hands are so comfortable to the touch, smooth and tender, I just don’t know how old she is now!” Takuya Kamihara held Belmode’s palm and secretly said in his heart.

In the original book, Belmode’s age is not mentioned, only FBI agent Judy. Stelene’s memories showed Belmode.

Belmode looked exactly the same as it would twenty years later.

According to Judy. According to Stelene, there was no change in Belmode’s appearance, as if time had stopped flowing on Belmode.

This is probably the role of the silver bullet that appeared in the joint efforts of Atsuji Miyano and Elena Miyano!

It is possible that the beneficiaries in the organization are only Belmod and Karasuma Renye, and even, the beneficiary is only Belmode.

Because Belmod once said that Elena Miyano brought her countless tortures, perhaps this torture was a side effect of the silver bullet.

What exactly, no one can know.

Because Belmode at this time should not have eaten the silver bullet, and Atsuji Miyano may not be able to develop the silver bullet in the original book without the help of Miyano Elena.

The plot of all this was changed by the arrival of Takuya Kambara, which also changed the fate of many people.

The fates of Concubine Hideri, Yukiko, Eri Amuro, Zero Kambara and others have all been rewritten!

Takuya Kambara: I’m awesome, I can cross the waist!

Now back to the topic.

How old Belmod is now, Kamihara Takuya does not know.

But from the point of view of appearance, he is probably less than thirty years old, about twenty-six seven eight.

At this time, Belmod is still quite tender!

If it is really the same as Takuya Kambara guessed, then Belmode will not be fifty years old twenty years later.

So why did Belmod become an experiment for silver bullets ?!

These doubts are really bald!

But now, Belmode can no longer be an experimental subject.

According to the conversation that Takuya Kambara overheard, Belmod was sent by the black organization to use the beauty meter.

That is, the wife of the black organization, since it is his wife, then it will definitely not let Belmode return to the place of the black organization.

Even the silver bullet is not necessarily the silver bullet in the original book.

Because Atsuji Miyano did not have Miyano Elena’s assistance.

“Ugh!” Chris covered her mouth and looked surprised: “I remembered that you are a criminal police officer who often appears on TV, and I have been a little busy with work recently, I actually forgot.” ”

For Chris’s deliberately pretending to be surprised, Takuya Kambara gave a rating that it was quite cute.

Now an English teacher, Chris, has an intellectual temperament, coupled with her long legs, appearance and figure, it is really fascinating!

It would be better if you added a pair of white stockings, but bare legs are also fine.

A pair of long legs are like white jade, I really want to play with my own hands!

However, under this and the public, Taku Kambara still has to pay attention to a little image, whether the external character can collapse.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara smiled: “Even Mr. Chrissy knows about me, it seems that my reputation in Tokyo is not small!” ”

It’s not small!

There are no girls in Tokyo who don’t know you!

Chriss didn’t say it because it didn’t make sense.

“Did Officer Kamihara come to visit today? Or do you say…”

Chrissy’s gaze looked at Kujo Reiko on the side.

She also recently learned that her student actually liked Takuya Kambara, which was really a coincidence.

Although Chris has not yet liked Takuya Kambara, she is destined to be together.

No one could have separated her from Takuya Kambara, not even Karasuma Renye of the Black Organization.

She prefers this peaceful life to the life of walking on the edge of death every day, and Takuya Kambara represents peace.

Takuya Kambara said, “Reiko invited me over, as a good friend!” ”

He is indeed just good friends with Reiko Kujo now.

Fourteen-year-old Reiko Kujo was not in his choice, and it was okay after the age of eighteen.

So she still has four more years.

Kujo Reiko on the side was a little disappointed when she heard the word friend.

But what Takuya Kambara said is true, and she has no way to refute it!

She can’t say that she is Takuya Kambara’s girlfriend!

If he really said this, it would cause trouble for Takuya Kambara.

It is expected that this news will appear in the newspaper the next day.

[Shock! Metropolitan Police Department Nova falls in love with an underage girl, suspected of being pregnant out of wedlock! 】

If such a headline really appeared, Taku Kambara would have bowed and apologized, and then resigned.

A new star of the Metropolitan Police Department fell.

If things really turned out like this, she would feel guilty, so she couldn’t say this kind of nonsense.

After the age of eighteen, she will already be a college student, and she can get married, naturally there is no problem.

Right now

Kujo Reiko can only watch her favorite person chatting with her teacher.

What a envy!

Obviously, I came first, why did Taku Kambara also chat with Mr. Chris so happily!

Could it be that Takuya Kambara only likes girls with good figures?

Kujo Reiko glanced at her figure, barely strong, completely incomparable!

“Reiko, Officer Kambara and Chrissy-sensei look so well matched! Golden Boy and Jade Girl~! Kyoko said suddenly.

At this time, there were not many people who knew that Taku Kambara also had a wife, and there were several wives.

Even if they knew, they wouldn’t leak it.

It’s really not worth offending Taku Kamihara because of this little thing, and helping him keep secrets can also have an incense love.

Therefore, this matter is not known to the outside world, let alone reported.

After hearing this, Kujo Reiko looked at her friend with a resentful expression: “Are you talking to me about digging out your heart?” ”

Kujo Reiko really had a heartache for a second, and she was really taken out of her heart!

Hearing this, Kyoko covered her mouth and laughed, and couldn’t help but ridicule: “Officer Kamihara and Mr. Chrissy do look very well matched, and you are too young now, but you don’t have the opportunity to be with Officer Kamihara.” ”

“Falling in love with a minor will be greatly criticized!”

Kyoko is not a girl who does not understand anything, on the contrary, her head is clear and knows what she can and cannot do at this age.

It’s okay to fall in love, but you have to find your peers.

So… Takuya Kambara is not suitable for the current Kujo Reiko.

“Hey!” Kujo Reiko sighed: “If only I had been born a few years earlier, then the person standing next to Officer Kambara now must be me.” ”

“Even Sister Concubine Yingli has to make way for me!”

The latter sentence, Kujo Reiko did not say it, because it was a secret that could not be said, even if it was her own good friend.

I really gave too much for Takuya Kambara.

At this moment, Takuya Kambara turned his head to look at Kujo Reikodo; “Reiko, Chrissy-sensei is going to take me around, let’s go first.”


Kujo Reiko looked at the two people who were gradually moving away from the stall, a little dumbfounded.

Obviously they only chatted for a few minutes, why did these two people decide to walk around the school together!

Obviously my Kujo Reiko came first!

Is it great to be old and in good shape?

What a nuisance!

Kyoko looked at Kujo Reiko, and then looked at the backs of the two: “Falling flowers are intentionally flowing mercilessly!” ”

Listening to Kyoko’s sudden words, Kujo Reiko was a little confused.

“What do you mean?!”

“I’ll sell it, and when you grow up, you’ll probably understand!”

A hint of cunning flashed in Kyoko’s eyes, ready to be a riddler for once.

I have to say that being a riddler is really interesting, that is, it is easy to be beaten, especially when you are a riddler next to your good friends, it is especially easy to be beaten!

“Kyoko, I advise you to be honest, otherwise I will be rude!”

Kujo Reiko showed a hideous look, and the ten fingers of her hands moved, opening her teeth and dancing her claws.

“Slightly! I just don’t say it! Kyoko grimaced.


After saying this, Kujo Reiko began to tickle Kyoko, and it was not until the next customer came over that she stopped tickling the attack.

However, at this time, Kujo Reiko seemed to have forgotten one thing.

That is, Takuya Kambara ate with Kujo Daisuke and did not give money!

Eating at the food stall of the sports festival is paid, and the money earned is added to the class fee.

So Reiko Kujo lost money as soon as she started doing business!


Chrissy is taking Taku Kambara to wander around the Didan Junior Middle School.

It is said to be a sports festival, but in fact, the first day is for parents to come and see their school, and the second and third days are the real sports festival, when there will be sports competition, which is actually a sports day.

At that time, parents can also visit.

In Neon, schools with many sports clubs are the first choice for parents.

If sports clubs can win national competitions, they can attract a lot of people to enroll.

It can even be used as a stepping stone to some famous schools, provided that you get better results, and you can make special moves at that time.

“Teacher Chris, did you come to Neon from the United States and prepare to settle here?” Takuya Kambara asked as he walked.

He knew that the woman in front of him was Belmode of the black organization. Absinthe.

As for in what capacity, it is not clear.

At that time, when she chatted with Kenzo Fengshan, she did not say.

Hearing this, Chris pinned the blown strand of hair behind her ear and said softly: “I immigrated here, I am going to settle in Neon, and I will not go back to the United States in the future.” ”

“Oh!” Takuya Kambara said, “So many people like to immigrate to the United States, how did Teacher Chrissy come to Neon from there?” ”

Chris said: “In fact, the United States is not as beautiful as you see, first of all, the proliferation of guns, to go to some places even need to wear bodyguards, even body armor. ”

“I even saw someone shot and fell in front of me, and from that moment on, I felt that the United States was not particularly good and not necessarily suitable for me, so I wanted to emigrate.”

“It just so happens that Neon doesn’t have so many guns, which suits me very well!”

What Chris said is indeed true, because she often carries guns and body armor in the United States, and has killed many people on the streets of New York.

So this name said that there was no problem, it was completely based on his own personal experience and made a little change, absolutely genuine, and the result did not deceive Takuya Kambara.

And Chris really doesn’t want to go back.

Is it possible to go back and face the stinky face of rum and the boss of electronic sound?!

And Neon, although not banning firearms, can be privately owned with a gun license.

But it is very troublesome to have a gun license, you need to take an exam first, and only after the test can you have a gun license, and then the Metropolitan Police Department will regularly send someone to check your guns and pills to see if there are traces of firing.

If there is, also ask the time and place, what was done with the shooting.

In short, after having a gun license, a series of processes are also quite troublesome.

So although Neon does not ban guns, there is no big difference between this and the ban.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara said: “.. That’s how it looks! ”

“But I’ve also heard from some colleagues who have been to the United States that guns are really rampant in the United States, and there are a lot of gang members.”

“Very dangerous!”

Many colleagues of the Metropolitan Police Department have indeed been to the United States, but they have all been to Hawaii in the United States.

As for Takuya Kambara himself, he had not been to the United States before or after crossing.

But he also knows that the United States is not a beacon country, but a real paradise.

You don’t need to give money to buy something, just take it.

After stacking buffs, you can become a privileged person, quite a gang!

It’s a pity that Takuya Kambara didn’t have the ability in his previous life and didn’t go to cool off.

As for this life, I don’t plan to go to the United States.

Unless he used to be a police officer, he would at most take a trip to Hawaii.

Now you can still go to Hawaii, you don’t need to fire or something, you can play with confidence.

I just don’t know if I can meet the legendary Hawaii Technical College.

After all, Yusaku Kudo and Shinichi Kudo are both high-achieving students who graduated from it!

“It is indeed very dangerous, so I don’t recommend you to travel to the United States!”

“Because you’re easy to rob, and those farm tools have guns on them!” Chris reminded.

Takuya Kambara said with a smile; “Don’t worry, I’m not very adventurous, so I’m not going to go to the United States, at most I go to Hawaii for a vacation or something.”

“Hawaii does, I’ve been!” Chris said with a smile.

Chris had actually been to Hawaii, after all, it was indeed a resort, and she had been there with friends.

And you can also wear your favorite swimsuit.

In the original book, Belmod was discovered by Shuichi Akai during the mission, and was shot in the abdomen and scarred.

Belmode hasn’t worn a swimsuit since.

It’s really a pity.

I can only say that Akai Shuichi, you are really a great crime!

Shuichi Akai not only deceived his cousin Akemi Miyano in the original book, but also used CIA Mizuno Reina, and even gave Belmod a shot.

Shuichi Akai, this guy is really damned.

At this time, Shuichi Akai did not join the FBI, and is still a twelve-thirteen-year-old child.

It seems that he is living with his parents in John Cow London.

However, Shuichi Akai’s parents, Marie Akai and Takeshi Akai, seem to be members of M16.

And later, in order to help his friend Yasuharu Haneda find out the death of his son, he resolutely began to investigate the death of Koji Haneda.

He also gave his son, Akai Hideyoshi, to his friend, and then changed his name to Haneda Hideyoshi.

As for Shiliang Zhenchun, he has not yet been born.

And later, Marie Shira was also personally fed APTX-4869 poison by Belmode, making her body smaller, thus turning into a loli with pale blonde hair.

Call yourself a sister outside the realm.

It can only be said that Akai Shuichi is quite outrageous.

But now Taku Kambara doesn’t want to follow Akai Shuichi, he just wants to learn English with Chris now.

“Teacher Chris, is it convenient to invite you to dinner at noon?” Takuya Kambara smiled and invited Chris to lunch: “By the way, I have some English questions I want to ask!” ”

After all, what Chrissy thought, he had long known.

Hearing this, Chris smiled and said, “I don’t have anything to do in the afternoon, so I’m going to trouble Officer Kambara for lunch or something.” ”

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara said, “I wonder what Chrissy-sensei likes to eat?” ”

“I can, I’ve adapted to the food on the neon side, the guest is at your disposal!” Chris said.

As an actress, Chris is highly adaptable, including to food.

She can eat most of the neon food!

“How about we go out for a stroll first?”


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