Evening, the middle school of the Didan.

Today’s sports festival is nearing its end, and two people, Kujo Reiko and Kyoko, are packing their things.

And Kujo Daisuke was watching the two from the sidelines.

As for Takuya Kambara and Chris, they are missing.

“Kyoko, did you see Officer Kambara and Chris-sensei?!” Kujo Reiko asked in a low voice.

Because of her father’s relationship on the side, she couldn’t let him hear it, otherwise it would be verbose.

Kujo Reiko has reached the rebellious period, and she doesn’t like her father whispering in her ear, so she still has to avoid it a little.

Hearing this, Kyoko said: “When I went to get something, I didn’t see Officer Kambara and Teacher Chris, and I also asked my classmates, but they all said they didn’t see it.” ”

“Teacher Chris didn’t have any performance, probably went back!”

“As for Officer Kambara, he should also have his own things to do.”

“They are all adults, they must have their own personal affairs to be busy!”

At this time, Kyoko did not know that Takuya Kambara was with the two of Chris.

It can only be said that they are still a little too young.

“Hey! It’s too much to leave without saying hello to me! Kujo Reiko pouted, a little upset.

It was clear that she invited Takuya Kambara to come over, but after staying for a few minutes, she left with her teacher.

This feeling really makes Reiko Kujo really upset!

It is clear that she is the dominant one, how did she suddenly become a bystander!

This is not to learn!

Yes! What a sad story!

Kyoko smiled and said, “Adult! It’s all like that. ”

“My dad too, when I was a child, he used to say that he would take me to the amusement park, but I was used to having things to do that day, to meet customers or something.”

“This is the world of adults!” Kyoko said, “And Dad is also like this to make my life better, so I don’t blame him at all!” ”

Hearing this, Kujo Reiko on the side looked at her friend with a strange expression: “I used to wonder if you would be an old monster, actually so sensible!” ”

“You look like this, I look stupid!”

Kujo Reiko also knows that her father is busy, sometimes for her own good, but she just can’t help but want to talk back.

The mouth is faster than the brain!

Sometimes, knowing is one thing, doing it is another.

Kujo Reiko belongs to the extent that she knows, but can’t do it.

Kyoko, on the other hand, knows and can do it.

“Kyoko is really sensible, it’s distressing! Not like my daughter! ”

The Kujo Daisuke on the side heard all of them, but did not express their opinions.

Because to express your own opinion, then is it not on behalf of yourself eavesdropping?

The police chief of his hall police department 593 actually eavesdropped on the conversation between the two little girls, if this was passed out, wouldn’t it make people laugh out of their big teeth.

So Kujo Daisuke didn’t prepare to say anything, just quietly listened to the conversation between the two of them.

And from the dialogue, he seems to know his daughter better.

Usually, he didn’t have so much leisure to quietly listen to Kujo Reiko, and even if he did, he couldn’t say a few words.

Kujo Daisuke feels that he lacks a chance to communicate with Kujo Reiko!

As for where Takuya Kambara went, Kujo Daisuke didn’t know, anyway, as long as he didn’t mess around his baby daughter.

So that he is at ease.

There is one point that Kujo Daisuke wants to praise Takuya Kambara, that is, he has his own bottom line.

For example, if a little girl under the age of eighteen is not interested, this is good, and it will not break the law or anything.

So Taku Kambara is also a scumbag, but not a scumbag.

Hearing this, Kyoko spread her hands and said, “If you read more books, you will understand more, and my mother often tells me about adult things, so naturally it is like this.” ”

“And it’s too rude to say I’m an old youkai, at least I should be a little youkai!”

“You look like this and tell me that the old witch is no different.”

Kujo Reiko held Kyoko’s forearm and smiled, “Sorry, a slip of the tongue.” ”

“How about I invite you to eat crepes later, for the sake of crepes, you will forgive me!”

Kyoko nodded and said with a smile: “Then it’s for the face of the crepe!” ”

“Fantastic!” Kujo Reiko laughed and turned to look at her father: “Dad, wait for us to eat crepes!” ”

“Okay, no problem!” Kujo Daisuke smiled and nodded.

For the daughter of Kujo Reiko, Kujo Daisuke is still very satisfied, at least more sensible and obedient than other young ladies.

It is the kind of poor vision of choosing a boyfriend, and he does not repent, does not hit the south wall and does not look back.

This broke his old father’s heart!

Reiko Kujo: You chose the person! Dad, bad eyes, can also be talking about you!


“Kyoko, let’s quickly clean up the rest and go eat crepes!”


In the setting sun, Kyoko and Kujo Reiko are working hard.

The other side.

Takuya Kambara was also in the incandescent light, just finished his physical labor.

As for Chris-sensei, she was lying in Takuya Kambara’s arms, with a hint of blush on her cheeks, her eyes squinting, and she didn’t know what bbei was reminiscing.

“Hey! Success is so unpretentious! Chris said secretly in her heart.

Originally, she thought that she was going to have a fight with Taku Kamihara, but Taku Kambara did not change her true colors, and the first time they met, they pulled her out to eat, and said that they had English to ask her.

Chrissy naturally understood what it meant.

Although she is the first time, she has never eaten pigs, and has she not seen pigs run?

After messing around in Hollywood in the United States for so long, she has taken it all after the film, and she knows the rules over there very well, and has seen too much.

If it weren’t for the Karasuma chaebol behind her, she would probably have become a member of the rules.

Therefore, Chris belongs to the head of the Tao who has not tried, but let her say what she can say.

No, today is a practical exercise.

And this practice made her very satisfied, satisfied did not want to move at all, the body also for various reasons has no strength at all, as if in the clouds, it is really fascinating!

And Takuya Kambara stroked Chris’s smooth back, and secretly said in his heart: “This guy Belmod is much more powerful than Yukiko and Eri.” All kinds of difficult movements are hand-to-hand, and there is no hindrance at all. ”

“It’s worthy of being one of the trump cards in the black organization, and it’s the first time, it’s really fantastic!”

Chris is not only a killer of black organizations in the United States, but also an actress.

Because she has to maintain her physical condition at all times and cannot organize the relationship of base training, Chris often practices yoga, gymnastics and the like to maintain the feeling of the body, so the flexibility of the body is quite good.

It’s no problem to make some difficult moves.

Therefore, Chrissy and Takuya Kambara are very happy today.

“Does Teacher Chrissy have any family in the United States?”

Suddenly, Takuya Kambara asked.

During the process of eating and learning English, Taku Kambara did not ask these questions, but learned a secret of Belmode.

That is Belmode is twenty-nine years old, not thirty years old!

Age is a woman’s secret, and if you don’t want to communicate deeply, you won’t tell anyone else.

So the two hit it off and appeared here.

Originally, Chrissy had some kind of purpose for Taku Kambara, and Taku Kambara was even more so.

So in the case of Lang having affection and concubine intention, the two rolled together.

After all, they are all adults and know what they are doing.

Although Taku Kambara also knew Belmode’s age, he still wanted to know more about Belmode.

He even wanted Belmode to confess to him about the Black Organization.

But at this stage, it was almost impossible for Belmod to confess to him about the organization, but when he came to Japan, Taku Kamhara was not in a hurry.

He felt that sooner or later Belmod would confess to him about the Black Organization.

This is how long it takes to see people’s hearts.

Hearing this, Chris’s squinted eyes were completely opened, turned around, pressed her face to Takuya Kambara’s chest, and said softly: “There is no family anymore, I am alone now.” )

Chris’s words are not wrong, she is indeed alone now, let alone family.

As for the black organization, they just used her as a tool, and they were not family members at all.

Even Karasuma Renye just used her as a tool to realize her ambitions.

Chris knows the affairs of the organization too well, so she wants to escape from the organization and live a free and peaceful life.

This is one of the reasons why Chris did not refuse this task.

And in Kamihara Takuya, she did feel a moment of tranquility, if she was by her side all the time, then she might be able to live the rest of her life plainly.

Of course, Chris is not an emotional person, so she can’t tell everything about herself after the first time.

She hadn’t trusted Takuya Kambara to that extent.

Judging from the data, Takuya Kambara is indeed very good to his own woman, but she is not an ordinary woman.

There are countless people killed, and she doesn’t know what Takuya Kambara will think of her after she confesses!

So now is not the time!

If Taku Kamihara knew what was going on in Chris’s heart, he would definitely say: How many people you kill about me, I only know that you are my woman, and I won’t frown at how many people die.

But Chris doesn’t exactly know what kind of person Taku Kambara is!

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara hugged Chris in his arms and whispered in her ear: “I will be your family from now on!” ”

Hearing this, Chris’s heart beat uncontrollably.

Family is too far away for her.

Her family died long ago, otherwise they would not have joined the black organization.

Looking at Takuya Kambara’s cheeks, Chris wanted to show Takuya Kambara for a moment, but she held back.

People are in different environments, and their personalities will be subtly changed a little.

After living in the peaceful place of Yonehanamachi for a while, Chrissy also felt that her heart had also become calmer.

Not on the American side, so impetuous and anxious.

When Chris completely removes her disguise, she will become an ordinary person.

“Hmm!” Chris nodded vigorously, pressed against her chest, and said with an urn: “After we become family, will you really not leave me?” ”

“No, absolutely not!” Takuya Kambara smiled.

For his own woman, of course, he will not abandon it, how to say that he is also a man with a bottom line.

If a person does not even have a bottom line, then he is not worthy of being called a person, that is a beast.

And Taku Kambara also belongs to the normal man of the three views, that is, he will be condemned in terms of morality, but these are harmless.

Morality, as long as I don’t have morality, then I won’t be bound by morality!

I want to be a free man!


In the next second, Takuya Kambara suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed, “What are you doing!?” ”

I saw a voice come out from inside the quilt: “I’m very happy, so I definitely give you a little reward.” ”

“But it’s the first time, it’s not good to do, don’t blame me!”


Takuya Kambara was still about to say something, but the words were all swallowed in his mouth, and he couldn’t say a word.

Ten o’clock in the evening.

Takuya Kambara and Chris had dinner together, and after learning English, they finally walked out of the Suzuki Hotel.

The two held hands, strolled under the moon and street lamps, and began to press the road!

Because the Emperor Dan Junior High School was in the rice flower town, he didn’t drive at all when he went out in the morning, and he went to the Emperor Junior High School on foot.

So when I go back, I naturally have to walk back.

Originally, Taku Kambara also wanted to let Chris stay in the hotel for a night, but she didn’t want to stay overnight here, probably because she didn’t think the hotel was safe!

After the two of them knew the bottom line, Takuya Kambara keenly felt that this guy Chrissy was very insecure.

So staying in a hotel or something will make her always vigilant, so it’s more reassuring to go home and live.


Takuya Kambara sent Chrissy to her apartment, Mika Apartment.

This apartment is a high-end apartment in Yonehanamachi, and the rent every month is not cheap.

Money is nothing to Belmode, as long as it is comfortable.

“Would you like to go up and take a seat?!” Chris smiled.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara ridiculed: “Is it literal?” ”

In the next second, Chris’s face turned slightly red, and she glanced at Takuya Kambara: “There is no serious one!” ”

“Of course, it is literal, otherwise what is the meaning!”

“Then forget it, it’s not early today, you still have to go to work tomorrow, so you won’t go, next time!” Takuya Kambara was not prepared to stay at Chris’s house.

“Okay!” Chrissy didn’t force it either.

If Takuya Kambara really stayed overnight, she might not be able to get up tomorrow.

The end of excessive greed is very serious.

Since she is now a teacher, she must be a good teacher.

And Chris now likes this profession, with these children, she feels younger.

No, she was already very young, but her heart gradually became younger.

“Well, go back early and rest! If you remember to call me if there is anything, I will be the first to rush over! Taku Kambara also kissed Chrissy on the forehead.


“I will!”

Taku Kambara also turned away after watching Chris leave.

When she returned home, Chris fell straight on her bed, and recalled in her mind the bits and pieces of being with Takuya Kambara today.

“After I know you well, I will tell you everything, and I hope that you can accept me by then!” Chris murmured.

When she absolutely carried out this mission, Chris had already planned to tell Takuya Kambara about the black organization.

It was the only way she could get out.

Because if she helps the black organization, she will also fall into it with Takuya Kambara.

She didn’t want to continue living this life, so the black organization had to be destroyed.

It’s just that now is not the time to say it, you need to wait!

The other side.

Takuya Kambara returned to his home after leaving the rice flower apartment.

The sun and moon at the door were welcoming him back, and the rest of the house was already asleep.

After all, it’s already eleven o’clock in the evening.

“Go take a shower and sleep with Eiri in your arms.”


After washing, Takuya Kambara came to Eiri’s room, and after entering the door, the voice of Concubine Eiri came from the room: “Back!” “。

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