“I haven’t slept yet!”

Kamihara Taku did not turn on the light, went straight to the bed, came to Concubine Yingli, and put his arms around her and slept.

In fact, after Takuya Kambara entered the door, he knew that Concubine Eiri was not sleeping.

After a person sleeps, there is a difference between the breathing rate and the frequency of the heartbeat, so by breathing he knows that Concubine Yingli is not sleeping.

Probably waiting for him to come back!

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli turned over, pressed her cheek against Takuya Kambara’s chest, and said softly: “The smell of shower gel and shampoo, take a bath as soon as you come back, didn’t you go to the junior high school where Kujo Reiko is today?” Who are you fooling around with out there again?! ”

As Takuya Kambara’s pillow person, Concubine Hideri really knows him too well.

When I go home, I lie down for a while, then I do something else, and when I come back to take a shower, I have something to do.

And she knew about Takuya Kambara going to the junior high school of Didan, but she didn’t think about ~ there are also people over there!

As for the option of Kujo Reiko, it has long been moved by Concubine Yingli.

Even if it is the forty-year-old eldest sister outside, it cannot be the little girl of Kujo Reiko.

The person who knows Takuya Kambara best is Eiri Concubine.

Hearing this, Taku Kambara also sniffed at Concubine Yingli’s hair: “Sure enough, I can’t hide from you, today I met the junior high school teacher of Kujo Reiko in the Didan Junior High School, Pakhz, Chris, a foreign teacher who teaches English. ”

“And it’s blonde hair!”

Concubine Yingli snorted: “Golden hair, this is not your preference!” ”

“And you rolled together on the first day you met, did this woman have any intentions for you?!” She was sent by someone else?! ”

Now that Takuya Kambara has a high rank, he may become the head of the first section of the search class, or the second section of the search.

It is also normal for someone to use the beauty meter to calculate Takuya Kamihara.

But after such calculations, there is a price.

Most people don’t choose to do this, but some people like to take risks and have to gamble.

And this matter Concubine Yingli really guessed correctly, and someone is really calculating Kamihara Takuya.

It’s just that the person who calculates him is not in the neon, but in the United States.

“This woman does have intentions against me, and she was sent by someone else!” Taku Kambara also said in the ear of Concubine Yingli.

There are some things that can be said to Concubine Yingli, because Concubine Yingli is the person he trusts the most, and he deserves his trust more than anyone else.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli immediately sat up and looked pale: “Do you know that you still do this?” ”

The lamp on the side was also turned on.

In the orange light, Concubine Eiri saw Takuya Kambara’s appearance, still with the same confident smile on her face.

After she met Takuya Kambara, she always had this smile on her face, confident and warm.

“Don’t be angry, be careful if you move the fetal gas!”

Takuya Kambara got up and coaxed Concubine Eiri and said, “Of course, I have a way to choose to do this.” ”

“There is a good saying, only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent thieves.”

“If I don’t take the initiative to attack, I can’t passively defend every day!”

“And this woman also has her own careful thoughts, so to some extent, we are in the same group!”

“If she really hurts me, it will be equivalent to hurting herself!”

Taku Kambara also learned a little about Belmode during the half day he stayed with Belmode.

Although Belmod is a member of the Black Organization and is loyal to the Black Organization, she also has a little caution in her own heart.

It happened to be seen by Takuya Kambara.

That’s why Taku Kambara chose to do this.

Moreover, the black organization is what he will face sooner or later, and the premise layout is also for the convenience of acting in the future.

All he had to do now was to turn Belmod into his man, his own person through and through, so that he could steal the intelligence of the black organization in reverse.

Bringing down the black tissue can rest easy.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli was discouraged, she knew very well that Takuya Kamihara would not fight an uncertain battle.

Since they all said that, then they should be sure.

Isn’t it no different from sending to death if you are not sure, and Taku Kambara does not want to die young!

“Then you say, who is this woman, I will help you analyze it!” Concubine Eiri lay down again, nestled in Takuya Kambara’s arms, and asked softly.


Takuya Kambara nodded, and slowly told Concubine Eiri about the black organization.

Soon, Takuya Kambara told Eiri a part of the information about the black organization, and the information about twenty years later was not said.

After all, it hasn’t happened yet, and the black organization at this time is far from twenty years later, what is this for.

Is the Void enhanced?!

And there is nothing that cannot be said, and Fei Yingli is not a fool, and she will definitely not investigate things about the black organization.

She knows her position, helps herself, takes care of the housework, and doesn’t need her to worry about the rest.

If even Taku Kamihara can’t solve the trouble of this black organization, then she can’t be impossible, and she knows her abilities very well.

“Isn’t this organization the mud meeting of the big one! It’s just that the ambition is too big! ”

“And is Karasuma really not dead?” Fei Yingli asked.

Karasuma Renye is a neon man, and he also left behind the behemoth of Karasuma Chaebol, who died twenty years ago.

And when he died, he seemed to be more than 100 years old.

The market said so, as for whether it is true or not, Concubine Yingli is not very clear!

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara said: “It is true that Karasuma Renye is not dead, but he should not be in Neon now, but in the United States, this black organization was founded by him after fake death, and this English teacher named Chris was the tool he sent to seduce me and make me a member of their organization.” ”

“He has a fancy for my future!”

Concubine Yingli gave Takuya Kambara a blank look: “You seem to be very proud!” Being targeted by this old monster, you can really eat! ”

Takuya Kambara smiled and said, “You can eat it!” ”

“And the black organization is still accumulating strength, and has been targeted by the FBI in the United States, he has no time to stir up trouble.”

“Eyeing me is just looking at my future, and when I become the police chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, I can help them.”

“That’s what makes Chris lurk beside me and blow the pillow wind.”

Takuya Kambara knew everything about the black organization’s calculations, after all, this was the trick they could use now.

Money, Kamihara Taku is also not lacking, and the right Kamihara Taku also has it, and it will be higher in the future.

So they can only go on the woman’s side and try to corrupt him with Belmod and make him work for the black organization.

But his plan was to sugar-coat and shell back.

Chris, this woman, he is going to decide, and no one will take it away.

Even if the black organization jumps out in the future to say that Chris is a terrorist organization, this word must be believed!

At that time, Taku Kambara may also be the police chief, and what a police chief says is easier to believe than what a terrorist organization says!

As for the fingerprints left on the glasses left in Judy, Stelene’s hands, it was indeed a hassle.

This thing Kamihara Takuya doesn’t know where it is, so he can’t start at all.

It depends on whether the black organization is willing to take risks for Chris and clear this loophole.

Or wait for someone to get pregnant and pull out good things from the system to plug this loophole.

I have to say that Chris still has a sense of humanity in her heart, and she is not actually affected by Judy. Steline killed herself, and if it was Takuya Kambara herself, she would probably kill it.

Cut the grass without removing the roots, and the spring breeze blows and grows.

Kindness to one’s enemies is cruelty to oneself!

Fortunately, Taku Kambara is not like Chris, who is controlled by the organization, cannot be free, and does not have to suffer in pain.

“If you’re willing to work with the organization, will they kill people?” Concubine Yingli asked again.

“It is unlikely that I will be killed, if I die, it will definitely cause an uproar, and the Metropolitan Police Department will thoroughly investigate it.”

“But you are likely to be kidnapped by the black organization, and then come to coerce me and make me submit.”

“This is one of the reasons why I contacted the woman Chris, I can get information about the organization through her, and even I can release a little kindness to the organization through her, when the time comes, they will not only not do anything to us, but also protect us.”

“Even push me when we’re in power!”

To be honest, working with the black organization, Taku Kambara is not against it.

After all, this has nothing to lose to him, and in the original work, the devil knows if the neon lords and the big lords of the United States have reached some kind of agreement with the black organization.

You know, Karasuma Renye has lived for more than a hundred years!

This is a fatal temptation for the elderly, and no one will not want to live forever.

Therefore, it is not impossible for Neon to reach some kind of agreement with the United States and black organizations.

It’s just that this kind of agreement is a secret agreement and cannot be put on the table.

So the agreement is the agreement, if you should do it, you still have to do it.

And dealing with black organizations also requires funds, and when the time comes, you can also make a profit on this.

If the black organization is going to end up, they don’t mind stepping on the gas pedal.

Two birds with one stone, three birds, or even four birds.

Don’t look at the black organization twenty years later, all undercover and two or five, but the water is deep, and no one knows who the members inside are.

Maybe the gin wine will pop out at the finale and shout: Sorry, I’m a policeman.

If so, that’s interesting.

But how the original finale is, Taku Kambara doesn’t know.

But the finale of this world, he was able to compose it, and the gin wine was also in the hands of Takuya Kambara.

You can even arrange to go undercover in the black organization after Gin Jiu grows up.

At that time, there may really be a picture that Takuya Kambara imagined.

Gin; BOSS, I’m undercover, so now raise your hands, hold your head in both hands, immediately, immediately!

Really, Taku Kambara is also somewhat looking forward to such a picture.

“And the cost?” Fei Yingli asked.

She knew that there was no such thing as a free lunch, and that what she wanted from someone would be what she had to give.

Ask for flowers

“The cost?” Takuya Kambara said: “For me, the price is almost non-existent, even if I don’t rely on them, I will definitely be able to become the police chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, they are just the icing on the cake.” ”

“They’re just begging me now.”

“When I don’t need them, I can kick them away and beat the falling dogs and kill them with a stick.”

“Even divide their inheritance!”

Hearing this, Concubine Eiri nodded on Takuya Kambara’s chest: “You guy has a belly full of bad water!” ”

“Can’t you let the baby learn badly for you!”

Taku Kambara also kissed Concubine Eiri on the forehead: “My bad is also to others, not to you.” ”

“Moreover, in this world, a little bad can live longer!”

“As for children, of course my children are good children, it is impossible to learn badly!”


Hearing this, Concubine Yingli covered her mouth and laughed: “Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and the son born of mice will have big holes.” ”

“As a father, you have a bad stomach and are, then your son is estimated to follow you!”

Takuya Kambara squeezed his eyebrows and said, “Bad? Where am I broken! ”

“And it’s not you! The education of your son or daughter will be left to you, and when it is time to fight, if you can’t get off, I will come. ”

“In ancient times, it was said that filial piety came out under the stick, and there was still a little truth.”

“Excessive coddling is counterproductive!”

Anyway, Taku Kamihara will not spoil his own children, do not make principled mistakes, and preach well.

If you make a mistake of principle, you will directly serve seven wolves.

“Okay! Listen to you! ”

“Is there anything else you’d like to ask?” Takuya Kambara.

Hearing this, Concubine Eiri looked up at Takuya Kambara: “Do you think I can go and meet this Chris-sensei?” ”

“I want to talk to her!”

It began, and the concubine Yingli’s majestic attribute began.

Last time it was Eri Amuro, and again it was Belmode.

It’s just that Belmod is not Eri Amuro, and he is not so good to talk to.

Takuya Kambara shook his head and said, “You better not touch her for the time being!” ”

“I’m afraid you’ll be in danger, and what I admire is seeing people’s hearts for a long time!”

“I believe that after seeing my radiant heart, Chris will definitely take the initiative to open up to me.”

As for when to open up, it is probably time to get pregnant.

During the half day they were together, no one mentioned contraception, so they understood everything.

When the children are there, there is nothing that cannot be said, and not saying this kind of thing will only make Chris more tormented.

Taku Kambara also believes that Chrissy is an understanding person.

“Well, listen to you, turn off the lights, I’m going to sleep.”


Takuya Kambara reached out and turned off the lamp, and then the room was dark.

Not long after, the sound of Concubine Eiri’s even breathing came from Takuya Kambara’s arms.


Takuya Kambara got up early and prepared breakfast for the two little radish heads of Concubine Eiri, Yukiko, Eri Amuro, and Elena Sera and Zero Kambara and Akemi Miyano.

In the past few days, Sera Elena has moved in with Akemi Miyano and lived together.

It’s just that when everyone got together in the morning, Shiliang Elena was still a little embarrassed, and this scene was the first time she had seen it.

As for Shiliang, this surname is her original surname.

Since it has already moved over, then the surname Miyano is no longer used, and it is enough to change it to your own surname.

“Akemi, did you sleep well yesterday?” Takuya Kambara looked at Akemi Miyano who was eating and asked with a smile.

Now, Akemi Miyano has also become his daughter.

Hearing this, Akemi Miyano nodded vigorously: “I sleep very well, and Uncle Kambara, your cooking is delicious, and the milk is also very good, I like it very much.” ”

“Can I live here forever?” Akemi Miyano opened her eyes wide, and her milk voice was milky.

Seira Elena did not tell the truth to Akemi Miyano, but only said that she would take advantage of it for a while.

So Akemi Miyano doesn’t know about the matter between her mother and Takuya Kambara, after all, she is a five-year-old child, and she is not Kambara Zero, and she knows so much.

“Of course!” Takuya Kambara said, “You can live whenever you want, uncle won’t dare you leave!” ”

When Akemi Miyano grows up, he will naturally change the title of Uncle Kambara to his father.

Time erases all traces.

Including Atsuji Miyano, who did not really die.

“Fantastic!” Akemi Miyano cheered and turned to look at her mother: “Mom, let’s live here all the time!” ”

“It’s so much fun here, and the dogs play with me!”

Akemi Miyano loves the sun and the moon, and they like to play with Akemi Miyano.

Maybe it’s the innocence of children!

Hearing this, Shira Elena glanced at Takuya Kambara and said with a red face: “Okay, we have always lived here.” ”

“Stay whenever you want!”

Elena decided that when Akemi Miyano was a little older, she would give it all out!.

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