Metropolitan Police Department.

Takuya Kambara came to the Metropolitan Police Department early after breakfast.

“Good morning, Officer Kambara.”


Every police officer who greeted Takuya Kambara, he would nod his head.

After a while, Takuya Kambara came to his office, hung his suit jacket on the hanger, and then turned on the TV in the office, plugged in the game card and started playing games.

It’s time to fish.

Takuya Kambara is not afraid that he will be discovered playing games in the office.

You need to knock on the door before you come into the office, so there’s no need for someone to break in unless you’re not afraid of being put in small shoes.

As for what case appeared in Yonehana Town, he didn’t need to do it at all, and it was enough to have Twilight Thirteen there.

Recently, the detection rate of Twilight Thirteen has been quite high, which has attracted praise from the citizens of Tokyo.

And after learning that Twilight Thirteen was a subordinate of Takuya Kambara, they all said that Takuya Kambara had a good temperament, which led to Takuya Kambara’s popularity being better.

But in fact, it was not Takuya Kambara who was well-trained at all, but someone behind Twilight Thirteen.

And this person is none other than Yusaku Kudo.

Although Kudo Yusaku was quiet for a while after being detained, now Kudo Yusaku has made a comeback, and this time he has a rather low-key comeback.

He rarely shows off his reasoning ability in front of people.

Because if he continues to sell, he will definitely be rewarded with a detention package by Takuya Kambara, after all, moving the body of the deceased at will is breaking the law!

If Taku Kambara is also pursued, he will suffer a lawsuit.

Now Kudo Yusaku is well-behaved, quietly asking Twilight Thirteen what is around, and then slowly deducing the murderer, and then cooperating with the means of the identification department, it is invincible.

And Kudo Yusaku is hiding behind Twilight.

On the one hand, he did not want to be detained again, and on the other hand, he needed inspiration to write books, especially mystery novels.

So he needs to solve the case to increase the inspiration from “747”.

Takuya Kanhara watched Yusaku Kudo work so hard to score, so he turned a blind eye and did not care about Yusaku Kudo.

As long as there is no news about Yusaku Kudo, the savior of the Metropolitan Police Department in the newspaper.

Then the Metropolitan Police Department will not take the initiative to find trouble with Kudo Yusaku.

If you really make the Metropolitan Police Department lively, turning over old accounts is enough for Kudo Yusaku to drink a pot.

As for why is Kudo Shinichi so arrogant twenty years later?

It’s not yet necessary for the plot, otherwise, Kudo Shinichi would have had an accident early on.

At this moment, the door of the office was suddenly knocked, and immediately after that, there was a voice from Twilight Thirteen at the door: “Officer Kambara, I have something to report.” ”

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara shouted: “Enter!” ”

Then, the door to the office opened, and Twilight walked in with the papers, while Taku Kambara was still playing a game.

Twilight Thirteen is now Takuya Kambara’s confidant, so he is not afraid of being seen by Twilight XIII.

Even if Twilight Thirteen saw it, he wouldn’t say anything, but would feel that he had the trust of Takuya Kambara.

If you don’t trust it, how can you let yourself see such a scene.

So now Twilight Thirteen is the hardcore of Takuya Kambara, no matter what he is allowed to do, he is guaranteed to have no complaints.

Of course, Taku Kamihara would not let Twilight Thirteen do anything illegal, because in the area of conscience, Twilight Thirteen could not get by.

At most, let him run errands and do a little of his own personal affairs, which is not illegal.

As for the henchmen who can kill for him, it is estimated that it will have to wait until the three smelly boys of Kambara Formation, Kambara Saburo and Kambara Zero grow up.

It can be said that in the future, they are Takuya Kambara’s henchmen.

“Twilight, is there something going on?” Takuya Kambara asked.

Hearing this, Twilight Thirteen took the document in his hand and handed it over: “Department head, this is the list of reimbursements we reimbursed last month, please take a look.” ”

Takuya Kambara put down the game in his hand, opened it and looked at it, and then signed his name directly.

Since it is a reimbursement, then there is nothing to pay attention to, it is all small things, anyway, it is not his money that is spent, and before he looks over, Twilight Thirteen has already carefully passed.

If there was a problem, it would not be here at all.

“Okay.” After Kambara Takuya signed it, he handed the document to Twilight XIII: “And at the end of this month, invite colleagues from the three departments to gather together, or the old rule, I will treat you!” ”

“You choose the location!”

Although Taku Kambara also has a shallow foundation in the Metropolitan Police Department, he is very popular.

It is because he is willing to throw money, there is nothing that money cannot do, if there is, then it proves that there is not enough money.

Of course, this is only one of them, and the other point is the battle of mud.

Neon Muqiang, the police of the Metropolitan Police Department are the same, since there is such a strong department leader as Takuya Kambara, he will naturally follow.

And they are also willing to spend money on them, who doesn’t like such a department head!

“Yes, Dean, I will inform you when the time comes!” Twilight Thirteen.

“Well, is there anything else?” Takuya Kambara glanced at Twilight Thirteen and asked.

Hearing this, Twilight XIII hesitated, but still chose to speak: “There is one more thing, but it is Kudo Yusaku’s matter.” ”

Hearing this, Taku Kambara was also interested: “Oh, what’s the matter, this guy actually has something to ask for on my head.” ”

“Could it be that he misses the days of the detention center and wants to go back and live for a few days.”

Twilight smiled awkwardly, and then said Kudo Yusaku’s request: “Kudo Yusaku wants to look through the archives of the Metropolitan Police Department a long time ago as inspiration for his mystery novel. ”

“Oh!?” Takuya Kambara lay back, and a smile rose at the corner of his mouth: “It turned out to be for this!” ”

“He has indeed solved a lot of cases for the Metropolitan Police Department recently, and he has given you all the credit, and it is understandable to give him a little reward.”

“But the files of the Metropolitan Police Department are not open to anyone, so add money!”

The right to read the files of some old cases of the Metropolitan Police Department is not a matter of his words.

But he didn’t want to just cheapen Kudo Yusaku.

“Dean, are you short of money?” Twilight blurted out.

Suddenly, Taku Kambara was not angry and said, “Am I a person who lacks money?” ”

Twilight Thirteen is sometimes too straight, I don’t know how to turn, or young!

“Sorry!” Twilight Thirteen smiled.

Just kidding, who doesn’t know that Taku Kambara is also a famous rich man in the Metropolitan Police Department, although it is the inheritance that his parents received after his death, but this is also Takuya Kambara’s things, and it is also his money.

“Kudo Yusaku has been gaining momentum in the novel industry recently, it should be making a lot of money, and at the dinner event at the end of this month, let Kudo Yusaku pay for it!”

“It’s the ticket money to enter the archives!”

“At that time, you can just give the bill to Yusaku Kudo!”

Use Kudo Yusaku’s money to run your own business.

I, Taku Kambara, am really a genius.

And a dinner is at most a million yen!

Kudo Yusaku was originally the eldest young master of a rich family, and the novels he wrote were also very popular, and a million yen was nothing to Kudo Yusaku.

It’s not a drop in the bucket.

Moreover, let Kudo Yusaku pay for him because he can afford him, ordinary people do not have the opportunity to invite the criminal police of the Metropolitan Police Department to dinner, and there are more than thirty criminal police officers.

“Department head, I’ll relay this matter to Kudo Yusaku first!” Twilight muttered.

It is also difficult for him to directly agree to this matter, after all, it is not he who spends the money, and he does not have this right to decide.

Takuya Kambara nodded and said, “He will agree, you just have to tell him.” ”

Kudo Yusaku is a smart man, and what can be done with money will definitely not be searched.


Twilight nodded, then withdrew from the office.

After leaving Takuya Kambara’s office, Twilight breathed a sigh of relief, then walked to a place where there was no one and dialed Kudo Yusaku’s phone.

Soon, Kudo Yusaku’s voice came from the other end of the phone.

“I’m Yusaku Kudo!”

“Yusaku! I am Twilight, you ask me about it, I have already told the head of the department, he agreed, but there are still some conditions! Twilight said.

“Conditions?” Kudo Yusaku leaned back in his chair and rubbed his temples: “What conditions?” ”

He knew that things would not go so smoothly, after all, Takuya Kambara was not good for their detective senses.

If Taku Kambara also answered directly, he would be suspicious, thinking that Taku Kambara might also be calculating him.

Since there are conditions, there are conditions, this means that it can be discussed, as long as it is not a lion opening its mouth.

“The head of the department said, you will pay for the dinner of the three series this month!” Twilight XIII relayed Takuya Kambara’s conditions to Takuya Kambara.

Hearing this, Kudo Yusaku raised his eyebrows with joy: “That’s it? ”

He also thought that what the conditions were, it turned out to be spending money to treat guests to dinner!

Isn’t it just a person of thirty!

Just how much can people spend on a treat, that is, less than two million yen, look down on anyone.

He Kudo Yusaku is also a best-selling novelist in neon, and his family also has money.

As long as you can see some archives to find inspiration, millions are nothing.


“Ugh!” Twilight Thirteen was stunned for a moment: “This is agreed?” ”

For the rich man’s world, he really can’t understand ah!

That’s one or two million!

His salary is several months or even half a year!

Just like that, it was used casually, and it was really a rich dog household.

“Anything that can be solved with money is nothing!”

“And one or two million can go through some archives, or I earned it.”

“It is estimated that seeing me working so hard during this time, this made me pay a little price and agreed.”

“If I put it in normal times, if I change someone, I guess it is impossible to read it!”

Kudo Yusaku’s mind is very clear now, only this is Takuya Kambara giving him face.

If you don’t give face, it is estimated that he has now entered the Metropolitan Police Department.

Probably arrested on charges of spying on the Metropolitan Police Department.

As for Takuya Kambara using his money to feast his colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department, he didn’t care about this kind of thing.

And he paid for a banquet for the Metropolitan Police Department to search a lesson, what did the criminal police who searched the three departments want to do?

Ready to commit murder?!

Therefore, it is enough to spend money to look at the archives and look at the files, and take care of the rest less, so as not to get into trouble: . 0

“Okay! I’ll go find you when the bill comes out, don’t be too expensive then! Twilight said.

Kudo Yusaku laughed: “Don’t worry, you know that I am not short of money, even if I use my own manuscript fee.” ”

“So eat and drink, everything is mine!”

More than 30 criminal policemen, the top of the sky is only 2 million yen, as for 3 million yen is impossible.

You can’t make a hundred thousand yen per person!

“Okay, that’s it, come to the Metropolitan Police Department to read the file when you are free!” Twilight Thirteen.

“Well, I’ll finish the manuscript first, and then I’ll go to read the paper!”

After Twilight hung up the phone, he left the place with the document in his hand and went to find someone else to sign it.

At this time, Takuya Kambara was making a phone call in the office.

The person who called this was no one else, but Reiko Kujo.

“Hey, I’m Takuya Kambara!” Takuya Kambara.

“It’s me, Officer Kambara.”

On the other side of the phone came the lively voice of Kujo Reiko.

“Oh, Reiko! Is there something wrong with calling so early? Takuya Kambara answered the phone while playing a game.

“Today… Are you coming to our school today? I have a competition! Kujo Reiko said.

Hearing this, Kamihara Takuya directly refused: “I’m sorry, Reiko.” ”

“There are quite a few cases to deal with on the Metropolitan Police Department’s side, so I can’t spare time today!”

“And what about tomorrow? There’s a bonfire tomorrow! ”

Kujo Reiko asked persistently.

“I don’t have time tomorrow! I’m really sorry! Kamihara Takuya said.

All of the above are the lies of Takuya Kambara, it is not that he does not have time, but simply does not want to go.

What is there to see in the sports meeting for junior high school students, if you want to see it, it depends on the university sports day, the sports of female college students.

Neon has a women’s college athletic day, but unfortunately he has not seen it.

Therefore, he was not interested in the junior high school student’s sports meeting at all, and even if he really went, he would talk to Chris about love, and then make up for English.

As for the bonfire, it will be a big pit.

If Kujo Reiko asked him to dance, it would be even more troublesome.

So out of sight, out of mind, just refuse directly.

If Kujo Reiko were eighteen now, he wouldn’t be like this.

“Alright!” Kujo Reiko’s tone was a little lost, and she looked at her figure even more lost, but she still asked Takuya Kambara a question: “Officer Kambara, what kind of girl do you like?” ”

“Good figure, beautiful looking, over eighteen years old, it’s that simple!”

Takuya Kambara’s aesthetic is as unpretentious as ever.

“Eighteen years old! Four more years! ”

Suddenly, Kujo Reiko became a little melancholy.

For four years, Takuya Kambara’s children didn’t know how many there were, and she had just met the requirements.

I didn’t know what to say for a while.

Tired, destroy!

“Reiko, is there anything else? If not, I’ll hang up and go to a meeting! Kamihara Takuya said.

“Wait a minute, there’s one more thing!” Kujo Reiko said quickly.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s just that yesterday you and Teacher Chrissy were two people…”

The words of the last 5.6 sides Kujo Reiko did not say, even if she did not say it, Kamihara Taku should also know!

Just when Kujo Reiko was expecting Takuya Kambara’s answer, a sentence made her mood fall to the bottom.

“Reiko, adults don’t inquire about children.”

“At least wait until you turn eighteen, and then you can ask me again!”

After speaking, Taku Kambara hung up the phone.

Looking at the hung up phone, Kujo Reiko was almost petrified, and some cracks appeared on her body that did not exist.

Broken, heartbroken.

Although she had long guessed that this might be the case, it was quite sad to hear it!

Obviously he came first!

At this moment, a familiar figure came over: “Reiko-san.” ”

Kujo Reiko turned her head and saw that her long blond hair was draped behind her, and Chris, who fell generously, stood in front of her.

“Reiko-san, what’s wrong with you?” Chris smiled.

Kujo Reiko’s gaze was a little oozing.

If it was before, Chris would have launched a counterattack, but now it will not, because she does not feel the killing intent.

And Kujo Reiko won’t hurt her either.

“Mr. Chris, I won’t give up, and Officer Kamihara is not as good as you believe!”

At this moment, Kujo Reiko had the slightest idea of wanting to poke Takuya Kambara’s tire, but finally dismissed it.

Hearing this, Chris was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

She already knew what was going on.

Isn’t it the unrequited love of girls, the beginning of love!

So, Chris walked to Kujo Reiko’s side, patted her on the shoulder and said, “Reiko, this is the world of adults!” ”

“And I know Takuya-san better than you think.”

“Yes, that’s what you imagined!”

After speaking, Chrissy smiled at the corner of her mouth and left here with her back hand, in a rather happy mood.

Kujo Reiko is honest again!.

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