Tokyo, early March.

This month is another graduation season.

Today, the third year students of Didan High School will also graduate from the school, some will go to university, and some will enter the society.

"Yingli, let's take a picture with the two of us!" said a girl with long curly brown hair, a bumpy figure, delicate facial features, and a girl with glasses and long brown hair tied in a single ponytail.

These two people are Miss Didan of Didan High School, Concubine Yingli and Fujimine Yukiko, and today is also the graduation ceremony of the two of them.

Among them, Fei Yingli was admitted to her ideal university, Eastern University.

And Yukiko Fujimine is not ready to go to college, but to develop in the show business.

"Good!" Eiri smiled happily, pushed her glasses, and took Yukiko's hand and went to the photo taking place.

"It turned out to be our Miss Didan, so teacher, I must take a beautiful picture of you today! "

The female teacher took the camera and began to shoot.

There was a car opposite the school gate, and a man was watching his every move in front of the school through the glass.

"Officer Kambara, how many of these graduates will join our Metropolitan Police Department?" said a chubby man in a suit and tie eating a hamburger in the driver's seat.

In Neon, you can become a police officer after graduating from high school, but there are few places to admit, and promotions are slow, not as fast as college at all, and the police department is the limit.

Of course, if you get into the professional group, that's a different story.

Hearing this, the young man sitting in the passenger seat put his hands behind his head, leaned his body on the chair, and leisurely looked out the window: "There should be quite a few." "

"Although the reputation of our Metropolitan Police Department is not very good, we are often scolded by the media and Tokyo citizens!"

"But this year's treatment has increased again, which should attract many people to come to test for the police!"

Because of the bad reputation of the Metropolitan Police Department, the Metropolitan Police Department raised the treatment of police officers a little more to attract talent, and the price was to be scolded by Tokyo citizens.

In the past, the Metropolitan Police Department was scolded as a tax thief, and now it will probably be scolded for tax money!

After all, with a high salary, but you can't catch the prisoner, and you have to help the detective, this is not what a thief is.

"It's going up again?" Twilight Thirteen leaned closer, "How much has it gone up?"

For the salary increase, Twilight XIII is still quite positive, after all, he is not a professional group, the salary is not very high, the police department is his upper limit, and he also has to save money to buy a foundation, build a house, and then repay a loan for decades, so he is still relatively happy about the salary increase.

Moreover, Taku Kambara is also a member of the professional group, or a graduate of Tokyo University, and the news is naturally well-informed, and 90% of the news that comes out of his mouth is true.

"Just tens of thousands!" said Takuya Kambara, "Although the salary has only increased by tens of thousands, the benefits have increased a lot." "

"Count it down every year, more than 230,000!"

The benefits of the Metropolitan Police Department are still okay, they have their own entertainment clubs, hotels and hot springs, and the police of the Metropolitan Police Department can save a lot of money with discount coupons.

Even high-ranking members of the Metropolitan Police Department are free.

Even with this kind of treatment, there are not many high-end talents who join the Metropolitan Police Department every year, and all of them are snatched away by neon chaebols.

In the past, Takuya Kambara had a family background, and his parents died early, but he was admitted to Tokyo University and was also a member of these chaebols, but his otherworldly counterpart resolutely joined the Metropolitan Police Department.

The reason is also strong, stable, and can touch fish.

Indeed, the Metropolitan Police Department is indeed a good place to fish, but it is easy to be scolded.

Then, his otherworldly isotope drank and threw himself to death in the bathroom, and then he came to this world.

The reason for crossing is also very simple, I met the Transformer of the mud car on the road, and directly punched him, and then he came, but what he didn't want to fight was that the world he came to was actually Conan's world, and the time to cross was so early.

But fortunately, he traveled in the flesh and just happened to come to the side of his dead otherworldly homonym.

Finally, it is the one that likes to see it instead, plus the opening of the gold finger.

Therefore, he has now become Takuya Kambara, but his body and soul are both from another world, and he is completely himself, but his name is different.

At the same time, he also accepted the memory of his otherworldly isotope, and the corpse was directly annihilated by Goldfinger.

As for Takuya Kambara's goldfinger, it is a system, the Tako Tafuku system.

[System: Many children and many blessings, the more offspring, the happier the host, godsons and godchildren can also open rewards. ] 】

[Host: Takuya Kambara (Otherworld Isotope)].

[Age: 23].

[Occupation: Police (Police Department)].

[Crossing Gift Pack (opened): 10 years younger, natural divine power (passive), dragon spirit tiger fierce (passive), navy six-style suit (six-style, cultivation medicine), one property (Yonehanamachi, 2-chome, No. 21), one car (crown S60), transfiguration, voice changer].

[Skills: fighting, shooting...].

[Descendants: None].

I have to say that the system is also advancing with the times, and they have begun to urge marriage.

But Takuya Kambara does not intend to get married, but the offspring definitely want.

The main one, do not take the initiative, do not refuse, be responsible!

No, he came to Didan High School today.

However, Takuya Kambara came to Teidan High School not entirely for the sake of Yukiko and Concubine Eiri, but to protect the graduation ceremony of Teidan High School.

Because last year, someone died at the graduation ceremony, and they shot and killed people.

This year, the Metropolitan Police Department sent police to prevent this from happening.

No, Takuya Kambara and Twilight Thirteen came.

It is worth mentioning that Twilight XIII is now a subordinate of Takuya Kambara, and his position is the head of inspection, two or three years older than him.

Although Twilight joined the Metropolitan Police Department earlier than Takuya Kambara, his rank was lower than him, and his salary was lower than him.

And that's the charm of the professional group.

If you want to blame, you can only blame Twilight Thirteen for not being admitted to the professional group.

"That's a lot!" Twilight looked delighted.

At this time, Takuya Kambara spoke again: "Go, get out of the car and take a look." "

"Well,,, good. "

Twilight quickly stuffed the unfinished burger into his mouth, and then got out of the car with Takuya Kambara.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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