Last year, the person who did things during the graduation season was caught on the spot, but I am afraid that someone will commit a copycat crime this year.

Therefore, the Metropolitan Police Department asked the police to hold the graduation season school today to prevent another accident.

After all, the salary is so much every month, the benefits are so good, and you always have to do something.

"Officer Kambara, everyone around you is watching you!" Twilight Thirteen, who was standing behind Takuya Kambara, looked envious.

In the Metropolitan Police Department, there is a ranking of the most wanted people, of which Takuya Kambara ranks first.

This shows how handsome Takuya Kambara is.

As for the second place person, who also graduated from Todai, Toshiro Odakiri, who was born into a family of police officers, he is married and has children.

So I went down from the first place position to the second place.

If Takuya Kambara's family lineage is on par with Toshiro Oda, then the first place is definitely his.

However, Taku Kambara is not interested in this ranking.

Taku Kambara also smiled: "Brother Twilight, in fact, you are also a handsome guy if you lose it." "

Twilight XIII, who was less than thirty years old, was already developing towards Twilight XIII twenty years later.

Hearing this, Twilight Thirteen smiled and touched his stomach: "During this time, I was on duty at night, and I ate hamburgers or something, so I gained weight, and when this period passed, I ran every morning to lose weight!"

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara secretly said in his heart: "Running?"

"It seems that twenty years later, Twilight Thirteen seems to run every morning, but she still has a big belly. "

In the fourteenth target of the theatrical version, Twilight Thirteen was attacked by gangsters during his morning run, but fortunately the fat on his stomach did not fatally hurt him.

So, Twilight Thirteen may not be able to reduce it!

Suddenly, a man's voice came from ahead: "Are you Officer Takuya Kambara?"

Kamihara Takuya looked at him, a boy wearing a Didan High School uniform, with a band-aid on his cheeks, and a handful of small bangs looking at him excitedly.

"This student, is there something going on?" smiled Takuya Kambara.

Although it is a boy, it also needs a gentle smile.

"My name is Maori Kogoro, I'm about to study at Yonaka University, and I'm going to be a police officer in the future..." The young Maori Kogoro stood up and began to introduce himself.

All of a sudden, he became the second most beautiful cub at the gate of Didan High School.

The most beautiful person is, of course, Takuya Kambara.

In the face of Maori Kogoro's tirade, Takuya Kambara did not have the slightest impatience on the surface, listening to his self-introduction.

But inside the heart

"Stop reading, don't read it..."

Maori Kogoro kept chattering for three minutes, saying his age, name, family situation, etc., if it weren't for Takuya Kambara interrupting, it is estimated that he would even have to say what bottoms he was wearing today, and what color the bottoms were.

And these words can be summed up in one sentence, Takuya Kambara, I am your fan.

A week ago, Takuya Kambara solved a homicide case and two burglary cases.

Because of his youth, graduation from Eastern University, career group, and good image, he was praised by the Metropolitan Police Department and was on the news several times.

So Takuya Kambara is now a household name in Tokyo.

"Very good, very spirited!" Takuya Kambara patted Maori Kogoro on the shoulder and said, "When you graduate from college, you must come to the Metropolitan Police Department." "

"We in the Metropolitan Police Department just lack talent like you!"

In a way, Maori Kogoro is indeed a talent, but a talent on the criminal side.

When he was a police officer, he often led the case in a strange direction, and after becoming a detective, he specially helped the prisoner to exonerate, pointing to the innocent person and saying that it was a prisoner.

So, Maori Kogoro this guy is really from the Metropolitan Police Department as a police officer... Sad!

Nothing but a little better marksmanship.

But these are all truths, and Takuya Kambara is naturally impossible to say, and he also has to consolidate his personality and take care of Maori Kogoro's fragile mind.

I'm so tired!

"Hmm!" Maori Kogoro looked so excited that he even blushed, "So... Can I take a picture with you?"

"No problem!"

Takuya Kambara continued to smile.

Maori Kogoro walked to the side, looked at the teacher and said, "Sensei, can you help me take a picture with Officer Kambara?"

The female teacher nodded and said, "Of course, but I'll take pictures later." "

Because of his handsome face and tall posture, Taku Kambara has invisibly had a bunch of mother powder.

This teacher is probably one of them!

The appearance of being in his forties, it should be.

As for male fans, there are not many, most of them are envious and jealous.


Mori Kogoro nodded and came to Takuya Kambara's side, revealing a heartfelt smile.

Takuya Kambara also kept smiling until...

"Come, this classmate is closer, it's time to shoot!" said Twilight, holding the camera.


A picture froze again.

Twilight Thirteen has also changed from a visitor to a full-time photographer, and he often photographs corpses when he is busy, so he is still quite good at taking pictures and so on.

As for Takuya Kambara, his face froze, but he still had to keep smiling.

The character can't collapse!

And the more popular he is outside, the faster he rises inside the Metropolitan Police Department.

Maybe you can mix it up in the future and have a good time.

Provided there is no Graves and Giggs' gank.

Of course, if he has nothing to do, he can also turn into embers and have a perfect curtain call.

"Okay, next!" shouted Twilight.

At this time, two coffee-haired girls came over, it was Miss Didan of Didan High School, Concubine Yingli and Yukiko.

"Officer Kambara, we are your fans!" shouted Yukiko excitedly.

Concubine Yingli on the side also blushed slightly and nodded.

Takuya Kambara, a warm man, still has great lethality for little girls!

This time, Takuya Kambara looked at Yukiko and Concubine Eiri with a sunny smile: "Thank you very much." "

Then, Takuya Kambara put his hands on the shoulders of Yukiko and Concubine Hideri, squatted down a little, and smiled.


Twilight pressed the shutter again.

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Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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