After a while, the crowd gathered at the gate of Di Dan High School also gradually left.

This indicates that today's graduation ceremony of Didan High School has ended successfully, and there are no accidents along the way.

Concubine Eiri and Fujimine Yukiko also exchanged contact information with Takuya Kambara and left here, and they went to eat and sing with the other classmates.

After all, there is not much time left to get together and have fun.

In the future, everyone will be a social person in the relationship, and there will be no way to play so comfortably.

"Officer Kambara, are we going back to the Metropolitan Police Department now?" said Twilight Thirteen with a camera in hand.

This is the camera on Takuya Kambara's car, which was taken by Twilight XIII to take pictures, and the photos in the film are washed out and sent to the homes of the classmates who took pictures with Takuya Kambara as a souvenir.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara raised his hand and looked at the time: "It's past eleven." "

As for whether you can go back to the Metropolitan Police Department and have dinner, there is nothing to deal with in the Metropolitan Police Department anyway!"

Now Takuya Kambara is already the police department of the third series of the search section of the criminal department of the Metropolitan Police Department, and he can be regarded as the second oldest of the third series of searches.

As for the boss of the search of the three series, it is Matsumoto Kiyocho Police Department.

It's just that nominally Matsumoto Kiyocho is the boss of the three series, but everyone with discerning eyes knows that Matsumoto Kiyocho will soon be transferred away from the three series, which is a flat tune.

At that time, Takuya Kambara will rise to the throne and become the boss of the three series.

Therefore, even if Taku Kambara does not return to the Metropolitan Police Department, no one will say anything, and no one will be stupid to file a complaint.

If he really goes to file a complaint, Takuya Kambara will be reprimanded at most and let him pay attention next time, but the person who sues will definitely wear small shoes.

Therefore, Takuya Kambara is now the little bully of the three series

Touching a fish can be said to be performing official duties outside, because no one cares about him.

"Okay, Officer Kambara, shall we go there for dinner?" asked Twilight.

In the past, Twilight was a subordinate of Matsumoto Kiyonaga, but now he is a subordinate of Takuya Kambara.

After all, he is not stupid, he must hold his thighs, although he has a little uneasy conscience when he touches fish outside, but if something happens, he will definitely be the first to rush up.

There is such a thing as a sense of justice, Twilight Thirteen still has it.

"Walking around here, I want to eat something!" said Takuya Kambara.

Lunch and dinner are the hardest choices.

As for the morning, Takuya Kambara usually eats noodles, eats buns, and makes his own.

"Good. "

Then, Twilight XIII drove away from Didan High School.


Takuya Kambara and Twilight came to the snack street in the vicinity.

The streets of the snack street are full of stalls selling various snacks, octopus meatballs, ramen, fried rice, seabream yakisaki, yakitori, yakitori, and more.

"Let's eat here today!" Takuya Kambara stepped out of the car.

"Yes, Officer Kambara. "

"I'll go park the car first and come over later." Twilight said.

"Good. "

Twilight went to park the car, and Takuya Kambara also went straight into the snack street, ready to see what to eat.

He has been eating in the cafeteria of the Metropolitan Police Department for some time recently, and the taste is indeed very good, but it is still a little worse, a little worse than the atmosphere.

So Takuya Kambara came here for lunch today.

Because it is a meal, there are quite a few people here, and it is quite lively.

"Look, what to eat!"

Takuya Kambara looked left, looked again, and finally stopped at a yakiso stall.

"Boss, two fried noodles. "

"Okay, please wait, you can sit here. The boss pointed to the small table and small stool behind him and said.


Takuya Kambara nodded, and just as he was about to sit down, he suddenly heard a noisy sound not far away, and turned his head to look over.

I saw a few unhealthy teenagers dyed in colorful colors, wearing nose rings and animal-patterned T-shirts gathered around a stall.

And the owner of this stall is a woman with a beautiful face and a plump figure.

Seeing this scene, Takuya Kambara got up, as a police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, how could he be indifferent when he saw this kind of thing.

"Hey, this guest, you don't care about this matter. The yakisoba boss shouted.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara asked, "Is there anyone above them?"

Hearing this, the fried noodle boss shook his head for a moment: "It's not like this, they are a peripheral member of a group called the mud participation group. "

"They came here to ask Miss Descending Valley for a debt!"

"Miss Descent?"

"I seem to have heard this name somewhere!" said Takuya Kambara secretly in his heart.

"Miss Sinkya's husband died some time ago, and the factory collapsed, so she owes a debt, and these guys were hired to ask for debts!"

"Miss Sinking Valley has sold her only house to pay off debts, but it is simply not enough, and she still has to raise her children. "

Although Miss Sinking Valley is also working hard to pay off her debts, the money she makes from selling snacks is not even enough for interest. "

"So these people want to sell Miss Sink to work in the clubhouse to pay off the debt!" said the yakisoba boss.

This kind of thing is difficult for the police to deal with, not to mention that they have not hurt people, they are just harassing.

And these punks are just to make the business worse, so that they can force Liang to become a prostitute.

After listening, Takuya Kambara nodded: "That's the case! "

"Hey, guest, you..."

The boss still wanted to say something, but Taku Kambara had already left here.

But the boss looked at Takuya Kambara's back and muttered in a low voice: "This guy seems to have seen it somewhere!"

"No, I'm never going to that kind of place, you guys are dead!" said Eri Shimitani with a tough look.

If you don't be tough, you can't do it!

She is a widow, with a child, if she is not tough, she will be bullied!

Although they have been bullied, they cannot be allowed to get an inch.

Hearing this, the flowing punk stretched out his hand and was ready to stroke it on Eri's delicate face, but a big hand squeezed his arm.


"Little white face, less nosy!"

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Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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