"I don't know much about the entertainment agency, but I know people who know!" Takuya Kambara.

After joining UTokyo, you will have a very large network, and when your career is successful, those people will show you favor.

That's true of Taku Kambara.

Among them, there are many graduates of Eastern University who have shown favor to him, including big men in the financial and economic circles and the helm of large groups.

And these two people are Kenzo Torayama and Tomoko Suzuki, who are optimistic about the future of Takuya Kambara.

That's right, Kenzo Torayama and Tomoko Suzuki are both high-achieving students who graduated from Tokyo University.

Although the two of them are not the same as Taku Kambara, the graduates of Tokyo University are naturally in a circle, and the relationship is relatively close.

And the two of them also gave gifts when Takuya Kambara was promoted to the police department.

However, instead of sending money directly, Takuya Kambara won the lottery in the form of a lottery, and then told him that he could exchange the prize for cash or gold bullion if he didn't need it.

This method is relatively secretive, even if Taku Kamihara is really investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department, he is not afraid.

Because he was very lucky to win the lottery, and then exchanged things for cash without the need for prizes, the source of the money is very legal.

Even if the Metropolitan Police Department found out, there was no way to do anything with him.

Therefore, Taku Kambara also adhered to the concept of not wanting it in vain, so he collected all this money.

At the same time, he also formed friendships with Tomoko Suzuki and Kenzo Torayama.

And Suzuki Tomoko married Suzuki Shiro four years ago, not after a normal relationship, but a blind date, but before the blind date, Suzuki Shiro liked Hojo Tomoko.

And the marriage of the two is still entangled in interests.

To put it simply, the family business of the Hojo family, where Suzuki Tomoko was originally located, has a problem and needs a lot of capital turnover.

And for some reason, banks simply do not give them loans.

It happened that at this time, the head of the Hojo family, that is, Tomoko's father, knew this, so he matched up and asked Tomoko to go on a blind date with Shiro Suzuki.

In order to save the Hojo family, Tomoko can only sacrifice herself and marry Shiro Suzuki.

At this time, Hojo Tomoko became Suzuki Tomoko, and their daughter Ayako Suzuki was also four years old.

Although the two have a daughter, the relationship between Tomoko Suzuki and Shiro Suzuki is not as good as expected.

Because Suzuki Tomoko has a high position in the Suzuki Group, his wrist is amazing, and there are many people under his hand, Suzuki Shiro naturally will not be at ease.

He couldn't watch his things being snatched away and put in the air, even if it was his wife.

And the Suzuki Group, which has not yet become a chaebol, has its own business in all aspects, including the entertainment industry.

So as long as Takuya Kambara spoke, Yukiko's matter could be solved.

In addition, Kenzo Torayama is similar.

At this time, Kenzo Fengshan was already fifty years old, and at this age, he must have joined the black organization.

And there is also a business in the entertainment industry under his hand, which can also be solved by a phone call.

But Takuya Kambara will not choose Kenzo Torayama.

Because behind him is a black organization, a guy with some trouble, don't touch too deeply for the time being.

And when it comes to black tissue, you have to play with piano and vodka.

At this time, Gin and Vodka are Tokyo, but they are not among the black organizations.

Rather, in a welfare home, both of them were orphans and had known each other since childhood.

It is not called Gin Wine and Vodka, but Kurosawa Jin and Uozuka Saburō, both of whom are about the same age, both eight or nine years old.

One age with the valley of the valley.

Taku Kambara also planned to cut off the beards of both Gin Jiu and vodka and make them his subordinates.

But now is not the time.

Because he now has no way to adopt people from welfare homes, and he does not have the money to buy them.

But he would go to the Mihua Orphanage a few times a month and then donate money while the children inside played.

And already mixed with gin and vodka.

At this time, the gin wine is not the cold, emotionless gin wine twenty years later, he is still a normal person with feelings, joys, sorrows, and hopes that his brothers and sisters can find a family and grow up happily.

As for why gin wine became cold after twenty years, it was all the fault of the black organization.

Therefore, Taku Kambara also has to reverse the two of Gin Jiu and vodka, let them become his lackeys and help themselves.

It's best to let them join the Metropolitan Police Department when they grow up, that's the most interesting thing.

But this kind of thing can't be rushed, just take your time.

If the black organization wants to rob someone from him, he will make a move.

"Who is it?"

Concubine Eiri, who had recovered a little strength, was already able to eat by herself, but she still sat on Takuya Kambara's lap.

"Suzuki Tomoko of the Suzuki Group, she is my senior sister, we also know each other!"

At this time, the Suzuki Group was not yet a Suzuki chaebol, a little closer to the chaebol, and even further away from becoming a chaebol who mastered the neon lifeline.

However, with Suzuki Tomoko's skills and abilities, it is only a matter of time before he becomes a chaebol who masters the lifeblood of neon.

After all, it is the woman who sits firmly in the original book as a chaebol lady, and this kind of person is not simple.

"Is that the president of the Suzuki Group?" Concubine Yingli was surprised.

Suzuki Group Concubine Hideri naturally knows, Suzuki Tomoko also knows, but does not know that Suzuki Tomoko graduated from Todai, and also knows Takuya Kambara.

Sure enough, the moment you enter the university, you take the first step to becoming a Draco.

This sentence is true!

"It's the vice president!" Takuya Kambara corrected.

Because of Suzuki Tomoko's strength, Suzuki Shiro was suppressed within the group, causing people outside to know Suzuki Tomoko but not Suzuki Shiro.

Maybe when the Suzuki Group will become Suzuki's bag.

After all, business warfare is very cruel and real, and attacking the president of the enemy is a common thing.

In a few days, the newspapers will publish the murder of the president of the Suzuki Group.

"So can you help introduce Yukiko?" Fei Yingli asked.

Takuya Kambara said, "A matter of words, but it depends on Yukiko's sincerity." "

"I'm not going to trade at a loss!"

He never advertised himself as a good person.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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