
Takuya Kambara opened his eyes and woke up from his sleep, still looking as radiant as ever.

But the concubine Yingli on the side can't do it, her whole person is soft now, she doesn't want to move at all, and she doesn't even have the idea of eating ice cream.

It looks like you have to rest for another morning to recover!

"Yingli, do you want breakfast later?"

Takuya Kambara asked as he got up and dressed.

Hearing this, Concubine Yingli, who had her eyes closed, turned over and muttered in a low voice: "Don't eat it, I don't want to move at all now." "

"You guy doesn't know how to pity Xiang Xiang Yu at all, I think I can't get out today."

"Don't bother me, I'm going to sleep."

At this time, Concubine Yingli was happy in her heart, but numb in her flesh.

And the person who caused all this is none other than Takuya Kambara.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara laughed: "It's not that you yourself have to challenge my limits, and you can't say it in just two strokes." "

"When you get up, remember to soak in the medicinal bath I prepared for you, but don't forget!"

In the past two days, Taku Kambara also asked Concubine Yingli to take a medicinal bath to enhance his physique, and this medicinal bath was the medicinal bath in the six styles of the navy.

It can be used by both men and women, and it is perfect for ordinary people.

Exactly what Fei Yingli can use.

After a period of medicinal bathing, Takuya Kambara will also teach Princess Yingli a little bit of the Navy Six Styles for self-defense.

He did not expect Concubine Yingli to be proficient in all the six styles and become a superhuman-like existence, he only hoped that she could protect herself.

In addition, Taku Kambara also has a little other careful thinking, as for what kind of careful thinking, everyone who understands it.

"Got it! I will definitely soak! "

After saying this, Fei Yingli waved her hand and continued to sleep.

Although she didn't know what ingredients were in this medicinal bath, she knew that it was good for herself.

Because after soaking, she felt that her body was relaxed, and all fatigue was gone.

It's a good thing to look at.

As for saying that Taku Kambara also used this thing to harm her, it is completely nonsense, because he himself is using it.

There is nothing in her that Takuya Kambara should worry about.

But there is also something to say, and that is this body.

Although Taku Kambara is also a pervert, it is just a normal pervert and there is no problem.

"Hmm! Well, I'll be back later today, so you don't have to wait for me to eat." "

"You can order delivery by yourself, or you can go out to eat, but pay attention to safety!"

Takuya Kambara took his coat and walked towards the door.

And Concubine Yingli also answered at this time.


Takuya Kambara closed the door when he left.

It didn't take long for Concubine Yingli to breathe evenly in the room and fall asleep.

And Takuya Kambara also came to the kitchen after washing his face and rinsing his mouth, ordered a little noodles, then cut a piece of beef, ate a bowl of beef noodles, and then drove out in his car.

But today, Taku Kambara also saw a rare guy, Dr. Agasa, outside.

Under normal circumstances, Dr. Agasa does not get up in the morning, he will definitely sleep until the afternoon, and then after eating, he will continue his research, and finally come all night.

This is Dr. Agasa's daily life.

And today Dr. Agasa actually got up early, and it was really the sun hitting the west!

"Good morning, Dr. Agasa!" Takuya Kambara looked through the window at Dr. Agasa, who was stretching in the courtyard.

Dr. Agasa's real name is Dr. Agasa.

Hearing Takuya Kambara's voice, Dr. Agasa came over and smiled, "Good morning, Mr. Kambara." "

Takuya Kambara nodded and said with a curious look: "Dr. Agasa, you never get up early, did something happen today?" "

"Could it be that you want to participate in some academic lecture?"

Since Takuya Kambara moved over, I have seen Dr. Agasa get up early only a handful of times, and it is all because of some academic research things.

When Dr. Agasa heard this, he was a little embarrassed: "It's not because of the academic speech. "

"And I've been staying up too hard lately, and my body can't bear it, so I'm ready to adjust my biological clock, get up early every day, and I'll run every morning for a while to exercise."

"Make yourself healthy."

Staying up late does hurt your body, but staying up all night doesn't.

Taku Kambara glanced at Dr. Agasa's body and found that he was now developing towards what he would have been twenty years from now.

If the hair turns gray again, then it is a complete version of Dr. Agasa.

"Then Doctor, you have to cheer, it is very hard to insist on running in the morning every day, and you must also pay attention to your physical condition, don't let your body be damaged by exercise!" Takuya Kambara reminded.

Some people do high-intensity exercise every day when they first start exercising, and as a result, their meniscus is wasted.

This is not desirable, a combination of work and rest, doing what you can, and the key.

Dr. Agasa said, "Don't worry, I've already consulted my friend, so there will be absolutely no problem!" "

It is worth mentioning that Dr. Agasa is also a high-achieving student who graduated from Tokyo University, and has many academic friends.

This is one of the reasons why Dr. Agasa can study at home every day without sleeping on the streets.

"Okay! Then I'll go to work first. See you later! "

"See you later!"

After Takuya Kambara drove away, Dr. Agasa continued to stretch in the yard.


Takuya Kambara drove to the Metropolitan Police Department.

After greeting his colleagues, Takuya Kambara came to his office.

If nothing had happened in Tokyo today, he would have been doing nothing in his office for a day.

But this kind of thing can only be thought of.

How can there be nothing at all in the huge Tokyo, and this is no ordinary Tokyo.

As we all know, Yonehana Town is a simple folklore!

And even Gotham is known as millet flower, which shows that the rice flower town is not restless, and even quite chaotic.

Although Mika does not have Batman, there is the Metropolitan Police Department.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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