"So you and Mouri Kogoro were childhood sweethearts? No wonder you are so sad!" Kanbaru Takuya asked knowingly.

Just now, after Feiyingli drank a can of red bean soup, he said everything.

Including the situation in his own family.

Now Kanbara Takuya already knows what the current situation of Feiyingli's family is.

Her parents died young. They don't have much legacy left, especially now they have to pay off the mortgage and pay hundreds of thousands of yen in tuition, so they are struggling right now.

Moreover, it is only one month before the school starts, so even if they work part-time, they can't make enough money. Six hundred thousand, unless you go to the stock market or make some quick money.

For example, sell yourself.

Selling means literally.


In fact, Kanbaru Taku can also take action, but it is not the time yet.

"I am sad not because I have a childhood sweetheart relationship with Mouri Kogoro, but because I wasted so much time helping a lecher, and he was also a lecher looking for a goddess."

"I shouldn't have helped Kogoro Mori with tutoring in the first place so that he wouldn't be able to go to college!"Fei Yingli said fiercely.

She felt that she was doing useless work and wasting a lot of her time. And she only helped Mouri Kogoro because her childhood sweetheart and the Mouri couple often took care of her.

Otherwise, she would not waste it. During her own study time, she went to tutor Mouri Kogoro.

After all, Fei Yingli's current situation can only be changed by being admitted to an ideal university.

She has now been admitted to Tokyo University, but she has no money to pay tuition.

"Mouri Kogoro's family is quite rich, so even if he really can't pass the exam, he can still pass it by spending some money!" Kanbaru Takuya shrugged.

Immediately, Fei Yingli was choked.

"Are you enlightening me or making me angry? ? Kanbara

Takuya smiled and said,"Of course I am enlightening you!" You see, you are angry now. Just now you were like a puppet, immersed in your own world."

"Have it?"

Fei Yingli subconsciously touched her face.

"Pretty much, anyway, your condition is much better now, and you're not so angry now, right?" Kanbaru Takuya said.

Fei Yingli nodded. She is indeed not very angry now. She was angry just now because all her efforts were fed to the dog. Now she has complained and vented a bit, and her mood is really much better.

If the tuition fee It would be better if the matter with the mortgage can be resolved.

Unfortunately, borrowing money from Mori Kogoro's family is not feasible, so the only thing left is to find Yukiko, or sell his own house. The house contained memories of their family, and she really didn’t want to sell it. Moreover, the owner of this house had an accident and it turned into a half-haunted house, so it might not be sold. As for working? What kind of job can be done in the house?

Get 600,000 yen in a month!

Fei Yingli can't think of it anyway, unless she finds someone to support her.

However, Fei Yingli also has self-respect, and it is impossible to do this unless she is desperate.

"so! If you think about it a little bit, it's just a childhood sweetheart. If you lose it, you lose it. It's not a big deal."Kanahara Takuya said:"You deserve a better boy, such as me!"

"well?! Fei Yingli was stunned for a moment, then covered her mouth and laughed:"Officer Kanhara, are you confessing your love to me?""

"I have very high requirements for my boyfriend!"

Very tall?

Mouri Kogoro isn't that tall either!"

"Oh, how high is it, tell me, what do you think of me?"

"I graduated from Tokyo University, in the professional group, and now I am in the police department. If nothing else, I am a high-ranking member of the Metropolitan Police Department. I am 1.8 meters tall and weigh 200 pounds. What are my conditions like?"

Kannahara Takuya suddenly entered a blind date situation.

In the past, blind dates were like this, straightforward.

If you are willing, just accept it, and if you don't, just get her. If you don't want to talk to the girl on the blind date, you might as well go to an Internet cafe to play some games.

After hearing this, Fei Yingli Eyes widened:"How good is Officer Kanhara's condition?"

This is the first time she knows the detailed information about Kanbaru Takuya. In the past, she only knew about Kanbaru Takuya. After all, she has to take exams and has no time to care about other people.

"And if you look like this, you shouldn’t weigh two hundred pounds, right?!"

Judging from the appearance, Kanbaru Taku cannot weigh 200 pounds, even if he is 1.8 meters tall.

"I have a big frame, so I'm heavy."

Recently, Kanbara Takuya has been diligently practicing the Sixth Form of the Navy, so the density of his bones and muscles has increased, and he has naturally gained a lot of weight, and he does not look fat.

When he has completed all the Sixth Form of the Navy After that, he became a superman.

As for Kyogoku, he suppressed it with one hand and ruled for eternity.

"So, does Fei Yingli like my condition?"

"If you like it, you can go directly to the next step." Kanbaru Takuya said

"Next step? Fei Yingli said

"Going on a date?"

"Nowadays, falling in love is not always like this, dating, eating, watching movies, and then..."

"Then what? Fei Yingli asked

"Then they open a room. There should be many high school students like this now!" Kanbaru Takuya said with a half-smile.

Nowadays, the atmosphere of neon is quite open, otherwise there wouldn't be so many regular clubs.

In addition to these clubs, there are also cowherds who specialize in serving rich ladies and young women.

Speaking of Here, Fei Yingli didn't blush. Although she had never done this before, she had heard of it and heard it from her classmates.

Because most of the classmates in their class had girlfriends and had been together early. She spent the night outside.

She even heard some classmates talk about the process and feelings of this kind of thing, so this is...

"Is this really comfortable? Fei Yingli was silent for a moment and suddenly asked


These words made Kanbara Takuya a little dumbfounded. Is he already so direct?

A current high school student?

No, he should be a college student.

"I do not know! I used to just study and had no experience in this area. I also heard what my roommates in college said."

"Although I am a handsome guy, I am still a virgin!"

The Kanbara Takuya of this world is naturally a virgin, but he is not.

When he traveled through time, he was already thirty-three years old and had already experienced the prosperity of the world.

The old driver is talking about him.

"Let’s go give it a try! ?"

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