Time goes back ten minutes.

Maori Kogoro and his friend Oikawa came to the vicinity of the love hotel, and then saw two girls dressed up in a nearby alley.

One of them, wearing a miniskirt, hey, spitting lipstick, drawing delicate makeup, a good figure, and a beautiful face was standing in the alley.

The other one is similar, and the two are dressed almost identically.

"Mori, this is your partner today, Miss Sawaguchi. Oikawa said, pointing to one of the girls with short hair.

Object? The trading object is right.

The girl in front of her is none other than Maori Kogoro's god maid.

"How does it feel?" asked Oikawa with a smile as he patted Maori Kogoro.

Hearing this, Maori Kogoro nodded, scratched his head and said, "It's not bad." He felt that there was something wrong with this sentence, and added: "There is no heroic beauty." "

Hearing this, Oikawa gave Maori Kogoro a blank look: "Who asked you this, and you actually compare the concubine Eiri with the god girl, yes! "

"If you let Concubine Yingli know this, you will definitely die." "

Don't look at Concubine Yingli is a top student in the class, but she has also practiced, in the case of a confrontation between the two.

Maori Kogoro can't beat Concubine Eiri.

At this time, Maori Kogoro was anxious, and quickly waved his hand: "I don't mean that, I mean who..."

"Okay, no one asked you this, now you should enjoy it, college student!"

Okawa waved his hand and pushed Maori Kogoro over.

"Sawaguchi, this kid will be handed over to you today, first-time college student!"

Hearing this, Miss Sawaguchi covered her mouth and laughed, ridiculing: "First-time college student!

I heard that when the god girl meets the first child, she will wrap a red envelope, of course, the money still has to be given.

This is a matter of principle.

"Nonsense, I'm not!" Maori Kogoro was anxious.

My friends know it, but how can I tell outsiders.

Isn't Kogoro Maori who is about to study at Yoneka University not to lose face?

Oikawa and the two god girls laughed.

People who come here for the first time just like to have a hard mouth, they see a lot, and they generally don't say anything.

Suddenly, Sawaguchi came to Maori Kogoro's side, grabbed his arm, and wrapped his arm around his mighty pectoralis major muscles.

"Let's go!"

Suddenly, Maori Kogoro smelled the fragrance, and after the warm jade warm fragrance, his face showed the appearance of a pig brother, as if the whole person was about to be melted.

"Okay, let's go!"

At this moment, Maori Kogoro became obedient, just like Maori Kogoro twenty years later.

When I see a woman, I can't walk, let alone being held by a girl, so I can't walk even more.

It can only be said that LSP was not formed in a day, and it is estimated that Maori Kogoro has been like this since he was a child.

It's just that when there is Concubine Eiri, Maori Kogoro will converge a little, and when Concubine Eiri is not there, he will let himself go, especially after being admitted to university.

After all, if you go to college or a boy chicken, isn't it a joke, and it is faceless to say! !

Oikawa and another god girl watched Maori Kogoro and Sawaguchi enter the hotel, and said with a smile: "Let's go play too?"

After speaking, Oikawa moved restlessly, provoking the girls on the side to constantly coquettish, but did not stop it.

After all, this is not the first time, everyone is out to mix, there is no need to be restrained.

"Hahaha!" Oikawa laughed loudly, clapping his circles and saying, "Let's go get down to business!"


Later, Oikawa and the god girl also went to the hotel, opened a room, and went to work.

At this time, Sawaguchi had already guided Maori Kogoro in the hotel, like a teacher, and helped Maori Kogoro solve the problem.

At this moment, Maori Kogoro finally transformed, and he has grown up today and become an adult.

But the good times did not last long, and the door of the hotel was knocked directly, and the door was suddenly opened.

Then I saw a man with a police certificate standing in the doorway, looking inside.

This directly made Maori Kogoro directly dumbfounded, and this policeman was still a policeman he knew.

Officer Kambara, this is the end!

Maori Kogoro immediately felt the sky spinning.

And the god girl on the side was not too alarmed, but pulled the quilt to avoid walking away, quite calm.

"Maori Kogoro, why are you here?"

To be honest, when he saw Maori Kogoro, Taku Kambara was also a little dumbfounded.

He thought that Maori Kogoro and other classmates had eaten and drunk, but he did not expect to open a small stove here to take care of his second brother.

I can only say that it is worthy of Maori Kogoro!

As for the second brother

It's hard to say, it's hard to say in a word!

Takuya Kambara looked at the two, put away the police certificate in his hand, and asked with a smile: "Is this your girlfriend? "

Hearing this, Maori Kogoro immediately nodded and said, "Yes, she is my girlfriend, girlfriend!"

Takuya Kambara nodded and asked again: "Then what is your girlfriend's name, how old is it, and when is her birthday, you should have known this a long time ago!"

Maori Kogoro is so young!


Maori Kogoro looked dazed, he didn't know the answers to these questions, he only knew that it was called Sawaguchi.

"Alas!" Takuya Kambara sighed and said bitterly, "Maori has really disappointed me so much!"

"I didn't expect you to do such a thing, come with me!"

"Put it on yourself!"

Takuya Kambara threw the handcuffs at Maori Kogoro and asked him to put them on himself.

At this moment, Maori Kogoro already knew the fact that he was a prisoner, and said with a bitter face: "Can you not tell Eiri?"

He really didn't want Concubine Yingli to know!

If you let Concubine Yingli know, their childhood sweetheart relationship will end here.

As for the relationship?

Dream away!

"I'll tell your parents, this is the rule!" said Takuya Kambara.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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