Metropolitan Police Department.

Māori Kogoro was not taken to the interrogation room, but was temporarily detained.

As for the reason, of course, it was illegal trading with the god girl.

Of course, this illegal trade is small and small, and big is big.

If you don't pursue it, you can get out with a penalty, and if you want to pursue it, you can be locked up for about half a year! !

Speaking of which, Maori Kogoro is also unlucky, today is his first offense, and then he was reported.

And when Takuya Kambara entered the door, he happened to be working hard, and then he was paralyzed in fright.

Maybe it will be scared out of the shadows, and then the thing will be scrapped and unusable.

But this kind of thing is no wonder Takuya Kambara, after all, he is a police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, so naturally he wants to enforce the law publicly.

So for what may happen to Maori Kogoro, Takuya Kambara can only say that he deserves it, who let you find the god girl outside.

If you go directly to a regular clubhouse, you won't be arrested at all.

But there is one point, regular clubs are more expensive, and students like Maori Kogoro cannot afford to play.

Although the Maori family has a little money, they will definitely not let Maori Kogoro use it like this.

However, Maori Kogoro now needs to pay a fine, if he pays too much, he does not need to be detained, and if he pays less, then he continues to be detained after the fine.

So this matter still has to be told to Maori Kogoro's parents, because Maori Kogoro has no money to pay the fine.

As for the god attendant, the girl had already walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department, and she swiped her own card and paid the fine.

And before leaving, he also gave a red envelope to Takuya Kambara and asked him to transfer it to Maori Kogoro.

As for the reason, Maori Kogoro is a boy chicken, which is the rule.

There is not much money, about two or three thousand yen bills, which means that it can be done.

No, Taku Kambara came over with Maori Kogoro's red envelope.

When Takuya Kambara came to Maori Kogoro, his whole body became weak, and he no longer had the mood to take pictures with him at the gate of Teidan High School.

In the past, Maori Kogoro was a cockfighter, then now he is a quail.

"Maori Kogoro, this is the red envelope given to you by Miss Sawaguchi!"

Takuya Kambara walked to the door of the cell and handed him the red envelope.

Maori Kogoro looked at the red envelope and took it tremblingly, but he was a little puzzled: "What is this?"

"Could it be that she pushed the fee?"

He handed over the money before he started playing.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara pulled a stool and sat down, and said with a smile: "No, because you are the first time, you will give red envelopes." "

Hearing this, Maori Kogoro was a little speechless.

He thought it was just talk, but he didn't expect it to be true.

If it were safe, Maori Kogoro would be very happy to see this red envelope, but now he is in the Metropolitan Police Department.

Not happy at all.

But at this time, Maori Kogoro remembered something: "Was Oikawa also arrested by you?"

"Okawa?" Kamihara Takuya looked strange: "There is no such person, and the report we received is the hotel you are in, and it is your room number." "

"As for Okawa or something, no. "

"Could it be that your friend named Oikawa is also engaged in illegal trading?" asked Takuya Kambara, squinting his eyes.

If Maori Kogoro really said something, he wouldn't mind beating the rabbit with grass and serving a pot.

After all, these are meritorious achievements!

But Maori Kogoro is not stupid and does not mention this matter.

If he betrays his friend, then what face will he have!

As for the matter of reporting, Maori Kogoro did not think about Okawa, after all, reporting him would not be beneficial to Okawa!

The two have no conflict of interest and are friends.

"So, who is the one who reported it?" asked Maori Kogoro tentatively.

"I don't know, but the probability is that they are peers, and those who are god-serving girls will generally not be reported, and those who report are peers." Takuya Kambara explained.

If customers report it, it is easy to send themselves in, but peers are not afraid.

Because the peers who will report are all good and have found honest people, they will report.

What hurts others and self-interest, it is easy to do.

"Ah! and this kind of thing!"

Maori Kogoro said that he couldn't understand it, and his face was confused.

"Where there are people, there are conflicts of interest, and you'll know when you go to college." "

"Okay, do you need me to inform your parents now, Mori Kogoro!"

After a few seconds of silence, Maori Kogoro spoke, a little unreadable.

"Do I want to inform my parents about this?"

If he could, he didn't want his parents to know because he would be beaten.

Takuya Kambara folded his arms and leaned back in his chair: "It's not impossible, but you need to detain for a month first, and then pay a fine of 10,000 yen." "

"So you can get out. "

"Ah!" Maori Kogoro opened his mouth and blinked.

He has no money and doesn't want to be detained!

After all, he will report to the university next month, how can he be detained!

"Is there no other way?" asked Maori Kogoro without dying.


"We have already obtained your transaction records, and you have admitted it yourself, so you can't get out without detention and fines!"

"Unless you break from prison, if you break from prison, you will really have to eat prison!" said Takuya Kambara.

Hearing this, Maori Kogoro completely became autistic.

"Inform my parents!"

He had no choice but to get his parents to pay the fine and let him out of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Okay, I'll inform your parents now, wait a minute!"

Saying that, Takuya Kambara went outside to call.

Half an hour later, Maori Kogoro's parents arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department with a girl with them.

Concubine Yingli.

Māori Kogoro's parents called Eiri as soon as they received the call, because they knew that today was a class reunion.

As a result, Concubine Yingli didn't know anything, and originally the Maori couple was not going to bring Concubine Yingli with them, but she followed directly.


Concubine Eiri already knew the whole process of the matter, and the eyes that looked at Maori Kogoro were also full of disgust.


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