Takuya Kambara looked at the four people in front of him with a faint smile on his face, and then took out the key to untie the handcuffs on Maori Kogoro.

"Okay, Mr. Mori Kogoro, you can go home now, remember not to do this kind of thing again in the future, otherwise it will not be as simple as fine detention." "

Takuya Kambara began to give eye medicine to Maori Kogoro.

After all, Concubine Yingli is here, and her eyes are full of disgust.

Maori Kogoro and the Maori couple on the side both showed awkward smiles.

After all, his son was looking for a god to serve the girl outside, and the matter was known by Concubine Yingli, a childhood sweetheart.

Although Maori Kogoro and Concubine Eiri are only childhood sweethearts, the Maori couple still want them to get married.

They think that the relationship between childhood sweethearts, and they still watch grow up, know that Concubine Yingli is a good girl, and it is a pity not to get married.

Coupled with the fact that Fei Yingli now needs money to go to college, and it is logical to propose it when the time comes, then Fei Yingli will probably agree to this matter.

Everyone rejoiced.

But like this, where else do they have the face to mention this matter!

As for the matter of tuition fees, as long as Concubine Yingli brings it up, they will also meet.

After all, it has been a neighbor for so many years, and it is up to Concubine Yingli herself to borrow it.

And after Maori Kogoro was released, he was immediately anxious, very anxious, and came directly to Concubine Yingli.

He really didn't expect that Concubine Yingli would also come to this place, he really didn't expect it!

If he knew, he would rather spend a month in the cell than see it.

"Yingli, listen to me, this matter is..."

Before Maori Kogoro's words were finished, he was interrupted by Concubine Yingli, and he saw Concubine Yingli expressionless: "Maori classmate, you don't need to explain this matter to me." "

"We're just ordinary childhood sweethearts, not boyfriend and girlfriend relationships. "

"Not before, not now, and even more so in the future." "

"So you don't need to explain anything to me. "

Originally, Concubine Yingli felt that Maori Kogoro, a childhood sweetheart, was not reliable at all and was not a good match.

Now I am more sure of what I have in my heart.

That is, Maori Kogoro is not a good match, and it will not end well with him.

This is the case in the original work, because of some contradictions, the two people have been separated for ten years.

And in the past ten years, Maori Kogoro gradually revealed his true nature, drinking, smoking, gambling, staying at clubs overnight, talking to girls, and almost smoking laundry detergent.

It can only be said that this guy Maori Kogoro is almost all poisoned.

If there is not a Xiaolan tube in the back, it is estimated that it will also go to the road of smoking laundry detergent!

"No, I have to explain!"

In a hurry, Maori Kogoro directly grabbed Eiri Eiri's arm, not wanting her to leave.

But Concubine Yingli is not a vegetarian, and directly threw away Maori Kogoro's arm and slapped him directly.

"Please be respectful, Mr. Mori Kogoro!"

After that, Concubine Yingli left the detention room without looking back.

Taku Kambara on the side was stunned and exclaimed!

But Concubine Yingli's mood was a little wrong at this time, and Taku Kamihara had already seen it.

After all, it is a childhood sweetheart for more than ten years, always a little emotional, sad is normal.

Even pets that have been kept for a few years will have feelings.

This is normal.

"Lose company. "

Taku Kambara said, and then followed Eiri Concubine.

And caught up with Concubine Yingli, who was in the corridor.

"Wait a minute, Eiri Concubine!" Takuya Kambara stopped Eiri.

Hearing the voice, Concubine Yingli stopped, her shoulders were shaking, as if she was crying.

Takuya Kambara sighed, quickly stepped forward and took Concubine Yingli's palm and said, "This is not the place to talk, let's go upstairs." "


Concubine Yingli, who was wiping her tears, was stunned for a moment, and her body was taken away by Takuya Kambara.

And this scene happened to be seen by some colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department.

I couldn't help but show a hint... Aunt laughed.

At the same time, rumors about Takuya Kambara began to circulate within the Metropolitan Police Department.


Maori Kogoro and the Maori couple are still looking at each other in the detention room.

"Bastard, if you don't go yet, how long will you be embarrassed here?!" said Maori Kogoro's father, with a dark face, in a low voice.

If it weren't for the Metropolitan Police Department, he would have drawn his seven wolves right now to smoke Maori Kogoro, the bastard.

Just admitted to university, he went to find the god girl and also took away his childhood sweetheart, although he has part of the responsibility, but this is all Maori Kogoro's own pot, he does not carry it.


Maori Kogoro covered his face, a little distracted, and casually coped.

He was then taken away from the Metropolitan Police Department by the Maori couple.

At this time, Takuya Kambara and Concubine Eiri had already arrived at the top floor of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Because it was March, the weather was still a little cold, standing on this tall building, the wind was blowing.

Concubine Yingli couldn't help but tighten her clothes.

At this time, she suddenly felt that there was an extra dress on herself, it was Takuya Kambara's blazer.

"Officer Kambara!" Concubine Yingli was stunned for a moment.

"Go, go sit over there, I'll talk to you!"

"You can say anything to me, don't keep it in your heart, if something happens to you, I can't tell clearly." Takuya Kambara said with a smile.

People will lose control under extreme emotions and behave irrationally.

As a police officer in the Metropolitan Police Department, it is natural to prevent this from happening.

"Hmm!" Concubine Yingli was a little moved in her heart.

"Here, drink something hot!"

Taku Kambara didn't know where to take out a jar of red bean soup and handed it to Concubine Eiri.

This was bought from a vending machine, and this thing is in the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Thank you. "

Fei Yingli nodded, opened the red bean soup, and drank it in small sips.

The originally cold heart finally had a trace of warmth.

The mood is also a lot better.

It seems that eating sweets when you are angry will indeed make people feel better!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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