At this time, Fei Yingli fell asleep on the dining table, and there was still food on the table.

Two portions of standard Japanese food.

Rice, beef stew, a small dish of pickles, and miso soup.

These foods looked delicious and delicious, but Kanbaru Takuya always felt a little strange because the smell felt a little abnormal.

And when he looked over, Kanbaru Takuya always felt that black gas was leaking out from these foods.

Kanbaru Takuya knew that this was dinner specially cooked for him by Fei Yingli, but he had a dinner party tonight and did not tell Fei Yingli.

"Is Fei Yingli's cooking skills really that bad?"

In the original work, Mouri Kogoro, Conan and Xiaolan all commented that the food cooked by Fei Yingli was unpalatable.

Even Mouri Kogoro and Conan ran away when they saw Fei Yingri preparing to cook, which shows how unpalatable it is.

"Give it a try!"

Kamihara Takuya decided to take a chance, picked up a piece of beef with the chopsticks on the side, and threw it into his mouth.

When the beef entered his mouth, Kanbaru Takuya's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly ran to the kitchen next to him. The beef was spit out, so he turned on the water from the faucet to wash his mouth.

Kanbara Takuya's series of operations directly woke up the sleeping Yukiko.


Fei Yingli got up from the dining table in confusion, squinted her eyes and looked at the place where the sound came from.

She turned around and saw Kanbara Takuya who was gargling in the kitchen.

"You're back. I've made dinner. Do you want to have a taste?"

Looking at Kanbaru Takuya who came back, Feiyingli was very happy.

Maybe it was because she gave her first time to Kanbaru Takuya, so now Feiyingli is so dependent on Kanbaru Takuya, and even feels a sense of security. Otherwise

, If you do, you won’t bring your luggage over and plan to stay here forever.

Hearing this, Kanbaru Takuya held the countertop with both hands and looked at Fei Yingli helplessly:"I just tasted the beef stew you made."

"This taste is terrible!"

Kannahara Takuya spoke frankly and was not afraid of Fei Yingli's sadness.

After all, it is better to tell this kind of thing earlier. If you conceal it, it will hurt yourself and Fei Yingli. She must be made to realize the reality.

"ah! Nope! Fei

Yingli was stunned for a moment, then picked up a piece of stewed beef with the chopsticks on the side and threw it into her mouth. She chewed it and said while eating:"This tastes pretty good!" It tastes very similar to what my mom makes. Hearing this

, Kanhara Takuya looked strange:"When did you start cooking?""

"After my parents passed away, I cooked for a while, and then I stopped cooking at Yukiko’s house, until now. Fei Yingli explained

"That's it!"Kanahara Takuya came over, sat next to Fei Yingli, and said seriously:"Maybe you made this food yourself and ate it yourself, so you don't think it tastes bad."

"But for other people, it may be different from you."

"In my opinion, it tastes really bad! Fei

Yingli stared at Kanbaru Takuya, her eyes flickering:"Really?""


As soon as the words fell, Fei Yingli's nose twitched, and tears came out of her eyes.

"Am I so useless that I can’t even cook well?"

She thought she could still cook, but she didn't expect that the food she cooked would taste terrible. She felt like she was useless except for studying.

Suddenly, Fei Yingli's crying paused, and then her whole body rose into the air, and in the blink of an eye she was He immediately sat on Kanbaru Takuya and leaned into his arms.

Kanbaru Takuya carefully wiped away the tears of his concubine Eri.

"I don’t want you to become a housewife-like woman who won’t cook if you don’t know how to cook."

The woman Kanbara Takuya needs is not a vase. If he is really looking for a vase, he will wave his hand and countless vases will rush towards him. What he likes is a girl with personality and temperament, such as Fei Yingli.

Don't look at it. Fei Yingli is like this now, and she will be the queen of the legal profession in the future.

She is a queen in court, but at home she just gets a little excited when she thinks about it.

So Kanbara Takuya does not intend to restrict Fei Yingli's life.

Hearing this, Fei Yingli He raised his head and said,"Really?"

"But if I can’t even cook well, am I useless?"

In today's Neon, most girls become housewives after getting married, including those who have gone to college.

So if you don't know how to cook, you may be gossiped about.

"I don’t care about these things. As long as I can cook, that’s fine. If that doesn’t work, hire a nanny or go out to eat! This is something."Takuya Kanbara said with a smile.

At this time, Fei Eri is not the queen of the legal profession in the future, but is still a cute lady.

Takuya Kanbara feels that he may have to cultivate a queen, which is a bit exciting!

"Okay, stop crying and come and have something to eat!"

Takuya Kanbara reached out and took out the packaged barbecue. After opening it, the meat inside was still steaming and had not completely cooled down.


Kanbaru Takuya picked up a piece of barbecue dipped in sauce with his chopsticks and handed it to Fei Yingli's mouth.

Fei Yingli's face turned red and she struggled a little:"I can eat it by myself, you don't need to feed me."

She feels like she is just a child now, and she is really ashamed.


"Come on, if you don't eat it, you'll be cold!"Kamihara Takuya said.

There is no other way, Fei Yingli can only accept the feeding from Kanbaru Takuya.


It didn't take long for Fei Yingli to start eating. She was full.

Although Fei Yingli was full, there was still a lot of barbecue in the box.

"Let’s eat these barbecued meats tomorrow! Lost and wasted."

The weather is not hot now, and it is even a little cold, so the food will not spoil in the refrigerator.

Since losing her parents, Fei Yingli has learned a lot, including saving money.

"Just leave it here for me to eat later."

Due to practicing the Sixth Form of the Navy, Kanbara Takuya has a big appetite, so he can eat all these things.

As for the beef stew, forget it.

"But before eating the barbecue, I want to eat you first."


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