The two of them were very close, and the two were very close.

Chiyang Ichiro frowned, "Inspector Dongye, you..."

"Since you don't cooperate with my work, my attitude will naturally be a little worse." Dongye Ning interrupted him directly, with a very arrogant tone.

I will treat you the same way as you treat me, unless you are much higher than me.

Chiyang Ichiro was silent, then sighed, "Let's talk outside."

The two left the police station and found a seat in a nearby coffee shop.

Shibayo Ichiro got straight to the point, "Inspector Higashino, I'm not deliberately making things difficult for you, but I can't help it."

"I don't know the details of Officer Aota's death. I haven't concealed anything I know and can say. You're just asking for trouble if you continue to investigate."

His eyes were deep, "Even if you're a police inspector, you can't take responsibility. I'm not exaggerating."

Higashino Ning raised his eyebrows, "In other words, can I assume that the investigation you're conducting is related to the police or political elite?"

Seeing that Shibayo Ichiro wanted to say something, he tapped the table, "Don't rush to deny it. Normally, you shouldn't have any connection with the political world."

"In addition to Officer Aota who died this time, Officer Sato and Officer Narasawa who are as busy as you but keep silent, I can completely infer that you are restarting the investigation from a year ago."

"I won't tell you who you're investigating. Officer Shiba just needs to nod or shake his head now."

Shibayo Ichiro remained silent.

After a while, he suddenly chuckled, "There is indeed a reason why you can be promoted out of turn."

Then he suddenly became serious again, "Since you have already deduced so much information but still choose to come and interrogate me, then I have to remind you to be careful."

"Our investigation cannot be known to more people for the time being, otherwise there will be turmoil in the police force. Just think of it as helping us to buy time, Officer Higashino, thank you very much."

Although it was not said explicitly, it was almost clear.

Shibayo Ichiro and others were secretly used by Director Odagiri to re-investigate the case a year ago.

And the target of the investigation, Odagiri Toshi, is now not only suspected of killing Dr. Ninoho, but may have shot and killed Officer Aota not long ago.

The public and the media do not need facts at all. As long as there is a little wind, they will immediately spread the rumor.

News headlines like "The Director of the Criminal Division shelters the son of a criminal, and his son is suspected of shooting and killing a detective" can directly paralyze Japanese public opinion for nearly a month.

It takes only one mouth to spread rumors, but it takes a lot of effort to refute them.

This is not just a matter within the police, the entire political world will be greatly affected.

A small police chief like Tono Ning really can't bear such a big responsibility.

However, he didn't come here to force a hand this time, but just wanted to confirm whether this was a theatrical version incident through Ichiro Shibayo.

Now he is sure.


Wait for Mr. Ke to make a move.

Tono Ning stood up, "Although it is still just speculation that Officer Qingtian may have been accidentally murdered by someone else, I think you still need to be careful."

"Also, please tell Officer Sato for me to pay attention to her own safety."

"I am still an 'outsider' now, so it is not convenient for me to tell her in person."

Ichiro Shibayo was quite surprised, "Inspector Tono and Miwako..."

"Don't get me wrong." Tono Ning waved his hand directly, "My good brother likes her, and she and I are also good friends, so I don't want anything to happen to her."

After saying that, he left.

If he continues to stay here for a while, he might have to pay for the two cups of coffee, which is not worth it.

And now Tono Ning has to go back to the Metropolitan Police Department to explain the whole story to Megure Jusan.

It's not that he wants to be lazy, but he can't intervene.

As for confidentiality... It's normal for police chiefs to know each other's situation, and they won't talk nonsense.

Besides, the information itself was speculated by him, and it's up to him to tell who he wants.

The Metropolitan Police Department is still leisurely today.

Tono Ning went to find Megure Jusan, and it happened that Shiratori Renzaburo was there, so he simply told him together.

After hearing it, both of them were shocked.

"Chief Odagiri's son..."

"If that's the case, then the progress of your case investigation here, brother Tono, really needs to slow down."

Tono Ning sat down casually and looked at Shiratori Renzaburo, "Is there any way to get Chief Odagiri to acquiesce?

I intervene in the investigation? "

Shiratori Renzaburo thought for a moment and shook his head, "Not yet. Officer Aota's death is an official incident, but Officer Sato and the others are investigating a private matter."

"Whether the two sides are related is still speculation, and it is obviously inappropriate to rashly intervene in Chief Odagiri's private affairs. "


Hitano Ning looked at Shiratori Renzaburo helplessly. The other party was actually quite good in all aspects, but he was a bit bureaucratic and always thought about everything according to the rules.

Did I say I wanted to intervene rashly?

I asked you, didn't I ask you to go to Director Odagiri to test the waters?

Shiratori Renzaburo definitely didn't understand, but he thought it was too much of an overreach and couldn't do anything.

Then there's nothing to do.

Now it seems that Hitano Ning has no choice but to wait for General Ke to make a move.

Then wait.

The investigation has been done, the words have been said, and the reminders have been given.

Then just attract the media's attention.

Hitano Ning stood up with the help of a chair, "Anyway, everyone is free, so I'll take them to investigate. At least I have to do some face-saving work for the media and the public, otherwise I'll have to suffer first."

"Yeah." Megure Jusan said there was no problem, "Thank you for your hard work, brother Hitano. "


I've been touching this fish for three days.

I work during the day, and when I get home at night, Haibara Ai is researching the antidote, and we chat before going to bed.

Conan was discharged from the hospital yesterday, and he hasn't gone to school yet, so he stays at home to rest.

Under the careful care of Maori Kogoro, Conan caught a cold and felt extremely uncomfortable.

So... the first version of the temporary antidote that Haibara Ai rushed to make couldn't be used. After all, the tester was ill, and even out of humanitarianism, the test should be put on hold.

But this is just what Haibara Ai thinks.

Conan has his own understanding.

He is also reckless when it comes to taking medicine.

Conan thinks that Haibara Ai, the drug developer There will definitely be no problem with the medicine he made. After asking clearly that the temporary antidote would not interact with the cold medicine he took, he directly stretched out his hand to take the temporary antidote away.

How to say it... Conan trusts her more than Haibara Ai herself.

Maybe this is a natural drug testing saint. After all, he is the man who has made the 100% lethality of drug A. Haibara Ai did not dissuade him anymore, but just reminded him not to be too ostentatious at the garden party, so as not to attract the attention of the organization.

Conan patted his chest and made a promise, saying that he was just going to play the role of a knight with a helmet, and then confessed his identity to Mao Lilan, and he would never do anything unnecessary.

Dong Ye Ning: Haha.

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