After seeing the appearance of the person on the ground, Gao Mushi was stunned. Although he usually looks like a dull person, like a police puppet who does whatever he is told, he is actually not stupid. This is a big problem! Gao Mushi's expression was stern, and he immediately dispersed all the other people who were still watching, including a large number of reporters who came after hearing the news. He couldn't suppress the reporters by himself, so Dong Ye Ning had to come out himself. "The ambulance should be here soon, clear the scene quickly." With a simple reminder, Dong Ye Ning signaled the large number of criminal police who followed to set up a cordon and keep all the reporters outside. "Inspector Higashino, I heard that another criminal police officer was killed. I wonder if you have any explanation for this?"

"Inspector, is this a serial murder case targeting the police? If so, what have you been investigating these days? Why is the criminal not only not caught, but can still come out and continue to commit crimes?"

"Inspector Higashino, do you have anything to say in the face of the criminal's bad provocation?"

"Inspector Higashino, is it a waste of police force to bring so many people here, or did you intentionally let the criminal police use themselves as bait to lure the criminals to take action and set up an ambush, but because of negligence, the criminal police died and the criminals escaped smoothly?"


The reporters' questions were not only numerous, but also quite sharp.

These questions could not be ignored now, otherwise those reporters would accuse Higashino of "deliberately avoiding questions" when they returned.

Higashino thought quickly and responded to the reporters' questions one by one.

"Explain, what do I need to explain? I suggest you sort out your questions first and then ask them. Don't waste time."

"Whether it is a serial murder case or not cannot be concluded yet. Further investigation is needed. As for what we are investigating these days, it is of course the investigation of previous cases. How can you be a reporter if you are so stupid, or do you deliberately use text traps to make me say something favorable to you?"

"I see that you seem to have defined it as a serial murder case. You are so sure, are you the murderer?!"

"Whether it is a serial murder case or not, and whether it is a malicious provocation by the criminal, our police have a consistent, resolute and ruthless attitude to fight against any crime!"

"Today, the victims are the people, we are angry, and today, the victims are colleagues, we are angry."

"All crimes will be brought to justice. This is my response."

"As for wasting police force, I want to ask how stupid you are to say such a thing. If I didn't have enough manpower, would I have brought so many people here?"

"Our police have worked hard to fight criminals, and the peace and tranquility they have gained has become a waste of police force here."

"And what you said about deliberately using criminal police as bait is pure nonsense!"

"Don't use your underdeveloped brain to speculate on the IQ of our police. We are not as stupid as you!"

"If you don't believe it, I welcome you to go to the Metropolitan Police Department for a comprehensive interview. As long as you can find evidence that we used the lives of our companions to lure criminals to commit crimes, I, Dong Ye Ning, will immediately remove my hat and resign, and I will never say a word of nonsense!"

Dong Ye Ning spoke righteously and quickly, and the more so, the more credible it is.

Of course, he didn't lie, and all his thoughts were just to serve the rhetoric.

He turned up the volume of the loudspeaker to the maximum, "Okay, it's still raining now, you should disperse as soon as possible, don't delay our police work, and those who stubbornly stay will be treated as criminal suspects!"

"Anyway, I don't think anyone else will insist on coming back to see the murder scene except the criminals."

"I'm not kidding, now, disperse immediately!"

The reporters who were scolded by Dong Ye Ning didn't want to leave, but now they had to.

Those criminal police were all fierce and ferocious. If they dared not to leave, the police would dare to arrest them.

The reporters and the onlookers quickly dispersed.

The conversation between Dong Ye Ning and the reporter just now made them a little excited.

What we mean is that some people can get promoted not just because of good luck. Many criminal police now feel that they can't be as hard and steely as Dong Ye Ning, who responded to all the responses when scolding people.

Inspector Dong Ye, it's a malpractice!

The ambulance arrived soon and hurried away with Narasawa's body.

The on-site evidence search was also completed quickly, and Tono Ning took Conan and the others back to the Metropolitan Police Department to take statements.

These four were important eyewitnesses.

Back to the Metropolitan Police Department.

Megure Jusan and Shiratori Renzaburo were both very serious, their faces were so gloomy that water could drip out.

"Brother Higashino, I already know the situation. These children are eyewitnesses, right?"

Higashino Ning nodded, "Well, I asked someone to check the surveillance along the street. There is no news yet, but I think there is a high probability that no clues will be found. After all, the current surveillance coverage is still very low."

Then let's investigate in the traditional way...

Megure Jusan sighed in his heart, called Conan and others into the conference room, and called Maori Kogoro by the way.

The investigation and questioning of children requires the presence of guardians. It would definitely be too late to call all parents in a short period of time, so the idle and confused detective was called over, so that it would not waste too much time.

When Conan was not using his power, Maori Kogoro was indeed idle most of the time, and he arrived in less than 20 minutes.

In the conference room.

Megure looked at the three children and asked in a deep voice:

"Okay, after almost 20 minutes of recollection, can you now determine the characteristics of the murderer?"

They couldn't.

According to the three children's description, the murderer was hermaphrodite, with confusing ages, and even the umbrella in his hand had three colors.

So Megure could only believe Conan's statement: gray raincoat, gray umbrella, unknown gender and age, left-handed.

The reason why Conan said the other party was left-handed was because the murderer held the umbrella in his right hand and shot with his left hand.

Tono Ning on the side called it a classic.

Here it comes!

Classic left-handed.

Maori Kogoro said at this time, "Inspector, what do you mean by the deceased holding his left chest tightly when he died? Do you have any ideas?"

Megure nodded, "He wanted to imply that there was a police manual on his chest. We have sorted this out and arranged for someone to investigate the contents of the manual."

That's about it. There will be no gain if we continue to ask.

Maori Kogoro led the children away, while the police continued to be busy.

In addition to the case, the police were also busy with the public opinion storm, a public opinion storm against Higashino Ning.

His remarks to the media in the afternoon were either taken out of context or cut off. In the news reports, Higashino Ning has become a big villain of the police, and a very arrogant one at that.

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