The young detectives were so surprised that they had to ask each other.

"Officer Higashino?"

Should I say this name? Conan was totally surprised.

But if I had to say it, it was quite reasonable.

After all, today, Ai Huihara and Ning Higashino had a strange interaction.

It was this interaction that dispelled Conan's instinctive suspicion of Ning Higashino.

The commission received by the Junior Detective Team was just a temporary event, which was unpredictable. The possibility that Ai Huihara and Ning Higashino acted specifically to deceive him was basically non-existent.

But why did Officer Higashino suddenly become important?

His presence was quite prominent!

It's not that Conan had never seen Ning Higashino before, but there were few interactions between the two. Until today, he seemed to have known Ning Higashino all over again.

This seemingly unreliable, thick-skinned and hard-mouthed police officer Higashino who likes to tease elementary school students was obviously a taciturn person in the past.

Conan calmed down and continued to ask, "Then how did you meet?"

Graybara Ai was a little speechless, "Does every detective have such a strong curiosity?"

But she still spoke slowly with memories, "When I escaped from the organization's garbage pipe, it was raining heavily outside."

"I wanted to come directly to you, but I caught a cold and was exhausted. Just when I was about to fall, I saw Officer Higashino standing on the side of the road with his police ID in a daze."

"Rather than falling to the ground and freezing to death, I chose to ask him for help."

Conan frowned, "Standing in a daze with his police ID... If I remember correctly, Officer Higashino has been in office for at least two years. How could he do something like doubting his identity?"

"Moreover, as a policeman, even if he had no choice but to take you home at the first time, he should have immediately sent you to the hospital or welfare home and looked for information about your family afterwards, right?"

As he said, he couldn't help but sneer, "Then he not only took you in, but also didn't ask anything, and didn't even know your name Dao, do you think this is reasonable? "

Gray Hara Ai clapped her hands lightly, "I have thought about what you said, but you can never use a rational logical framework to constrain human behavior."

"Just like a murderer who kills people, doesn't he know that killing people will cause trouble? Don't corrupt politicians know that doing those things may lead to very serious consequences?"

"But the fact is that there are always people who do things against logic, reason and rules. Reason often suppresses emotion, but emotion is not without the opportunity to turn the tables."

Conan frowned, "What do you want to say?"

Gray Hara Ai's expression turned cold, "In a high-pressure society like Japan, as a police officer who has been patrolling for more than two years, occasionally feeling confused and doubtful about his life and future, what's wrong with this?"

"It's just that this time, when he was confused about his career on the rainy night street after work, he happened to meet me."

It's not that Gray Hara Ai has too many ideas, but that Dong Ye Ning's various performances can support her speculation.

From Conan's reaction, it can be seen that Dong Ye Ning is very different from before.

A stagnant life only needs a stone to ripple again.

Now that I think about it, maybe she is that stone, otherwise Dong Ye Ning would not show the emotion of not wanting her to leave.

No matter what, although Dong Ye Ning refused to admit it, Huiyuan Ai believed in her feelings, and the other party just didn't want her to leave!

After listening to Huiyuan Ai's words, Conan pinched his chin and fell into deep thought.

This statement makes sense, and even adds analysis and consideration of human thinking to rational thinking based on facts.

And Huiyuan Ai's current angle and way of defending Dong Ye Ning also slightly dispelled his doubts.

Generally speaking, defending an accomplice will use more "evidence"-like arguments, similar to the criminal proving his innocence.

Conan's eyes swept across Huiyuan Ai's face, "But you still didn't say what happened at Officer Dong Ye's house that night."


Then it broke out.

Ai Haibara walked up to Conan angrily and raised her voice, speaking quickly, "He gave me an injection and an IV and pinched my snot and said I had a viral cold. Is that okay?!"

After saying that, Ai Haibara went back to the sofa and sat down, turning her head to the side.

Conan was rubbing the spit on his face with a sullen expression, complaining in his heart.

What kind of outrageous operation is it to analyze the snot first!

And the injection and IV... Officer Higashino, you are a policeman!

You are not a nurse, let alone a caregiver!

The skills this guy has are really a bit weird.

"It seems that Officer Higashino is really not in the same group as her." Conan glanced at the sofa, thinking that the other party's angry little action was exactly the same as Mao Lilan's, including the way she spoke loudly to him just now.

Are all girls clones?

How did they achieve uniformity?

Conan didn't quite understand, but he knew that he could give Haibara Ai more trust.

It's this Dr. Agasa... Oh... How can he be so outrageous?

The person arrived in the afternoon, and the household registration and identity were handled in the evening.

There was not even a little suspicion and vigilance in the middle.

Conan shook his head and laughed, "I didn't believe that guy's lies, I just believe in the doctor's ability to judge people."

He walked to the sofa, "Okay, where is the CD you mentioned? If it's not far, let's go now."

Seeing that the atmosphere finally eased, Dr. Agasa, who had tried to smooth things over many times without success, quickly agreed, "Yes, if that organization continues to use that kind of drug in the future, there may be cases like Xiao Ai and Shinichi."

"Then maybe the organization will find you through your childhood photos, Xiao Ai, so we'd better hurry up."

Conan raised his eyes.

Doctor, it turns out you are not that stupid?

Ai Huihara raised her eyebrows, "So, will Edogawa agree to take in a dangerous and hateful person like me?"

Conan shrugged, "After your story is exposed, it's only a matter of time before I'm exposed. Since the doctor trusts you so much, you should continue to stay here as a primary school student."

"Protecting you is protecting myself. Your goal has been achieved. Let's cooperate well from now on."

Ai Huihara was not surprised that Conan saw through her fundamental purpose. After all, the other party was the Holmes of the Heisei era.

She stood up, "Then let's go, Nanyang University, Professor Masami Hirota, but I don't know where he lives specifically, I need to go there to ask."

Hearing this name, Conan was stunned, such a familiar surname.

Dr. Agasa quickly ran to the landline, "I'll call and ask first. I can find the professor's contact information through the school."

Soon, Dr. Agasa got on the phone with Masami Hirota and made an appointment to meet in three hours.

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