The case is still a mystery.

From the afternoon till now, Dong Ye Ning first read Masuo Kayo's transcript and surveillance video, and then went to visit her.

He concluded that the woman had something to hide, but there was no substantial evidence in his hand.

The investigation of his colleagues has not yet produced any results, and this case is likely to be dragged on for a long time.

However, no matter how much he wants to make progress, he should go home and rest now.

In terms of performance alone, there are those who successfully promoted by performance, such as Yamamura Sou, and those who failed to be promoted by performance, such as Megure Jusan.

This matter still depends on chance.

Sister Tongzi never revealed how she wanted to circumvent the existing promotion system, so Dong Ye Ning could only do what he could step by step.

After returning home, as usual, they had a lunchbox for midnight snack and a bottle of que to help them sleep.

Speaking of which, now that they have a little money on hand, the bonus from the headquarters plus the extra bonus is a total of 1.5 million, how about getting some other wine to drink?

Well... let's talk about it later!

At the same time.

Haibara Ai and others also went to bed in the arranged guest room.

But no one really slept.

If the phone is not repaired, the police will not come, and if the police do not come, it means that they cannot win by waiting.

Since the hidden person has already taken action and cut off their contact with the outside world, it basically means that the other party intends to solve everything at once.

Haibara Ai really doesn't understand why everything was fine before she came, but there was a life-and-death crisis immediately after she came.

After thinking about it, she can only attribute the reason to Conan accidentally triggering the mechanism, causing the other party to continue to take action.

As for the mechanism, she actually has some clues.

She discovered Conan not long after he disappeared in the afternoon, but was stopped by someone when she was about to restart the switch, and she didn't have a chance to try again.

Now is a very good opportunity.

But does she really want to rush out alone?

Can she find Edogawa smoothly and seize the initiative?

Or, she can simply use herself as bait to lure the other party out, and then let Dr. Agasa and the three children ambush the other party.

When she subdued the criminal at Ayumi's house yesterday, she cooperated with Genta and Mitsuhiko. If they were premeditated to target an adult, their chances of winning were not small.

While thinking, there was a conversation outside the door.

"Grandma, why are you still here so late?"

"My daughter hasn't come yet, I'm going to pick her up."

"Leave your mother's affairs to us, you should go back to your room and have a good rest."

Because the door was closed, the conversation was very quiet.

Huihara Ai frowned.

It seems that the people talking outside the door are the old lady who is said to have Alzheimer's disease and the young master of this family.

"It's strange. We live in the guest room. Even if she went to pick up her daughter according to her past memory habits, she shouldn't come here, right?"

"It's more reasonable to go to the main door downstairs anyway."


Ai Huiyuan suddenly thought of a possibility. Could it be that there is something wrong with this old lady?

Indeed, the only person who was out of sight most of the time was this old lady.

Considering that no one else was seen to have any problems in the restaurant at that time, the possibility that the old lady had a problem naturally increased accordingly.

The other party is not only the wife of the master who designed the castle and the mechanism, but also has so many years of exploring the mechanism. It is easy to sneak attack and stun or even kill Edogawa.

But the other party is just a disabled old lady who can only move with the help of a wheelchair. This is the biggest contradiction.

The room is so quiet that you can hear the airflow.

Ai Huihara suddenly chuckled, "Exclude all the impossible, and the remaining one, even if it is impossible, is the truth. Right, detective?"

The old lady might be pretending to be disabled, or even she might not be the original old lady, Ai Huihara doesn't need to consider these.

She just needs to eliminate those impossible points and find the only conclusion.

After all, the other party has revealed enough doubts, just need to find more...hiss~~yes.

Ai Huihara suddenly thought of the scene when she first met the old lady.

The other party said this: "I have long been accustomed to the days without him, just like the pattern of banknotes and the change of passport size. At first, I was not used to it, but after a while, I felt nothing strange."

How do you know that the passport size has changed when you haven't been abroad for more than ten years?

And I think you probably haven't had the chance to use or see coins in these years of living in luxury and never leaving the house?

Another thing, when he heard that Dr. Agasa was a scientist, he immediately expressed his hope that he could solve the mystery of the treasure in the castle.

"Is it you...?"

The more Huiyuan Ai thought about it, the more she felt that there was something wrong with the other party. In comparison, the others were just normal.

Okay, that's it!

She or the doctor will lure the other party to make a move, and then the others will ambush and subdue them!

If it's a real old lady, it will be easy and stress-free.

If it's not an old lady but a young man pretending to be one, it's not that they don't have experience. Inspector Megure said that the guy who broke into Ayumi's house was tall and strong!

And the one pretending to be an old lady must be a woman, and women don't have an advantage in strength.

With a person like Genta who determines strength by quality, there is only one word, stable!


A light sound of opening the door appeared.

Ai Huihara was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly looked up, just in time to see Genta's butt disappear at the door.

Turning her head, where are the three little ones?

"These three children...!"

Ai Huihara threw back the quilt, woke up Dr. Agasa first, and then chased out together.

Fortunately, it was too dark outside and the three little ones walked slowly, so they were caught up by Ai Huihara in a few seconds.

Dr. Agasa had to do things like scolding children, but the three little ones always had their own way of being stubborn.

As soon as the reason of "caring about Conan" was brought out, Dr. Agasa was speechless.

Now Ai Huihara was not sure whether the old lady had left or not. If she came here on purpose, she must have a purpose, and the possibility of returning was very high.

So she couldn't tell her plan directly now.

After thinking for a while, she turned cold and said, "Let's go back to the room first. I know where Edogawa is, who the criminal is, and the target person. I have also found the secret passage. The most important thing is that I have also cracked the location of the so-called treasure."

"In addition, I have a complete plan. You will look for it separately according to what I said later."

"Now, let's go back to the room and make arrangements. You must remember your respective tasks, otherwise you will die."

Graybara Ai said it seriously, and the three children believed it, and Dr. Agasa also believed it.

So everyone walked towards the guest room together.

Graybara Ai secretly stared at the end of the corridor opposite, with a barely detectable smile at the corner of her mouth.

Now it depends on whether the other party will take the bait.

If not, I will take people to the secret passage at dawn.

Everything else may be fake, but I really know the entrance to the secret passage!

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