The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were very busy.

As soon as she entered the room, Huiyuan Ai immediately closed the door and gestured to the three children to keep quiet.

Because she had already taken control of the absolute leadership of the team through language just now, and the current environment would make the children very nervous.

So the three children were very obedient and did everything they were told, keeping their mouths shut.

Huiyuan Ai lowered her voice.

"Listen carefully, there may be someone eavesdropping outside just now, and the other party is the one who took away or even killed Edogawa!"

Hearing this, Ayumi's eyes widened instantly, and she covered her mouth with her hand, and tears began to roll in her eyes.

Ai Huihara did not pause, but continued, "So, you all have to listen to me now. When the other party can't hold back and plans to come in, we will subdue that person together."

"Nothing is absolute in the world. Edogawa is probably just tied up. If you want to save him, you must first catch the criminal. Do you understand?"

The three little ones nodded immediately, and Dr. Agasa also chose to listen to the young man.

The corridor outside the house.

In the end, the old lady Boss had quietly touched the door.

"Children are children after all. Now they are thinking about splitting up to increase the efficiency of finding people. Let me listen to your plan."

"Wait until you are caught one by one, and then I will ask you what the secret of the treasure is."

The old lady's reading glasses began to reflect light without any light source, and her strength vaguely touched the threshold of the first level.

She slowly put her ear against the door panel and could hear some rustling footsteps. The little fat man was still saying something like "So that old woman is the murderer", "Should I shout in the corridor to attract her attention later?" and so on.

Hum, he has some tricks, he is indeed a scientist.

The old lady narrowed her eyes, and Dr. Agasa's honest face flashed in her mind.

I didn't expect that the other party could really guess the truth without saying anything. It seems that the little girl's claim that she had cracked the secret of the treasure is also true.

Suddenly, all the noises in the room disappeared.

The old lady tightened the stick in her hand.

After waiting for a few more minutes, it was still as if there was no one in the room.

"What's going on?" The old lady frowned.

At this moment, the sound of the window opening suddenly appeared along with the sound of the wind.

Oh no, these little brats are going to escape through the window. They were using the sheets as ropes during the quiet time just now!

Out of the hunting instinct of a hunter, the old lady opened the door without thinking and prepared to rush in.

As a result, she was tripped by something just after taking half a step, and her body instantly lost balance.

I was fooled!

The old lady had reacted, but it was too late.

"Old woman, watch this!"

Genta, who had retracted his legs, sat heavily on the old lady's back like a mountain.

This is Genta!

Possessing a taboo power that does not belong to this age, he attacked with a force of ten thousand pounds, hitting the old lady directly and making her groan.

Before she could look up, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi immediately rushed over with a sheet and covered her head completely.

Ayumi was still crying and beating, "Bad guy! Bad guy! Let Conan out!"

Mitsuhiko was not idle either. He had watched many criminal investigation dramas and knew that after subduing the criminal, the movement of the other party's hands should be restricted as soon as possible.

So he immediately ran over and hugged the old lady's hands tightly, and naturally threw the stick as far as he could.

The old lady thought about resisting.

But... Genta was too heavy.

As we all know, it hurts when a child hits someone, and her head is buzzing now.

Not only were her hands restricted, but her legs were also held down by Dr. Agasa who had somehow circled behind her - Dr. Agasa was about two and a half Genta.

"It's you, the lady of the Mamiya family."

The commander-in-chief of the operation, Ai Huihara, slowly walked over the window, and she easily jumped over several "ropes" tied to the legs of the bed.

These ropes were also made of bed sheets.

If the initial arrangement did not work, Ai Huihara, who was responsible for opening the window to attract the target, would continue to induce the other party to chase her and create new opportunities.

But now it seems that it is no longer useful.

Ai Huihara turned on the light with a click, and the noise they made also attracted the rest of the people.

The case... was solved.


The next day.

Tono Ning came to the Metropolitan Police Department.

As soon as he entered the office, he was called into Megure Jusan's office.

"Tono Ning

Brother, you came at the right time. There is a case here that needs you to go over. It is in the Toudou Valley. "

It seems that Megure Jusan did not rest well last night. He yawned twice in one sentence, and his combo was quite smooth.

There are too many cases.

Is it Conan's case?

Before Tono Ning asked, Megure Jusan helplessly supported the table and continued: "This time it is Conan's children again."

"I am puzzled. Why do these children always encounter cases when they go camping with Professor Agasa?"

As he said, he cast a speechless look at Tono Ning, "I heard that the person who led the arrest of the criminal this time is Xiao Ai. So you didn't take what I told you last time seriously?"

Tono Ning touched his nose, "That... I haven't caught up with the education. These are all Xiao Ai's own experience in the past."

"Besides," he argued: "The combination of an old man and four children, in such a dangerous situation, it is also necessary to have the courage and means to fight back. "

That's the truth.

Megure Jusan can't let the victim give up the right to resist when the police can't arrive immediately.

It's just that this combination of bold resistance is indeed too risky.

"Forget it, forget it, you hurry over and bring the criminal back. There are too many things to do recently, and it is indeed the right choice not to assign you a fixed task."

Higashino Ning nodded, "What is the result of the investigation of the bank robbery yesterday?"

"Still no clue..." Megure Jusan sighed deeply, and the whole person lay on the desk, "The criminal can't be found, the car can't be found, the bank employees are not missing, and there are no absentees on the day. Everyone's home has been visited."

"Ah... If this goes on, I'm afraid my job as a police chief will end, and you can take over then."

That's great, I won't be sleepy if you say this.

Higashino Ning was overjoyed, and then quickly calmed down, "Police Chief, everything will be fine. "


Toudou Valley Campground, Mamiya Family Castle.

Higashino Ning drove the police car on the muddy road for nearly two hours before finally arriving.

He had an impression of the place as soon as he arrived.

That... Blue Castle Exploration Incident, right?

The old lady was crawling in the dark corner, which did leave a little psychological shadow on the young him.

Seeing Higashino Ning get off the car, the three little ones were quite happy, and ran over shouting, calling "Officer Higashino" all the time.

Graybara Ai was a little surprised.

There are so many policemen in Tokyo, why is he the one who comes back every time?

But she was just curious, and walked up to Higashino Ning and greeted him.

Well... his smile was pretty sweet.

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