Among them, everyone’s eyes lit up, and they all understood his thoughts.

His meaning is actually very simple, nothing more than a very simple truth, since it cannot be solved temporarily, first solve the problem that can be solved, and then in the process of solving the problem, and then look for an opportunity to solve the puzzle.

This is very simple, the reason why everyone did not think is not that the people are not capable, but because the case is too big, and the responsibility is too heavy, so that everyone is in a hurry to solve the problem completely.

And ignored, this incident is not a simple case, but a rather complex incident, which has set off an uproar.

It can be said that this is no longer a problem that can be solved at will.

The impact of the whole incident is simply no less than a terrorist attack.

Because if the whole incident is completely public, the blood, mystery, and forces involved in it will trigger a series of changes.

Instead of this, it is better to put the goal within reach first, so that in the process of proceeding, things may turn around a lot.

Chief Inspector Oda Che bowed his head slightly: “It seems that it can only be like this now, but even so, we can’t slack off in the slightest, notify the traffic police department and the Ministry of Urban Management, increase the intensity of investigation, and use the monitoring of the city and the road to check the suspect’s figure and find the other party’s traces!” ”

After the meeting, Kurosai, along with Shintaro Chaki, Kiyonaga Matsumoto, and Officer Megumi, all left the conference room, leaving only Kuroda Guard.

“Your Excellency Chief Police, you can now open the skylight and say bright words, this stronghold is obviously the stronghold of the black-clothed organization, obviously, this is this mysterious figure, an attack against the black-clothed organization”

Chief Oda nodded: “I knew this when I saw the corpses at the scene, but for the affairs of this organization, it is not yet possible to announce it to the police force.”

Of course, Kuroda Bebei knows why, in terms of strength alone, no matter how strong the black-clad organization is, it cannot be an opponent of the government.

But the terrible thing about this organization is that their penetration into both the political and business circles is too deep.

And within the police, there are definitely many undercover agents of black-clothed organizations, and once the police are inside, they begin to investigate with great fanfare, I am afraid that it will have no effect, but waste this opportunity.

“It’s just that one thing, I still haven’t figured out, what is the purpose of today’s meeting? Although I have been secretly investigating the black-clad organization and have achieved some results, I am not affiliated with the Metropolitan Police Department now, and it seems that I should not be present at such a meeting~.”

He looked at the other party with deep eyes and continued: “More importantly, Ashida Kensaku that guy, I admit that his strength is definitely not to be underestimated, and he can even be regarded as the ace of the Metropolitan Police Department, but since that incident, he has attracted too much attention”

“In other words, his every move is under the prying eyes of countless people, what is the purpose of you letting me participate in the meeting with him at the same time?”


Chief Inspector Oda smiled, and his serious expression relaxed a lot.

“Sure enough, these things can’t hide from your eyes, and I can’t hide the eyes of that guy Kensaku Ashida, he saw my purpose, and the battle should be over now.”

Hearing this last sentence, Kuroda Bebei suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he immediately understood everything.

“The battle is over? So it is, slow action, lengthy and complicated meetings, unsuitable participants, and always strong, but this kind of meeting has been silent, but at the end, put forward a not salty suggestion, you two guys, it’s really interesting.”

At this moment, he had already figured everything out!

After discovering the crime scene, which was the stronghold of the black-clad organization, Oda Kiritomo made up his mind to take advantage of this opportunity to deal the heaviest blow to the black-clad organization.

Especially after obtaining some important information from the computers in the base, this idea was even more firm.

But if you want to successfully inflict heavy damage on the black-clad organization, in addition to accurate and accurate strikes and finding the other party’s lair, it is more important not to disclose the slightest news!

Otherwise, the other party will definitely directly destroy all kinds of data, and directly blow up the base, adding a large fire, and at that time, the police will not get anything.

Based on such a premise, there was this time, such an inexplicable meeting, and this inexplicable result!

Chief Inspector Kirito Oda called all the most important executive executives in the Metropolitan Police Department to a meeting at this time, successfully attracting the attention of all undercover agents, making the black-clad organization relax their vigilance, thinking that the police have not made up their minds for the time being.

In this way, although they will begin to prepare to retreat because of the risk of exposure, they will not directly use the most drastic means.

More importantly, the existence of poor information makes them think that the police have not deciphered the information, do not know the location of the Tokyo base, and the method and key to enter.

At this time, Toshiro Oda, even after several hours had passed, his chest was still trembling, and his heart was beating wildly.

That encrypted message was actually unlocked so easily, it was unexpected!

God bless the Metropolitan Police Department!

This kind of low-level mistake that would never have appeared actually appeared like this! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It is simply a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a unique opportunity, must be seized, must be seized!

After he saw these cracked information, he immediately blocked the entire building, and then temporarily detained all the people involved in the decryption, and the location was the building where the meeting was held.

Now that the building is forbidden to enter and exit, it has successfully attracted everyone’s attention, but it has also isolated the possibility of leakage, and has not aroused suspicion, after all, high-level meetings, temporary blockade of the building, is also a routine operation.

“Where did you mobilize the police force? Based on my understanding of the black-clad organization, their large-scale base, the defense system is extremely tight, even if there is a way to enter, as well as some access control keys, if you want to completely take down, the police force required is definitely a large number.”

Chief Police Officer Oda Kirito smiled: “There is no need to hide from you now, the police force mobilized from your Nagano Prefecture, and not only the police force, but also the strength of Li)!” ”

“Troops? Army?! ”

Kuroda Bingwei nodded slowly, and a flame also rose in his heart.

I have been in a coma for more than ten years, and the reason for this bastard organization is that it is caused by this bastard organization.

Rum, and the crows hidden in the darkness, the sky has finally changed, and this time, I will definitely not repeat the same mistakes, and I will not let the tragedy of Koji Haneda repeat itself before my eyes.


At the same time, in a villa area in Tokyo.

Large expanses of white smoke exploded, dense gunfire rang out, and a large number of armed men in security uniforms fell under the guns of the police.

Who could have imagined that the organizational base he had been looking for was hidden in the National Institute of Biogenetics.

If it weren’t for the intelligence this time, it was from the chief police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, and Zhufu Gaoming must think that he was wrong, but the reality is that this is true.

And now, is the best time to break down this organization base!

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