“Zhufu, be serious when fighting,” the one-eyed dragon Yamato Daisuke said loudly.

Zhufu Gaoming nodded, and immediately fired several shots in a row, forcing back several members of the organization, and his eyes were completely condensed.

The resistance of al-Qaida members is unusually fierce, but under the strong firepower of the army, it is already dwarfed.

Again, any civilian armed forces cannot be compared with regular military armies, even black-clothed organizations, they will definitely not be exceptions.

Surprise attacks coupled with powerful firepower, the members of the organization in the entire base have reached an unsustainable level.

Even so, the combat power of the black-clothed organization is still not to be underestimated, and in the face of such a disadvantage, it can organize a considerable degree of counterattacks, and even with a few tough snipers, it has brought great trouble to the army and police.

There are already a dozen people who died at the hands of the opposite sniper.

However, this is only a battle of trapped beasts, and the military used several armed helicopters to launch a surprise attack by airborne landing.

Because the signal band and key were known in advance, when the helicopter landed over the Black-clad organization base, the organization was still unaware.

Even because of the other party’s helicopter simulation band, I thought that this was organizing my own helicopter.

In this way, the defense system that the black-clad organization was proud of directly became a decoration, and was easily reached by the army, and then the airborne combat team quickly entered the interior of the 237 base.

The police team has played the specialty of the police, that is, it is good at searching and checking.

Taking advantage of these two points, the police have the fire support of the army in front, the police have the fire support of the army, and the army has the police in front to search and inspect, which greatly improves the speed of advance and reduces casualties.

At this passage, the police were stubbornly resisted, and Takaaki and Yamato, the two best of the Nagano Prefecture police, personally led the charge, but still could not fight, and this was the scene just now.

“Can’t wait any longer, Yamato, tell the army over there, with tear gas, and then we will cooperate in attacking with Molotov cocktails!”

Yamato dared to help slightly stunned, with tear gas he can understand, this is also the regular operation of the army, but after the use of tear gas, it should be enough, why use Molotov cocktails?

However, he knew enough about Zhufu Gao to know that this colleague was extremely intelligent, and his judgment was almost infallible, so he immediately complied.

Soon, the military sent a three-person team and began to throw tear gas bombs towards the opposite side, and soon, a large amount of white smoke rose, and several people hurriedly put on gas masks to resist the aftermath of tear gas.

At this time, on the side of the black-clothed organization, (dafa) a tall figure, lurking in the shadows, just solved an unlucky ghost, bright red blood flowers burst, bullets penetrating the human body, always with exciting colors.

Only at this time, the sudden surge of smoke made his face change suddenly, because it was tear gas.

“Big brother, what should I do now? Ahem! ”

Vodka’s wide national character face also brought a look of panic, no way, their current situation is very bad, blocked here by the army and police, it is already precarious, and now with this tear gas, it is even more precarious.

If this continues, once this last line of defense is breached, the consequences will be catastrophic!

“Ahem, what a panic! Now because the system has been destroyed, it will take a certain amount of time to start the self-destruct procedure, as long as you hold on a little longer, and when the technicians, with important equipment, evacuate, we can also evacuate, and here, it will become the grave of these people! ”

Gin Jiu’s face showed a hideous and cruel expression, since he dared to surround and suppress the organization, no matter who it was, he needed to pay a sufficient price, only blood and death could make some guys’ brains really sober up and know the price of confrontation with the organization!

It can be imagined that if all the troops and police who surrounded and suppressed the organization were buried here at this time, public opinion would surely boil and the whole country would be in an uproar!

At that time, those congressmen controlled by the organization, as well as some military and political bigwigs, will stand up and use this opportunity to attack political opponents.

As for the other party’s defense, this is all to encircle and suppress terrorist organizations, sorry, at that time, this place was a ruin.

At that time, a story will arise that some senior officials of the Metropolitan Police Department and members of parliament, for their own selfish interests, privately mobilized the army and police to besiege a national biological institution.

As a result, because of stupid actions, there was a big explosion in the institute.

As a result of the explosion, not only the death of the army and a large number of policemen, but also caused a devastating blow to state-owned assets and brought huge losses to the country.

Such a person, of course, should be deposed and even prosecuted!

Thinking of this, there was more of a cruel smile on Gin Jiu’s face.

It’s just that this smile is fleeting, after all, even if the goal can be achieved, it will be a matter of later.

Now the organization is suffering huge losses, you know, even with such a huge asset, the number of such bases is not much.

Each secret base represents the existence of an organization, a force in a region. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The loss of any one is an extremely heavy blow to the organization, which is equivalent to the strength of the organization in this area, and there is a vacuum!

But there is no way, in any case, keeping secrets is the first important thing, and now what he has to do is to bury the secrets, and these stupid people, completely!

“Turn on the exhaust system!”

Although the base has lost most of its functions due to system damage, the basic functions are still there, and these tear gas are not worth mentioning.

Soon, the gradually thick tear gas, under the operation of the exhaust system, the gas concentration dropped rapidly, the smoke was rapidly diluted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and everyone in the black-clothed organization was also relieved.

It’s just that at this moment, a large number of Molotov cocktails were thrown dozens of meters away from everyone, and a large amount of gasoline fell to the ground with the shattering of the bottles, and the flames also rose suddenly.

Gin Jiu smelled the crisis in an instant, the two sides confronted each other with guns, did not dare to get too close, this distance to throw Molotov cocktails, it is simply a joke, those policemen, will never think.

But the other party still did it, for what reason?

It’s just that things are faster than he thought, he doesn’t need to think anymore, reality tells him the answer.

Tear gas suddenly exploded under the flame, and the flame, which was originally only a few feet high, suddenly turned into several meters high, and under the attraction of the exhaust system, it entered the ventilation pipeline, the closed ventilation pipeline, and became an excellent small area for explosion.

With a violent explosion, the entire top collapsed directly, instantly hitting many members of the organization, and wailing all over the ground for a while.

“Retreat!” Gin Jiu gritted his teeth and said.

Now it is no longer possible to hold here, and can only order a retreat.

Vodka hurriedly said: “But big brother, there are still some important equipment, which have not been disassembled yet, and those researchers can’t escape quickly…”

Gin Jiu said coldly: “No, but since you can’t leave, let’s disappear completely.”

The two soon entered the depths of the Yong Dao, he glanced back at the ruins behind him, and then disappeared without a trace.

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