Faced with this unreasonable situation, Zhu Zizhan’s thinking was still calm and calm, and even his heartbeat did not fluctuate much.

If it comes, it will be safe.

Anyway, it has already crossed and is out of the wall, so why not give it a try?

He decided to complete these three tasks first, and as for the doubts about the world, he believed that time would answer everything.

At this moment, there was no virtual interface or anything like a virtual interface in front of Zhu Zizhan except for the numbers counting down.

So he began to recall the voice that had just appeared in his head.

Since the system of obtaining survival time by collecting negative emotions, the “3 days” of the second task reward should refer to the possibility of staying in this world for three more days.

And “twelve years are fleeting”, perhaps allowing him to directly change from a child to a high school student, so as to complete the third transfer task.

This means that the so-called “new life” will not officially start until after transferring to Didan High School.

At this stage, it is like a “plot precedence” in a movie or novel.

With an inference in his heart, Zhuzi Zhan rubbed his chin and thought.

For him, choosing a policeman to be his guardian is not a bad thing.

He can use his guardian as a police officer to package himself as a righteous teenager in order to commit crimes in secret and collect negative emotions.

The more righteous, kinder, more cultivated, the more respectful this guardian is, the more reverent he is for life, the more he admires light… For him, the more valuable it is.

In other words –

His guardian is his “outer packaging”.

Glancing up at the light swaying back and forth in the distance, two people came towards this side.

And behind them, farther away, a little shimmer can be seen.

Large troops followed.

These people should all be police officers.

The corners of Zhu Zizhan’s eyes narrowed slightly, it seemed that he still had a lot of choice.

With his mind spinning in his head, he quickly thought of a way to deal with it, so he lay on the ground and pretended to be unconscious, waiting for the two people who walked in the front to come over.

As long as they find themselves, he can choose the right guardian among the many police officers.


A few minutes later, the sound of shoes stepping on the fallen leaves was getting closer, and a loud voice reached his ears.

“Hey! This is……! This should have been that kitchen knife from three years ago! Smart, you quickly report to the corps! ”

Then came a very different male voice, who said “um” and seemed to turn on the walkie-talkie.

“Report, the murder weapon of the red woman case has been found, 300 meters in the direction of 11 o’clock.”

His voice was low and mellow, and his tone was particularly calm and calm compared to the former.

“Received received, the corps is now passed.”

A reply came over the intercom.

Zhuzizhan lay on the ground, his eyes closed, and listened motionlessly.

At this time, the light of a flashlight flickered in front of his eyes, and then suddenly froze on his body.

“Dare to help, there is a child here!”

In that calm voice, there was finally a hint of surprise.

“What? Child? ”

Immediately afterwards, another flashlight came over, illuminating his body.

At this moment, there was a lot of silence around, only the rolling thunder in the sky curtain burst one after another.



Seeing Zhu Zizhan, a stunned look appeared on Yamato Daisuke’s face, and his eyes widened: “Hey, how can there be children in this deep mountain and old forest?” ”

Zhufu Gaoming put the walkie-talkie back on his chest, pulled away the branches of the bushes, and walked over step by step.

He crouched down and extended his hand to Zhu Zizhan who was lying on the ground, touching his carotid artery.

Feeling the residual warmth and pulse of his skin, the heavy boulder that invisibly pressed on his heart disappeared in an instant.

“He’s alive.”

Zhu Fu said in a deep voice.

He handed the flashlight to Yamato Daisuke, took Zhu Zizhan’s arm with one hand, supported his body with the other, and carefully turned him over.

Seeing this immature face, Zhufu’s pupils suddenly shrank, and Yamato’s eyes instantly widened several times.

“Gao Ming, this kid…!”

Staring at Zhu Zizhan , Zhu Fu Gao Ming’s eyes were full of surprise, and he nodded slightly undeniably.

How could this kid be so similar to him when he was a child!

Especially between the eyebrows.

It’s like it’s carved out of a mold!

“Ahem, I said Gao Ming, you were before…” Yamato Daisuke touched his nose and said meaningfully, “You shouldn’t have donated before…”

“Absolutely impossible.”

Zhufu Gaoming directly denied it.

He glanced sideways at Yamato Daisuke, his face serious, “Now is not the time to say this, hurry up and call an ambulance to take him to the hospital.” ”

“Ah, yes.” Yamato dared to help his heart, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and walked to the side and dialed 120.

The autumn night in Nagano Prefecture was very cool, and Zhufu Gaoming looked at the thin white clothes on Zhu Zizhan and frowned.

He quickly took the walkie-talkie from his police uniform, took off his coat, wrapped it around him, and then held him in his arms.

After calling an ambulance, Yamato dared to put away his mobile phone and walked over to look at Zhuzizhan who was wrapped in a navy blue police uniform.

“This kid is a little strange, the white clothes on his body are very special, and there are blood stains on it, it feels like he is a human experiment in some kind of terrorist organization.”


Zhufu Gaoming looked down at the little boy he was holding, and a complicated expression surged in his eyes.

“He probably escaped somewhere.”

The flashlight in the distance flickered, and many policemen hurried over, and a police officer in a brown suit asked

“What’s going on with this kid?”


Yamato Daisuke saluted each other.

“We found it by chance after we found the murder weapon of the red girl case just now, and it looks like it escaped from somewhere.”

Zhu Fu Gaoming slightly lifted the police uniform wrapped around Zhu Zizhan on his body, revealing the white clothes stained with blood inside.


The criminal policeman in brown suits leaned over and looked at it, his brows frowned.

“He may be a child who has been trafficked, and if he wakes up and cannot communicate, and does not know his name and identity, he can only be handed over to the relevant departments and finally sent to an orphanage…”

Judging by the sound of footsteps and speech, the surrounding police probably all gathered, and seeing that the time was ripe, Zhuzizhan slowly opened his eyes.


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