The criminal policeman who was looking at Zhu Zizhan’s brown suit suddenly paused, “Hey, you’re awake, little friend.” ”

He tried to make his voice sound as amiable as possible and asked, “Little friend, what’s your name?” Why are you here? ”

Seeing many strangers, Zhu Zizhan’s pupils were filled with unconcealable panic and confusion, and he pursed his lips and did not dare to answer.

To outsiders, he was frightened like a little wolf cub who met a hunter.

But they didn’t know that behind this seemingly frightened look, there was actually a pair of ancient eyes that were looking at them openly.

Zhu Zizhan’s gaze moved slowly, scanning the face of every policeman in front of him.

These guys all look good.

All righteous.

Just right.

But he always felt almost something inside.

Looking to the left, he lingered on the body of a young policeman for half a second.

He was in his early twenties wearing the uniform of a Japanese policeman, wearing a police hat, dark skin, a little bald on his chin, and a small braid tied at the back of his head.

With two flashlights in his hand and two walkie-talkies on his chest, it must have been the ambulance he called just now.

He remembered his name as “Dare to Help”.

Just now, he called another policeman “Gao Ming”.

Retracting his gaze, Zhu Zizhan turned his head to look at the policeman named “Gao Ming” who held him in his arms.

The young policeman was also in his twenties, with raised eyebrows and phoenix eyes, narrow and deep.

He looks gentle and elegant on the outside, but his eyes reveal a majesty and righteousness that cannot be ignored, which is the unique aura of the police.

Zhu Zizhan has not seen much “Detective Conan”, and he does not know that this person is the main character in the world of Ke Xue – Zhufu Gaoming.

But he can still clearly feel his temperament of “poetry and book in his belly”, as well as the calmness and calmness of going through the world.

This policeman is like a military master, able to strategize and win thousands of miles away.

Although he is young now, he is still a lowest-level inspector with the rank of police officer, but after twelve years, he will inevitably become a very good criminal policeman.

Zhu Zizhan found it very interesting.

I didn’t expect to meet someone so similar to myself in this two-dimensional world.

No wonder they were so surprised when they saw his face just now.

He had a choice in mind.

The two pairs of similar phoenix eyes looked at each other, and Zhu Zizhan’s eyes gradually widened, looking at Zhu Fu Gaoming, as if to confirm something.

After a few seconds, the panic in his eyes dissipated, replaced by disbelief that almost burst out of his sockets, and an indescribable sadness and grief.

There were no words, only tears.

Tears cleared his cheeks in an instant, rushing out like a flood of a broken embankment.

At this moment, a loud “boom” sounded overhead, and thunder roared.

In an instant, the wind was fierce, and the heavy rain kept falling like beads with broken threads.

When he cried, God seemed to cry for him.

The rain was falling louder and bigger, as if the Milky Way in the sky had flooded, raging.


Rain cats and dogs.

Seeing Zhu Zizhan crying silently, a sourness suddenly came from Zhu Fu Gaoming’s nose.

Vaguely guessing something, his Adam’s apple squirmed up and down, and his voice was tinged with a hint of dryness and hoarseness:

“You… Why cry? ”

Zhu Zizhan did not stop crying, tears mixed with rain, constantly flowing down his immature little face.

Looking at Zhu Fu Gaoming, his lips trembled, and a word gently came out of his throat:


The rain was clearly loud.

But Zhu Zizhan’s faint voice clearly entered Zhu Fu Gaoming’s ears.

Zhu Fu’s heart seemed to have been pricked by something sharp, and a pain silently permeated from the deepest place.

Subtle and dense.

Many police officers around also heard it.

This “Dad” full of caution and temptation was like a soldering iron, imprinted on their hearts.

Because some of them are fathers.

Put yourself in another way, if something happens to their own children, they may go crazy.

Yamato Daisuke turned his back and wiped his eyes, eliminating the soreness in his eyes.

He didn’t understand what the child was going through, but he could clearly feel the extreme sadness and sorrow.

“Zhufu, this child has taken you as his father.” The police officer in brown suits said.

If he hadn’t known in advance that his subordinate was still single, he would definitely believe that this was the child that Zhufu Gaoming had a few years ago.

Zhufu Gaoming nodded, he wanted to say something more, but his throat was like a handful of sand, and he couldn’t say anything.

The rain is still falling.

None of them had umbrellas.

So he dragged the police uniform wrapped around Zhu Zizhan and blocked his head with the police uniform to keep the rain out.

It seems that because a “dad” opened the closed psychology, Zhuzizhan changed from silent tears to tears.

His two small hands clung to Zhu Fu’s clothes and cried at him with grief.

“Dad… Are you here to take me home… I…… I want to go home…”

The cry coming from his arms was like a knife that had not yet been opened, repeatedly cutting the heartstrings of Zhu Fu Gaoming, and his eyes gradually became complicated and heavy.

This kid reminded him of his past.

Zhu Fu Gaoming acquiesced to the title “Dad”, stretched out his hand to support the back of Zhu Zizhan’s head, and pressed his face into his arms.

While tightening the police uniform wrapped around him, he gently coaxed: “Okay, daddy and me, this will take you home.” ”

Hearing the alarm of an ambulance coming from the foot of the mountain, Zhufu Gaoming said to the criminal police in brown suits

“Police Department, please let me take this child to a nearby hospital for a set of physical examinations.”

“Okay, go ahead, feel free to contact if there is a situation.” The brown-suited criminal officer nodded and looked at Yamato Daisuke, “Yamato, you are also together.” ”


Yamato nodded and walked quickly down the mountain with Zhufu Takaaki.

Seeing that the two left, the criminal policeman in brown suits recalled Zhu Zizhan’s white clothes, touched his chin, and his face was solemn.

He immediately ordered his subordinates:

“Team two, team three! You immediately embark on a carpet search in this forest to find out if there are any remaining children and hidden labs! ”


The police officer answered and quickly left.


The wind is noisy, the rain is whimpering.

It was pouring rain outside, and above the eaves and ground, the rapid rain stirred up a light white, a vast expanse.

An ambulance with a flashing red light drove into the continuous rain curtain, raindrops sliding off the car and the engine roaring.

It was night, and the streets were much empty, with only occasional cars passing by and splashing water.

From the moment he entered the ambulance, Zhu Zizhan was like a child who had found a home, stopped crying, and closed his eyes safely in his police uniform.

He listened to the conversation between Zhufu Takaaki and Yamato Daisuke and the doctor while looking at the countdown in the upper right corner.





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