Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 737 Breaking the shackles, the fire of the soul

When Wu Tao heard this, he also guessed that Wen Xingrui had sensed the changes in his temperament after he had reached the perfection of the golden elixir. He nodded and said, "Yes, master, I also reached the perfection of the golden elixir yesterday.

"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being my disciple." Wen Xingrui was extremely happy when he heard this.

"Master, after I cultivated the golden elixir to perfection, the quality of the golden elixir's magic power felt higher, so the disciple refining the red flame divine fire shield. I came here today just to let the master take a look at the red flame divine fire shield after the sacrifice. , does it have the power to reach the Nascent Soul level?" Wu Tao said to Wen Xingrui.

After listening to Wu Tao's words, Wen Xingrui nodded and said, "Okay, then you can display the Red Flame Divine Fire Shield and let me see it."

There was a large open space in the middle of the main hall, so Wu Tao went directly to the open space and immediately sacrificed the red flame divine fire shield that he had re-refined last night.

As soon as the red flame divine fire shield came out, an uncontrollable blazing heat burst out and spread to the entire hall master's hall. The temperature of the entire hall master's hall increased by dozens of degrees in an instant.

But even if the temperature rises to dozens of degrees, or even 50, 60, 78 or 80 degrees, Wu Tao is a perfect cultivator of the golden elixir and a person who uses the red flame divine fire shield. Naturally, he will not be affected by the temperature of the red flame divine fire shield. Burning, and Wen Xingrui, a Yuanying boss, ignored the temperature of the red flame divine fire shield.

None of them are mortal.

Only mortals would be afraid of this extremely high temperature. In this extremely high temperature, they would become dehydrated and even die of heat stroke.

"Master, please take a look!"

Wu Tao had a red flame divine fire shield suspended in front of him and said to his master Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xinrui looked at the red flame divine fire shield suspended in front of Wu Tao. At this time, the red flame divine fire shield was no more than the size of a millstone, but it was not just that big. It could grow larger according to the caster's thoughts.

The red flame divine fire shield that has been cultivated to an advanced level can even cover a hundred miles radius.

Of course, covering a hundred-mile radius also depends on the powerful spiritual thoughts and powerful magic power of the immortal cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage.

As soon as the red flame divine fire shield was sacrificed by Wu Tao, Wen Xingrui felt that the red flame divine fire shield had indeed reached the level of Nascent Soul magic power.

As soon as his Dantian moved, a powerful Nascent Soul Soul emanated from his sea of ​​Soul Mind and landed on the red flame divine fire shield in front of Wu Tao.

As soon as Master Wen Xingrui's Nascent Soul Soul was released, Wu Tao's heart tightened, because his Nascent Soul Soul reached 3,200 miles, which was 200 miles stronger than the new Yuanying Soul, but Master Wen Xing Rui's Nascent Soul Divine Thought made him feel extremely terrifying.

"It seems that I haven't seen you for so many years. The master's cultivation has improved a lot. It is estimated that he is not far from the middle stage of Yuanying. Moreover, the master has practiced the Tianyan God Refining Sutra of the Yuanying stage. His divine thoughts must be stronger than I."

Wu Tao thought so in his heart.

Wen Xingrui used his spiritual thoughts to feel the red flame divine fire shield offered by Wu Tao, then withdrew his spiritual thoughts and said, "Yes, your red flame divine fire shield has indeed reached the level of Nascent Soul."

"Let's do this, you try to attack me with this red flame divine fire shield."

As soon as Wen Xingrui said these words, Wu Tao was shocked and said: "Master, since this red flame divine fire shield has reached the Yuanying level, if I attack, master, I won't destroy this place, and I am also afraid of hurting the master." you."

Wen Xingrui laughed loudly and said: "Don't worry, with your strength, you can't hurt your master and me. If you attack me boldly with the red flame divine fire shield, you won't destroy this place."

Seeing this, Wu Tao no longer hesitated, and immediately the red flame divine fire shield in front of the imperial envoy turned into a beam of fire and shrouded Wen Xingrui.

The aura on Wen Xingrui's body was revealed at this moment, a Nascent Soul stage aura that was more powerful than Wu Tao!

The red flame divine fire shield enveloped his head. Wen Xingrui gently stretched out his hand to cast a spell. The spell instantly hit the red flame divine fire shield. After the hit, Wu Tao immediately felt that the red flame divine fire shield was damaged. If it continued, It was bound to be scattered and annihilated by Master Wen Xingrui's spell, so he quickly took it back.

"Master is great, but I am not as good as my disciple." After taking back the red flame divine fire shield, Wu Tao quickly said to Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xingrui also put away the powerful aura of Nascent Soul Lord and said with a smile: "Your cultivation talent is excellent, even higher than that of my teacher. In time, you will definitely surpass my teacher."

At the same time, he was secretly frightened. Now he could still overpower his disciple and maintain the majesty of the master. But in a few decades or ten years, he might really be surpassed by this disciple. At that time... But at that time It's better to just follow the apprentice and let the apprentice be your backer, which will save you more worry.

After thinking about this, Wen Xingrui's slightly depressed mood became relieved and joyful.

Wu Tao looked at Wen Xingrui and remembered Wen Xingrui's powerful aura just now. He asked tentatively: "Master, what level of Nascent Soul are you at now?"

Wen Xingrui asked Wu Tao about his cultivation. If it were someone else, it would be a taboo, but if it was his disciple, there was no need to hide it. He said: "Just two months ago, I just broke through the fourth level of Yuanying." .”

"Master's cultivation speed is so fast." Wu Tao still remembered that when he first returned to the Immortal Yuan Realm, his master Wen Xingrui had already broken through to the True Lord Nascent Soul early, but it was only about thirty years ago.

Cultivation in the Nascent Soul realm is definitely much more difficult than cultivation in the Golden Core realm, but in 10 years, Wen Xingrui was able to break through a small realm and has now reached the middle Nascent Soul realm.

This kind of cultivation is extremely fast.

very fast.

It would not be surprising for the Nascent Soul Master to break through the first level in forty years.

"Master, this is the perfect god-transformation seed!" Wu Tao was extremely happy. He felt that his master Wen Xingrui should be able to cultivate to the god-transformation state.

When the time comes, he will break through to the state of becoming a god, and he will be a king of two gods.

"Master, you are really amazing. You deserve to be my master." Wu Tao quickly flattered him.

Wen Xingrui was extremely happy for his disciple's flattery from the bottom of his heart. Suddenly something occurred to him and he said: "Disciple, release your golden elixir magic power and let me see it."

Although Wu Tao didn't know why Master Wen Xingrui wanted to check his golden elixir power, he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, when his dantian moved, the golden elixir in his dantian shook slightly, and the powerful golden elixir power was released, turning into Tangible mana floats in front of you.

Wen Xingrui immediately checked Wu Tao's magic power. After checking it, he nodded approvingly and said: "As expected, your golden elixir magic power is no longer inferior to that of the new Nascent Soul Lord."

"It's like breaking through the realm of the True Lord of Nascent Soul once and transforming a lot. When you truly break through the realm of Nascent Soul, your mana will transform again. By then, your Nascent Soul's mana will be as powerful as that of a new Nascent Soul. The true king can compare with it.”

"It seems that you not only practiced the secret technique of Tianyan Shenrenjin taught by your master, but also had other opportunities to practice the secret technique of increasing the power of the golden elixir, so you broke the limit of the golden elixir's power and completed it. A transformation!"

Hearing Wen Xingrui's careful analysis, Wu Tao nodded and said: "Master Huiyan, this disciple did have the opportunity to practice the magic secret technique that increases the power of the golden elixir, and it should also have a certain relationship with the dual cultivation of law and body. After all, the stronger the body, the stronger the body. The stronger the magic power it contains, otherwise, the magic power at the Nascent Soul level will burst the disciple's Dantian."

"Put away the golden elixir magic power." Wen Xingrui said. Seeing that Wu Tao had already put away the golden elixir magic power, he continued: "Disciple, how far have you mastered the fourth-level low-level weapon refining method? , how long will it take to fully understand it?"

Seeing his master Wen Xingrui asking about the progress of the weapon refining method, Wu Tao immediately replied: "Master, I estimate that in another one or two years, I will be able to fully understand the fourth-level low-level weapon refining method."

"So is your current plan to break through to the realm of Nascent Soul, and then practice the Divine Fire Art, ignite the fire of the soul, and be promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner?" Wen Xingrui asked again.

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Master knows my heart, and this is what I planned."

"To break through the Nascent Soul realm, you need to completely gestate the Nascent Soul within the golden elixir before you can break through the elixir and become a baby. To what extent are you pregnant now?"

"Master, I have already given birth to a human form. It is estimated that in another three or four years, I should be able to completely give birth to the Nascent Soul, and I can start breaking the pill to become a baby." Wu Tao said confidently.

Regarding this, Wen Xingrui did not think that Wu Tao was conceited. Instead, he felt that Wu Tao was a bit conservative. He continued: "Calculated this way, it will take you three or four years to advance to the Nascent Soul realm and then practice It will also take two or three years for the Divine Fire Technique to be promoted to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner."

"This is the step-by-step practice of ordinary immortal cultivators, but you are different..." At this point, Wen Xingrui stopped talking and looked at Wu Tao.

When Wu Tao saw his master looking at him, he quickly said: "Master, I am also an ordinary cultivator."

Hearing this, Wen Xingrui rolled his eyes in a rare move and said, "You don't have to be so humble in front of the master. I know that you are cautious in doing things and practicing very carefully. You will never take risks just for the sake of speed, but I think you Maybe you can really consider your teacher’s advice.”

Wu Tao had a vague guess, but he still respectfully raised his hands and said, "Master, please tell me."

Wen Xingrui said: "You also know that in order to be promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner, you need to advance to the Nascent Soul stage and ignite the fire of the soul. Only the fire of the soul can refine the fourth-level spiritual materials. But in fact, this is not the case. The premise, the premise is just to ignite the fire of the Yuan Shen, and igniting the fire of the Yuan Shen requires the mana of the Nascent Soul stage and the spiritual thoughts of the Nascent Soul stage."

"Golden elixir cultivators cannot ignite the fire of the soul without transformed mana and spiritual thoughts. If you ignite it without permission, you will only burn yourself and your body will die."

"But my disciple, your golden elixir magic power and golden elixir divine thoughts are now as good as those of the new Nascent Soul Lord. Therefore, my teacher suggests that you can take a path of genius, which is to break the shackles and directly practice the divine fire art. By igniting the fire of the soul, you may be able to be promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner in the golden elixir realm."

"If this is really possible, then my disciple, you will be unprecedented and unprecedented, and your reputation will be resounding throughout the three realms."

Speaking of this, Wen Xingrui was slightly excited. Because if Wu Tao can really be promoted to the fourth-level weapon refiner in the Golden Core stage, then as Wu Tao's master, his reputation will be resounding throughout the Three Realms.

Because this is the disciple he taught.

However, although he is Wu Tao's master, he will not make decisions for Wu Tao. In the end, he said: "Of course, being a master is just a suggestion. It is up to you to decide what you want to do."

After Wu Tao listened to Wen Xingrui's words, he actually had a guess, so he kept thinking.

He actually thought about doing this, but today his master Wen Xingrui suggested that he do this, which can save two or three years. In fact, regardless of the immortal cultivator's practice, his lifespan will increase, but time is of the essence for the immortal cultivator. It is also extremely important.

Some cultivators may need two years to break through the first level and continue to extend their lifespan, but because it is less than two years, they can only return to the path with regrets.

Wen Xingrui didn't know that his life span was more than 800 due to his Dharma and Body cultivation and Jin Dan cultivation. After he broke through to the Yuan Ying True Lord, he would be able to increase his life span by another 500 years. Perhaps after he broke through to the Yuan Ti realm, he would also be able to increase his life span.

By then, maybe with his Nascent Soul realm, he would be almost as good as the Transformation God Lord, and his lifespan would be a few hundred years short at most.

The Transformation God Lord only has a lifespan of two thousand years.

Wu Tao felt that he could try it, but he didn't want to do anything that would make him famous. This was inconsistent with his low-key and cautious character.

Therefore, Wu Tao cupped his hands to Wen Xingrui and said: "Master, I think with my current golden elixir magic power and spiritual thoughts, I can indeed practice the Divine Fire Art to the extent of igniting the fire of the soul. The danger is not very great, but Master, you also I know that I have a low-key personality and don’t like to be too public, so I don’t care if my reputation spreads throughout the three realms. If I can be promoted to the fourth-level low-level weapon refiner in a low-key manner, I will be promoted in a low-key manner. When I become a god in the future, I will spread my reputation!"

When Wen Xingrui heard this, he was not disappointed. He nodded and said, "Okay, in fact, it is fundamental to save a few years. Fame and other things are just a little embellishment on the road to immortality. You want it or not."

"I have prepared the Divine Fire Technique for you. It is a top-notch Divine Fire Technique and matches your technique."

As Wen Xingrui said this, he put his hand on his waist, and a stream of light flew out, hovering in front of Wu Tao, and manifested into a yellow jade slip.

Wu Tao looked at the yellow jade slip and said with a smile: "Master, it turns out that you have long been sure that I will agree to your suggestion."

Wen Xingrui said with a smile: "Although you have a low-key personality, I also know that you will not be willing to succumb to others on the road to cultivating immortality, otherwise you would not embark on the path of dual cultivation of law and body."

"Take this Divine Fire Technique back and study it. If you don't understand something, just tell me."

"I understand, master. If nothing happens, I will leave first." Wu Tao put the jade slip into his storage bag and bowed to his master Wen Xingrui.

"Go ahead, go ahead." Wen Xingrui waved his hand.

Wu Tao left Wen Xingrui's main hall and returned to the weapon refining room arranged for him. The weapon refining room would naturally have a place for training.

He sat cross-legged in the training room and reached out to wipe the storage bag on his waist. The jade slip given to him by his master Wen Xingrui just appeared in his hand. He immediately put the jade slip on his forehead and read it with his spiritual mind.

As soon as he read it, he was doubly surprised.

"The Divine Fire Technique recorded in this jade slip should have come from the Xingchen Immortal Palace. The Xingchen Immortal Palace sent this Nine-Yao Divine Fire Technique to the Lingxu Immortal Sect. It is a set of divine fire that matches my Nine-Yao Fusion Yang pole true skill. , no wonder the master said this Divine Fire Technique is suitable for me."

"With the strength of my current golden elixir magic power and the strength of my golden elixir spiritual thoughts, I should be able to successfully practice this divine fire technique and ignite the fire of the soul."

Wu Tao was sure of this, which was why he did not reject his master Wen Xingrui's suggestion.

If you don't have confidence in him, you won't take risks. Just to save two or three years, he has a lot of life, and he would rather delay three, four, five or six years than take risks.

"However, there is no need to rush into practicing the Divine Fire Technique. You still have to use your time to realize the breakthrough opportunity of the Yuan Ti realm!"

Wu Tao thought to himself, and then put the jade slip recording the Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique back into his storage bag and started the day's task of refining the weapon.

Thanks to Yijie Wensheng for the 100 starting coin reward

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