Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 738 Chen Yao’s opportunity, the opportunity comes

On this day, Wu Tao completed the task of refining the weapon and returned to his residence.

He did not see Chen Yao in the courtyard, nor did he see Chen Yao in the living room. After a moment of sensing, he found that Chen Yao was practicing in the practice room.

"A Yao will complete the foundation building today!" Wu Tao's spiritual sense sensed Chen Yao who was practicing, and found that Chen Yao's foundation building aura has been very mellow and has reached a peak. After practicing today, it is estimated that the foundation building will be completed. .

"After the foundation building is completed, you have to wait for the opportunity to break through the golden elixir." Wu Tao muttered to himself, and he returned to the training room.

Now that he has perfected the golden elixir realm, he has also perfected the real body realm of physical cultivation. Both of these dual cultivations need to wait for the opportunity to break through to the next big realm.

While waiting for the opportunity to break through, he no longer needed to practice the Jiuyao Fusion Yangji True Kung Fu and Zhoutian Xingchen Body Refining Kung Fu every day, so he spent all his training time on the Jiuxuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden God Technique, and comprehended the fourth-level low-level weapon refining technique. Dao, as well as practicing the Red Flame Divine Fire Covering Technique at the Nascent Soul level, and the Jiuyao Divine Fire Technique that was just obtained.

The last step is to understand Taoism.

In the more than four years since he received Daoyu, Wu Tao has learned 246 Daoist syllables. The completion of learning the 3,000 Daoist syllables seems far away, but as he masters more Daoist syllables, The difficulty of learning began to decrease in the following years, and he mastered more Taoist language each year than the previous year.

And as he mastered more Taoist language, he found that it would be easier for him to understand spells and other knowledge such as the art of weapon refining.

The Taoist language indeed involves the level of Tao, and any spells or cultivation secrets are actually related to the immortal way.

Therefore, Wu Tao is also very attentive to this Taoist language. If he learns this Taoist language, it will be of great help to his cultivation. In the future, after he breaks through the Yuanying stage, he will be able to master the Yuanying stage. Practicing should save a lot of time.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao immediately took out the jade slip that recorded Taoist language and began to learn Taoist language.

When learning Taoist language, Wu Tao also turned on the soundproof array in the practice room, because when he was learning Taoist language, strange Taoist sounds would be emitted, and this sound would make people feel strange when it spread outside. Or there will be another strange feeling.

The most important thing was that there were two divine kings, Ning Qiu Dao and Emperor Shenjun, in the Lingxu Immortal Sect. He did not want his learning of Taoism to be sensed by these two divine kings.

Wu Tao has always had a strange feeling about Emperor Shenjun. He always felt that there was some causal connection with Emperor Shenjun. Otherwise, he wouldn't have a strange feeling every time he met Emperor Shenjun, which he couldn't suppress at all.

Therefore, when he did not have absolute strength and was on par with Emperor Shenjun, he felt that it would be better for him to see Emperor Shenjun less often.

As for Ning Qiudao, the head of the Lingxu Immortal Sect, although he has always been very kind to him, since the last time he discovered Ning Qiudao's secret, he didn't want to face Ning Qiudao anymore.

Fortunately, during the four years he had been in Lingxu Immortal Sect, Ning Qiudao had not summoned him.

What Wu Tao was thinking about was that Ning Qiudao was the God of Transformation, and the cultivation of the God of Transformation was more important. He was probably practicing in seclusion, and how could he have time to look after him, a little golden elixir cultivator.

For a figure like Ning Qiudao, who stands at the top of the three realms as a god-turned-god king, he is still too small to be on the stage at all. The only thing that the other party can pay attention to may be the nail in the coffin in his mind.

After getting rid of all the distracting thoughts in his mind, Wu Tao began to understand Taoism.

An hour later, Wu Tao kept opening his mouth and uttering a strange syllable. This syllable was the 247th Taoist syllable that he had studied. He had already studied this syllable for 10 days.


Finally, Wu Tao correctly pronounced the Taoist syllable. When he successfully pronounced the Taoist syllable, Wu Tao felt a very mysterious vibration in his mana and spiritual energy. It was this vibration that made him feel that his whole body was being washed. After reading it once, I was cleansed by this kind of Taoism.

Give him a feeling of physical and mental comfort.

"Perhaps my golden elixir law can transform and reach the Yuanying level. Maybe it has something to do with my learning of Taoist language, because every time I successfully utter a Taoist syllable, the golden elixir magic power and the divine thoughts in the sea of ​​divine thoughts will fall into a state of confusion. A wonderful rhythm."

Wu Tao guessed this in his heart.

Immortal cultivators who cultivate both body and law are actually not uncommon in the world of Xingchen Sea, and there are many of them. But I have never heard that after the golden elixir and the true body are completed, the magic power can transform to the new Yuanying level.

Moreover, those cultivators who can cultivate both body and law are the favored ones of heaven. How could such a favored person not have the secret technique of golden elixir, magic power and the secret technique of divine soul?

If you cultivate to their level, you will definitely become famous, and you will be able to enjoy it in the entire Xingchen Sea cultivation world, which is unheard of.

That's why Wu Tao had this suspicion. He felt that his magic power could be transformed. It was not related to his dual cultivation of body and law, learning the Nine Golden Pill Refining and the Tianyan Divine Refining Scripture. It should be related to his learning Taoist language.

"Perhaps this Taoist language can be taught to A-Yao. Once A-Yao learns it, the chances of breaking through the Nascent Soul stage will be greatly increased. Or it can be said that A-Yao's chance may be this Taoist language."

Wu Tao felt that this saying was so magical, and suddenly thought of Chen Yao, and felt very confident.

But now he has not fully mastered this Taoist language, and it is very difficult for him to learn it. He cannot teach Chen Yao as an example to others. He will not teach Chen Yao this Taoist language until he has mastered it all.

At that time, he might have become an immortal cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage, and Chen Yao was already a mid-stage or late Jindan cultivator. At that time, it was just the right time to learn this Taoist language.

"That's it."

Wu Tao quickly made a decision in his mind.

Today, he successfully learned the 247th Taoist syllable. Wu Tao no longer continues to learn Taoist syllables, but practices the Jiuxuanxinghuozangshen method. He has already perfected the golden elixir, and he only needs to realize the opportunity to break through the realm of Yuanying before he can break the elixir and become an infant.

Therefore, we must seize the time to practice the Jiuxuan Xinghuo Shenfa.

Don't wait until the opportunity comes to break through the realm of Yuanying. He has not yet perfected the Nine Mysterious Star Fire Hidden Divine Technique to give birth to a complete Yuanying.

After practicing the Nine Mysterious Star Fire Hidden God Technique for two full hours, Wu Tao felt that the Nascent Soul in the golden elixir, which had begun to take on a humanoid outline, had solidified a little, and he stopped practicing this Divine Hiding Technique.

Cultivation also pays attention to relaxation and relaxation. At this time, it was completely dark, and Wu Tao planned to go to the courtyard to watch the stars.

He felt that the opportunity to break through the Yuan Ti realm was getting closer and closer. This kind of spiritual understanding and the intuition of the immortal cultivator would not deceive him.

As soon as he walked out of the training room, Wu Tao heard the door of another training room. He looked over and saw Chen Yao walking out of the training room. The two looked at each other.

"Brother, have you finished practicing?" Chen Yao stepped forward and said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao glanced at Chen Yao and saw that Chen Yao's cultivation at this moment had indeed completed the foundation building.

A smile appeared on his face and he praised: "Ayao, you have completed your foundation building."

Hearing this, Chen Yao also showed a happy smile on her face and said: "I just wanted to tell my senior brother the good news, but I didn't expect that my senior brother is so powerful. He can see it at a glance."

Hearing this, Chen Yao raised her hand and touched her milk bag and said, "Don't forget, your senior brother is Jin Dan Zhenren."

"Next, just relax a little and just do as usual. Slowly wait for the golden elixir energy to come. As for the spiritual water, spiritual fire and various elixirs that break through the golden elixir, senior brother will prepare them for you. You don’t need to worry about that.”

Hearing this, Chen Yao hugged Wu Tao's arm and said obediently: "I understand, senior brother, I won't be impatient, I will keep my mind at ease."

After all, Chen Yao is an ordinary cultivator. Unlike him who has a panel system, he usually feels that there is no bottleneck for any small realm when he is practicing. But when he encounters a big realm, there is still a little bottleneck. He broke through the golden elixir. I also traveled for several years at that time.

So he wasn't sure how long it would take for Chen Yao to sense the opportunity to break through the golden elixir.

However, this varies from person to person. Some people may feel it in a year or two, while some people may not feel it in their entire life.

"Ayao, I believe you can do it. I'm going to sit in the courtyard and look at the sky first. Do you want to come with me?" Wu Tao encouraged Ayao and finally asked.

Chen Yao nodded and said, "Okay, senior brother, I'll go with you. I'll just stay by your side quietly."

"Okay, let's go together then."

As Wu Tao spoke, he took Chen Yao's hand and led Chen Yao to the courtyard. It was already dark, and the cool watery moonlight and the stars in the sky gave off a faint brilliance and sprinkled the courtyard.

There is a pavilion in the courtyard. This pavilion can usually take care of guests, drink tea and chat here.

The two came to the pavilion and each sat on a stone stool.

Wu Tao quietly raised his head and looked at the sky, while Chen Yao sat quietly aside, looking at her senior brother and her senior brother's delicate and smooth face. Chen Yao also felt that her heart became extremely quiet.

After watching the night sky for nearly half an hour, Wu Tao felt that the pavilion blocked part of the moonlight and starlight. He quickly turned to Chen Yao and said, "Let's go, A-Yao, let's go to the courtyard."

Chen Yao nodded and followed his senior brother to the courtyard. Wu Tao reached out and touched two of them in the storage bag, and the recliners he made appeared in the courtyard.

"Sit down, Ayao. This is specially made by me. It's very comfortable."

Wu Tao said to Chen Yao, then he lay down on the recliner in a very comfortable position.

Chen Yao was also lying in the recliner. As the senior brother said, this recliner was very comfortable to sit on. Sitting on it, her whole body seemed to relax and her mind became more peaceful.

This recliner is also a magic weapon, and it was indeed made by my senior brother, a third-level advanced weapon refiner.

Feeling this tranquility and comfort, Chen Yao looked at the moon and stars in the sky and slowly closed her eyes.

Because she was by her senior brother's side, her heart felt at peace like never before.

Wu Tao was lying on the recliner specially made by himself, and he found that the entire starry sky was in his eyes. He carefully understood the connection between the stars in the sky and the earth and his connection.

Everything in the universe is universally connected.

Every plant, every tree, every stone and every water, even if they are very far away from the sun, moon and stars in the sky, they are all universally connected.

Immortal cultivators have a certain connection with the earth they live on, as well as with all living things, forests, stars, moon, and sun.

Wu Tao looked at the stars in the night sky mainly to understand the opportunity of Yuan Ti realm breakthrough, so what he needed to understand was the connection between the stars and him.

After three years of sensing, Wu Tao felt that the connection between him and Star City seemed to be getting closer and closer.

The starry sky is dotted with irregular stars, and the stars emit light that falls on the world and on his body, mirroring his star body from afar.

Wu Tao realized all this, and suddenly he slowly closed his eyes. After closing his eyes, he was still realizing that as an immortal cultivator, eyes are not the only way to see things. His body, his magic power, His spiritual thoughts are all ways to understand the things around him.

After closing his eyes, he found that he was enveloped by all the stars, and he fell into a wonderful realization.

He seemed to be in the starry sky, with all the stars surrounding him. His perfect star body was also emitting starlight. At this moment, he seemed to have become one among thousands of stars.

Wu Tao knew that the opportunity for a breakthrough had come, and he only needed to wait until he reached a certain level of understanding before he could start to break through the Yuan Ti realm.

As time passed, the sky became brighter, but Wu Tao was still in this wonderful realization and did not wake up.

Stars do not only exist at night, they also exist during the day, so stars are there every day. The realization that Wu Tao fell into at this time was that of stars in the day.

It was daybreak, and Chen Yao had had enough rest. She had not slept so deeply for a whole night in a long time. She thought that when her senior brother was not in the Xianyuan world at that time, she had never had a peaceful night's sleep in more than 30 years.

Now that they are both in the Lingxu Immortal Sect, her senior brother is beside her, lying quietly, which makes Chen Yao feel at ease. Therefore, due to this peace of mind, Chen Yao actually had a rare night's sleep.

After a solid night's sleep, Chen Yao found that her foundation-building aura was even more complete.

"Perhaps this is a relaxation of mind, a kind of self-confidence originating from the heart. Without fear, one cannot break through the golden elixir realm." Chen Yao also realized something in her heart.

He turned to look at Wu Tao aside and found that Wu Tao was lying on the recliner with his eyes closed, seeming to have fallen into some kind of wonderful epiphany.

As a senior cultivator of immortality, Chen Yao naturally knew that there would be enlightenment along the way when cultivating immortality. She was extremely happy to see her senior brother like this.

"Sudden enlightenment, the most taboo thing is to be disturbed by others. I have to protect my senior brother. I can't let my senior brother be disturbed and break this kind of epiphany."

Chen Yao said and immediately stood aside to protect the law quietly.

She didn't know how long it would take for her senior brother to achieve enlightenment, because there were different cases of enlightenment in the world of immortality. Some had only a few minutes, some had several days, and some even had several months or even a year.

The longest epiphany occurred over ten years.

So taking this into consideration, Chen Yao still needs to go to the weapon refining hall to ask for leave from her senior brother.

So she quietly left the courtyard and came to a residence on the left, which was where Gu Xingyuan lived.

Thanks to Lingzhuzi for the 1500 starting coin reward.

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