Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 739: Yuan Ti realm, great increase in strength

Chen Yao knocked on the door, and after a while, Gu Xingyuan opened the door and came out. Chen Yao immediately bowed and said: "Senior Brother Gu, my senior brother is at a critical moment in his cultivation and may not be able to go to the Weapon Refining Hall. Please ask Senior Brother Gu to come to the Weapon Refining Hall." Hall Master Wen said.

In fact, he had master Wen Xingrui's message idea, and he only needed to say it. However, considering that she and her senior brother were weapon refiners from Xingchen Immortal Palace, Gu Xingyuan still had to go through the formalities.

Hearing this, Gu Xingyuan said, "Junior Sister Han, this is a trivial matter, and it will be taken care of by Gu."

"Thank you so much, Senior Brother Gu. I have to go and protect Senior Brother. I can't say more to Senior Brother. Please be patient with Senior Brother Gu," Chen Yao said.

Gu Xingyuan said: "It's okay, it's okay, Junior Sister Han, go quickly and don't let anyone disturb Fellow Daoist Li's practice."

Chen Yao bowed her hands and bowed, then returned. She hung a Do Not Disturb sign at the door of the courtyard, so that if someone outside came to visit her senior brother, they would know that the younger senior brother was at a critical moment in his cultivation.

In order to be more safe, Chen Yao arranged another formation.

After taking double insurance in this way, Chen Yao returned to the courtyard and sat in the pavilion from a distance to watch. Her senior brother was lying quietly in the recliner. She took out the summons token to her master Wen Xingrui to tell her that her senior brother was in a state of enlightenment. thing.

After Gu Xingyuan received Chen Yao's request, he immediately packed up and headed to the weapon refining hall to find Wen Xingrui.

Wu Tao is usually in charge of these weapon refiners who came from Xingchen Immortal Palace, but now, as Chen Yao said, Wu Tao is at a critical juncture in cultivation and does not know when he will be released. Therefore, at this time, he is Management on behalf of others.

"Junior Sister Han is really considerate in what she does. Although Hall Master Wen's disciple is Junior Sister Han, and Fellow Daoist Li is Junior Sister Han's husband, her first identity is still the third-level senior weapon refiner of our Xingchen Immortal Palace's weapon refining hall. So I still need to formally come forward to inform Hall Master Wen."

Gu Xingyuan praised in his heart, and soon came to the weapon refining hall and met Wen Xingrui.

He relayed what Chen Yao had told him to Wen Xingrui, and then asked Hall Master Wen to assign the weapon refining tasks to him directly during this period, and he would ask the weapon refining masters of Xingchen Immortal Palace to do a good job in the task.

Wen Xingrui looked at Gu Xingyuan. In fact, he had already received the summons from Chen Yao, but he still felt that this formality should be gone. He said to Gu Xingyuan: "Okay, Master Nephew Gu, I have already Got it."

"My nephew, please leave first." After Gu Xingyuan conveyed the message, he bowed his hand to Wen Xingrui and said goodbye.

Wen Xingrui nodded, and after Gu Xingyuan left the hall master's hall, he left the hall master's hall and went directly to Wu Tao's residence.

Arriving at Wu Tao's residence, he saw the Do Not Disturb sign at the entrance to the courtyard, and saw the magic circle rising in the courtyard. Wen Xingrui sent a message to Chen Yao who was sitting in the pavilion.

Chen Yao was sitting in the pavilion, protecting her senior brother's enlightenment. When she heard Master Wen Xingrui's spiritual message, she immediately became happy, got up, walked to the courtyard door, and opened the door: "Master, you coming!"

After saying that, he turned sideways to make way for Wen Xingrui to come in. Wen Xingrui nodded and walked into the courtyard, where he saw Wu Tao lying on a lounge chair as if asleep.

"I really fell into an epiphany." Wen Xingrui thought to himself.

Then he whispered to Chen Yao: "I don't have anything to do during this period, so I will protect him here with you."

"Thank you, Master." Chen Yao did not refuse Wen Xingrui's offer to protect his senior brother.

She thought that she was only building the foundation to perfect her cultivation, and that her cultivation was insufficient to protect her senior brother. If the master came forward, everything would be fine.

Wen Xingrui's eyes signaled Chen Yao to sit on the pavilion aside.

Chen Yao turned to look at Wu Tao who was lying on the deck chair, followed Wen Xingrui to the pavilion and sat down. Seeing Chen Yao still watching, Wen Xingrui said with a smile: "Ayao, why are you more worried about yourself? Don’t be worried about your senior brother. There is a teacher watching, and this is the Lingxu Immortal Sect. Everyone has their own training place, so I don’t dare to come over easily and interrupt your senior brother’s enlightenment.”

Chen Yao was a little embarrassed when she heard this. She was indeed particularly concerned about her senior brother's enlightenment. She felt that enlightenment was really rare for practitioners, so she was overly worried. She looked at Wu Tao and said, "Master said it is very true. , with the master here, senior brother will definitely not have any problems."

Wen Xingrui nodded and stopped talking. He also signaled Chen Yao to stop talking and let the place be quiet.

Then Wen Xingrui's eyes fell on Wu Tao. It was daytime now, but Wu Tao still had a faint star power lingering around him. Although there was no star power falling from the sky, Wen Xingrui was the Nascent Soul Master after all. Man, if you take a closer look, you will know that your apprentice is about to break through the realm of physical cultivation.

"It seems that the star streamer given to me in the Star Palace last time was very helpful to this disciple's physical cultivation realm. The physical cultivation realm can be broken through faster than the legal cultivation realm."

Wen Xingrui naturally also knew about the realm of physical cultivation. He knew that if Wu Tao succeeded in breaking through this time, he would break through to the Yuan Ti realm, which is equivalent to the Nascent Soul realm of the Dharma cultivation realm.

"I'm really envious of dual cultivation of law and body. It's a pity that I don't have the talent of physical cultivation." Wen Xingrui thought secretly in his heart, but although he said he was envious in his heart, he was not too envious. On the road to immortality, you can reach the transformation by just one way. Divine realm.

And walking on two legs at the same time by cultivating both body and law means paying more price and taking more time. If you don't have that kind of talent, you have to take care of both sides. Instead, you will focus on one and lose the other, which may lead to the destruction of the path to immortality.

So without this kind of talent, no one will take two paths at the same time.

Being strong in both legal and physical cultivation is powerful, but being strong is not the only goal of cultivating immortality. The only goal of cultivating immortality is to increase your longevity and keep practicing.

Since Wen Xingrui arrived, he has not left the courtyard of Wu Tao's residence for several days in a row. But on the seventh day, Wu Tao still fell into this epiphany. There was something going on in Wen Xingrui's weapon refining hall. I had to deal with it, so I quickly went to deal with it and came back.

With Wen Xingrui, a fourth-level weapon refiner and the protector of the Yuanying boss. No one even came to visit Wu Tao's small courtyard.

Half a month passed unknowingly. On this day, at night, Wu Tao was still lying on the recliner with his eyes closed, and his whole body was emitting a faint starlight.

Wen Xingrui and Chen Yao sat quietly during the pause. At first, the starlight on Wu Tao was very dim, but now when they looked at it, they found that the starlight on Wu Tao was getting more and more dazzling, until Wen Xingrui felt that the starlight was too dazzling, so he arranged a covering circle to prevent the starlight on Wu Tao from leaking out.

Chen Yao's eyes fell on Wu Tao, and then she looked up at the sky. The sky was full of stars, and every star was very bright. She lowered her head and continued to fall on her senior brother, and found that the senior brother seemed to have turned into a A star in the sky.

"Master, have you noticed that senior brother is as dazzling as a star in the sky?" Chen Yao whispered to Wen Xingrui.

Wen Xingrui nodded and said: "This should be related to the skills he practiced. When he fell into this wonderful epiphany, his whole person merged into the natural world, so he had some kind of connection with the stars in the sky."

"Master, I read in the books that immortal cultivators can achieve amazing gains every time they gain enlightenment. Is that true?" Chen Yao asked Wen Xingrui like a curious baby.

Wen Xingrui nodded and said: "Of course, your master also had an epiphany on the way to immortality. That epiphany also made me gain a lot. I created a fighting method that is unique to the weapon refiner. It is also this The sect fighting method makes up for the shortcomings of our weapon refiners who are not good at fighting."

"Now that this fighting method has been passed down to your senior brother, you must also know what it is?"

Chen Yao's eyes lit up and she whispered: "I know, it is the way to refine weapons and fight. Master, you are so powerful."

Wen Xingrui was about to speak when he suddenly sensed something. His eyes immediately fell on Wu Tao who was lying on the lounge chair in the courtyard. He found that the starlight on Wu Tao's body was slowly withdrawing into his star body. He immediately said Chen Yao said: "Your senior brother's enlightenment is about to end."

When Chen Yao heard this, she immediately looked at Wu Tao.

Just when the two of them looked at Wu Tao, Wu Tao's consciousness had returned to his true body from the starry sky. The starlight on his body was completely contained in his true star body. He seemed to have turned into a star in the past half month. Whether it's day or night, soar in the sky with these stars.

This wonderful feeling gave him a deeper understanding of the Zhoutian Xingchen body training technique, and he also fully realized the opportunity to break through the Yuan Ti realm. Now he can break through at any time as long as he wants to.

Wu Tao slowly opened his eyes. There seemed to be thousands of stars reflected in his eyes, but just for a moment, the thousands of stars in his eyes disappeared again and turned into deep black pupils. He slowly got up from the recliner. , the breath on his body is as usual.

During his epiphany, he transformed into a star among thousands of stars, and was temporarily blocked from the outside world. But after exiting from the epiphany, he instantly sensed the auras of A Yao and Master Wen Xingrui in the courtyard. He turned around and looked into the pavilion.

Wu Tao didn't understand at this time that Wen Xingrui was protecting him to prevent his enlightenment from being interfered with by others, thus breaking his opportunity to break through to the Yuan Ti realm.

If it is really interrupted and broken, there will be only one result, that is, it will take more time to realize the opportunity to break through the Yuan-Ti realm again, and it may even leave a shadow, and you will not be able to sense the opportunity to break through the Yuan-Ti realm in this life.

Wu Tao immediately came to Wen Xingrui and bowed to Wen Xingrui, saying, "Thank you, master, for helping me protect the law."

Wen Xingrui smiled and said, "Is this going to break through?"

When Wu Tao heard this, a smile appeared on his face, he nodded and said, "Yes, master, we will break through at any time." After saying that, he looked at Chen Yao next to Wen Xingrui and said, "I also want to thank A Yao for helping me protect the law. Without the protection of Ayao and Master, I would be in big trouble."

Wu Tao is a careful person, so naturally he will not ignore the contribution of Chen Yao. Chen Yao was extremely happy when she heard what he said.

Wen Xingrui looked at Wu Tao and said, "Go to my cave to break through. The spiritual veins in my cave are at a higher level."

For Master Wen Xingrui's kindness, Wu Tao first thanked him, and then said: "Master, I don't need much help from spiritual energy to break through the realm of physical cultivation. It's just that the formation of the breakthrough is too big. I want to leave the Lingxu Immortal Sect to break through."

Breaking through to the Yuan Ti realm, the physical cultivation of the Yuan Ti realm is already considered to be the highest level of physical cultivation in the entire Star Sea Immortal World. Therefore, Wu Tao thought of Senior Wang Jing's instructions to him, and he still wanted to leave the Lingxu Immortal Sect. Go to a deserted place to make a breakthrough, so that no one will know that he has broken through to the Yuan-Ti realm.

When Wen Xingrui heard this, he did not ask Wu Tao why he needed to hide his physical cultivation. He said, "Okay, I will give you a task in the weapon refining hall. I will carry it out with you, and then I will protect you."

"Thank you, Master, for your thoughtfulness." Wu Tao immediately bowed to Wen Xingrui.

Next, Wen Xingrui left Wu Tao's residence and issued a task as the master of the Artifact Refining Hall. This task was specifically for the third-level advanced refiner of the Xingchen Immortal Palace Artifact Refining Hall who came to Lingxu Immortal Sect to support him. The mission of the weapon master Li Mo.

Later, the entire weapon refining hall knew that Hall Master Wen took Li Mo, a third-level senior weapon refiner from the Xingchen Immortal Palace, out of the Lingxu Immortal Sect to perform a mission.

A month later, a fourth-level flying magic weapon passed by the beast control domain. There were three figures standing on it, none other than Wen Xingrui, Wu Tao, and Chen Yao.

Within a month, after they set off from the Lingxu Immortal Sect, they arrived at the Beast Controlling Domain.

"Of the 13 domains in the Immortal Realm, the Beast Controlling Domain is the largest, and has the most monsters and the most desolate places. The breakthrough location I have chosen for you this time is the desolate desert. There is no spiritual energy, no vegetation here, only boundlessness. The desert area is just right for you to break through." Wen Xingrui said as he lowered the fourth-level flying magic weapon.

As the fourth-level flying magic weapon lowered, the monotonous yellow color below came into Wu Tao's eyes. Indeed, as Wen Xingrui said, this is a barren desert in the beast-controlling domain.

There is no existence of any living beings, but it is very suitable for him to break through the Yuan-Ti realm, because he can break through the Yuan-Ti realm at any time, but he only needs to attract the light of the stars.

"Master, just stay here." Wu Tao said, cupping his hands to Wen Xingrui.

"Okay, then let's land!"

As Wen Xingrui said that, the fourth-level flying magic weapon under his feet immediately landed in the center of the desolate desert. As soon as it landed, the yellow sand in the sky invaded instantly, but the magic weapon was blocked by the three people.

"I will set up a large formation first. This formation is a fourth-level low-level formation. Although this is the center of the desolate desert, we still have to be cautious." Wen Xingrui said, reaching out and touching the storage bag. The disks and array flags turned into streams of light and were swung out by him, accurately setting up a fourth-order low-level formation.

Needless to say, this fourth-level low-level formation also comes from the pillars of the three top immortal palaces in the Xingchen Sea Immortal Realm.

The fourth-level low-level formation was deployed, covering a hundred miles in radius. In an instant, the surrounding sand and dust winds could not invade the formation.

"Okay, you can prepare for the breakthrough." Wen Xingrui said to Wu Tao.

"Okay, Master, Junior Sister, then I'll prepare for the breakthrough first."

Wu Tao nodded, and immediately flew to the center of the fourth-level formation. He began to take out pieces of high-grade spiritual stones, and then took out the spirit-gathering array, and arranged them all to create a place with spiritual energy.

Although it is said that he only breaks through the Yuan Ti realm and only needs nine spiritual materials and treasures and the power of attracting stars from the sky to successfully break through, immortal cultivators still need a place with spiritual energy to make the breakthrough smoother.

After setting up all this, it was already dark, and now it was time to start making a breakthrough. Wu Tao was 100% sure of this breakthrough.

"Master, Junior Sister, I'm about to break through!"

Wu Tao sat cross-legged in this arranged spiritual place and shouted to Wen Xingrui and Chen Yao.

Wen Xingrui and Chen Yao nodded in response and sat on the inner edge of the formation.

Wen Xingrui also took out the refined pavilion and set it up with stools and chairs. He also took out spiritual fruits and spiritual tea, and said to Chen Yao: "I will watch your senior brother break through, so you can take some spiritual energy." Guo, drink some spiritual tea, even though there is a fourth-level formation, the desert desert is still too hot."

Chen Yao knew that Wen Xingrui loved her like a daughter. With her cultivation as a foundation-building perfectionist, she was not afraid of this sweltering heat, but she nodded obediently and said, "Okay, master."

In the center of the formation, Wu Tao raised his head and glanced at the sky in the deserted desert. It was already night, and the sky was filled with stars. Then he used the stars to perform physical exercises.

As soon as he performed the exercise of rotating the stars in the sky, the stars above the desert desert suddenly had star rays of light penetrating down, connected to the earth, and injected into Wu Tao's true star body.

Wu Tao's star true body had already broken through to the star yuan body in this instant.

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