Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 740: Longevity greatly increased, bloodline returned to ancestors

The radiance of the stars in the sky penetrated into Wu Tao's true star body, and Wu Tao broke through to the realm of the star body.

But at this time, it is still necessary to refine the nine spiritual treasures into the star yuan body.

Therefore, with Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts, all the nine spiritual treasures that had been prepared flew up, suspended around him, and were absorbed into the star yuan body through little by little refining. As the nine spiritual treasures were refined little by little, Transforming into the Star Yuan Body, his Star Yuan Body became more and more powerful.

When all nine spiritual treasures are included in the Star Yuan Ti, the Star Yuan Ti will be truly completed.

"Senior brother's aura..." Chen Yao was sitting on the inner edge of the fourth-level low-level formation. Wu Tao broke through the star body as soon as the starlight poured into the star body. The aura naturally produced earth-shaking changes, which Chen Yao sensed. , she looked immediately.

Then he turned to look at Wen Xingrui and asked, "Master, senior brother, has he made a breakthrough this time?"

Wen Xingrui nodded and said: "The bottleneck of that big realm has been overcome, and we have reached the next big realm, but we still need to thoroughly consolidate and complete the transformation before we can break through. If we do not consolidate and complete the transformation, the realm will decline." Falling back.”

"But don't worry, his half-month-long epiphany and breakthrough into the realm of physical cultivation must be 100% successful."

"Well, of course I trust senior brother." Chen Yao nodded heavily.

Then her eyes fell firmly on her senior brother, watching him gradually refining the nine kinds of spiritual treasures suspended around him and integrating them into his own star body.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was daytime the next day.

However, refining these nine kinds of spiritual materials and treasures to consolidate the newly broken through Star Yuan Body cannot be completed in one day.

A breakthrough in a major realm may take a month or even longer.

So Wen Xingrui and Chen Yao have to wait.

This fourth-level low-level formation is not only a protective formation, but also has cover, shelter, protection from wind, fire, and water mines, as well as an attack formation. It is a combined fourth-level low-level formation.

Moreover, this is a barren desert area in the beast-controlling domain. There are no forests or trees, let alone any trace of humans, and immortal cultivators will not come here.

Therefore, there is basically no danger, and Wen Xingrui does not need to pay full attention to Wu Tao.

He also took out the weapon refining book and read it. He is now a fourth-level low-level weapon refiner. He is also preparing to break through to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner. He cannot wait for his apprentice to advance to the Yuanying stage or if he does not advance to the Yuanying stage. He ignited the fire of the soul and broke through to the fourth level of low-level weapon refiner. It would be very shameless to be like his master.

Wen Xingrui still cares about his own face in this regard.

However, Wen Xingrui is not worried, because he originally planned to break through to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner this month, but because Wu Tao wanted to break through the Yuan Ti realm and needed someone to protect him, he postponed it.

This gives Protector Wu Tao some time to consolidate the skills of the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner, but it will be safer and more certain to be promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner in this way.

While he was reading the weapon refining book, he also paid careful attention to Wu Tao's movements. He believed that after half a month of enlightenment, Wu Tao's breakthrough would not cause any problems, but he still needed to pay attention.

At the same time, Wen Xingrui also discovered that Chen Yao was always watching her senior brother's breakthrough process, and knew that Chen Yao was worried about her senior brother, because every breakthrough by a cultivator is actually a huge risk.

It's a small matter if you don't complete the breakthrough and fall back to the realm. It's a big deal if you don't survive the breakthrough process and die.

From the breakthrough from Qi refining to foundation building, if the breakthrough cannot be made, the mana will conflict with the ultimate and the body will explode and die. From the foundation building to the water and fire alchemy pill, if the water and fire alchemy pill cannot be completed, the water and fire will also damage the foundation. What's more, the water and fire will also damage the foundation. The extreme conflict between the two heavens will turn the entire body and soul into ashes.

Chen Yao once watched immortal cultivators refine their Qi to break through the foundation building, and the foundation building breakthrough reached the golden elixir. Some succeeded and some failed. Therefore, she couldn't help but worry about breaking through to the big realm. This was something she couldn't control. an emotion.

"Ayao, you don't have to watch all the time. Take a rest when you need to, and then you can practice by yourself. It will take about a month to see your senior brother's formation completely consolidate the Yuan Ti realm." Wen Xingrui whispered to Chen Yao. said.

When Chen Yao heard this, she looked away, looked at her master Wen Xingrui and said, "Master, I understand."

Even though he knew it, he still couldn't help but pay attention to his senior brother's breakthrough process during the break. Seeing this, Wen Xingrui said no more.

Anyway, his mentality is very good.

For immortal cultivators like them, a month is just a blink of an eye.

One month passed.

This month has passed, no matter it is day or night, the brilliance of stars pours down from the sky and pours into Wu Tao's star body, and the nine kinds of spiritual treasures suspended around him have also been completely destroyed in the past two days. The refining was completed and merged into the Star Yuan Ti.

This has reached the final stage of consolidation.

Wu Tao's Star Yuan Ti aura has been completely stabilized, and there is no trend of continuing to grow.

As the realm of the Star Yuan Ti has been completely stabilized, Wu Tao can feel that his life level seems to have jumped up to another level. This is a manifestation of an increase in life span, but how much life span has been increased will still have to wait and stop. After doing the exercises, go check your personal information.

Not only was there an upward leap in life level, Wu Tao's sea of ​​spiritual thoughts also expanded by a circle as he broke through to the realm of the Star Yuan Ti. His spiritual thoughts directly grew by five hundred miles.

He has understood the Yuan Ti realm, which is a realm of physical cultivation. In the early stage, the growth of spiritual thoughts will not increase by a thousand miles like that of Yuan Ying immortal cultivators. This is because physical cultivation cultivates the physical body, and spiritual thoughts are only incidental.

The ultimate goal of physical training is to integrate the mind, Dantian and body into one, becoming a complete "one".

Therefore, the spiritual thoughts will not increase too much, but the five hundred miles of divine thoughts that are born are very condensed, far from the 1,000 miles of divine thoughts that the new Nascent Soul Lord has grown.

Half an hour later, after Wu Tao felt the cultivation of his Yuan Ti realm, he officially stopped running the Zhou Tianxing body training technique, slowly opened his eyes, and let out a long breath.

Then he stood up.

"Your senior brother has completed the breakthrough." Wen Xingrui said to Chen Yao standing aside.

In fact, needless to say Wen Xingrui, Chen Yao's eyes always fell on Wu Tao. When she saw her senior brother standing up, she immediately got up from her chair and wanted to go in front of her senior brother.

But Wu Tao moved and was already in front of Wen Xingrui and Chen Yao.

"Breakthrough." Wen Xingrui seemed to ask but also affirmed.

Wu Tao nodded, released a divine Yuan Ti aura and said: "Breakthrough, thank you Master for protecting the law."

As he released Yuan Ti's aura, Chen Yao felt a sense of oppression and oppression, and she couldn't help but take a step back.

Seeing this, Wu Tao immediately converged the Yuan Ti aura into the Star Yuan Ti, and said apologetically to Chen Yao: "A Yao, I'm sorry."

He did not consider that Chen Yao was still a foundation-builder. Faced with all the pressure of the Nascent Soul Stage, a foundation-builder would feel an invisible oppression. Facing his Yuan Ti aura is equivalent to facing a Nascent Soul cultivator.

Chen Yao stopped retreating after hearing this, calmed down, then looked at his senior brother and said in surprise. : "Senior brother, you are so strong. I feel like I am facing a Nascent Soul Lord with full aura."

Wen Xingrui said from the side: "The Yuan Ti realm of physical cultivation is equivalent to the Yuan Ying realm of legal cultivation. The oppression of the Yuan Ti realm of physical cultivation is even more severe than that of the Yuan Ying realm, because physical cultivation cultivates Qi, blood and body. A kind of sublimation of life, I saw this record in an ancient book. Physical cultivation to the end is actually the return of bloodline."

"A return to the ancestors of the bloodline?" Wu Tao was shocked when he heard Wen Xingrui's words. He had never seen such a statement in ancient books, so he immediately asked Wen Xingrui for advice.

Wen Xingrui nodded and said: "I just saw it from a broken ancient book. The ancient book only recorded such a sentence, but there is no way to know whether it is true or false. It may be false."

"Master, I want to see if the ancient book is in Lingxu Immortal Sect," Wu Tao said.

Wen Xingrui said: "It's at the Lingxu Immortal Sect. I'll show it to you when I get back to the Lingxu Immortal Sect."

"Thank you, Master. Master, I have made a breakthrough, so let's rush back to Lingxu Immortal Sect." Wu Tao said.

It took him a month to break through this time. Master Wen Xingrui, as the leader of the Lingxu Immortal Sect's Weapon Refining Hall, needs to deal with some very important things in the Weapon Refining Hall every day. If he breaks through, he must go back in time. of.

Wen Xingrui nodded. : "Okay, let's go back now."

After that, Wen Xingrui reached out and turned over, and a formation disk appeared in his hand. He activated the formation disk, and all the formation flags of the fourth-level low-level formation arranged around them flew up and fell into the formation disk. among.

Wen Xingrui put the array array flag back into the storage bag, and took out a fourth-level earth-level flying magic weapon from the storage bag.

Then the three of them took the fourth-level low-level flying magic weapon back to Lingxu Immortal Sect.

On top of the fourth-level low-level flying magic weapon, Wu Tao sat cross-legged and opened his personal information. Only he could see this person's information, but Wen Xingrui and Chen Yao could not see it, so Wu Tao was not worried.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 111/1359】

[Realm: Nine levels of golden elixir]

[Exercise method: Ninth level of Jiu Yao Fusion Anode True Skill (100%)]

[Spells: Brief, True Technique·A Point of Invisible Sword Master (Perfect) (Golden elixir natal), Tianyan Shenren Zhenjing golden elixir stage·Sixth level (100%), Ninth refining of the Golden elixir (100%) , the sixth level of the Secret Technique of Transformation (100%), the Master of Xuanguang Smoke and Cloud Escape (100%), the Grandmaster of Tianxuan Xuling Sword Technique (100%), the first level of Red Flame Divine Fire Covering Technique (100%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the techniques: Master of Lingxu True Fire Technique (100%), Master of the Art of Refining and Fighting (100%)

Mastering the prohibitions: brief, fourth-level low-level divine prohibition·(90%), advanced true prohibition stage of falling treasure money]

[Sub-professional ·Physical training: Zhoutianxingchen body training·Yuanti chapter: first level (0%), shamanic combat method breaking God·Grandmaster (100%), omitted]

After breaking through to the Yuan Ti realm, Wu Tao's most concerned thing is of course life span. Every time a cultivator reaches the next great realm, it is for the increased life span.

Seeing the four numbers 1359, Wu Tao was extremely happy.

"Breaking through the Yuan Ti realm is equivalent to breaking through the Nascent Soul realm as a Dharma practitioner. Suddenly, one's lifespan increases by 500 years, reaching a terrifying 1,359 years, which is 359 years longer than the Nascent Soul Lord."

The limit of refining Qi is 150 years, building the foundation is 300 years, golden elixir is 500 years, and becoming a god is 2000 years.

"When I break through to the Nascent Soul realm, my life span will be extended by 500 years. By then, my life span will reach more than 1,800 years. Although it is not as good as the Transformation God Lord, it is not far behind."

"This path of dual cultivation of law and body is really the right one."

Then his eyes fell directly on the last column of physical training. He had already broken through the realm of star Yuan Ti, so the Zhou Tianxing body training he would practice in the future would be the Yuan Ti chapter.

The jade sheet that Senior Wang Jing gave him for practicing Zhoutianxing's physical exercises included the True Body Chapter, the Yuan Ti Chapter and the Divine Body Chapter!

"After I break through the Nascent Soul stage, the Nascent Soul conceived with the Nine-Xuan Tiangang Star Fire Hidden Divine Method can enter the Tiangang layer. At that time, I can go to the Tiangang layer to capture the streamers of stars and practice the Yuan Ti realm."

"My cultivation in the Yuan Ti realm will definitely progress by leaps and bounds."

Wu Tao looked carefully at the future in his heart. If his cultivation in the Yuan Ti realm was faster than his cultivation in the Yuan Ying realm, he could break through to the divine body realm first. The divine body realm would be equivalent to the Divine Lord of Transformation, and there would be no existence in the entire three realms at all. The existence of physical cultivation in the realm of the divine body.

He will be the only one.

He has cultivated his divine body and is invincible in close combat, and even if he transforms into a divine king, there is nothing he can do about it.

But with this combat power, Wu Tao would not be too high-profile, because the terrifying existence behind Wang Jing's words would not allow the birth of a divine body.

Only when his Dharma cultivation reached the realm of becoming a god, could Wu Tao dare to show off a little.

After a while, Wu Tao closed his personal information with satisfaction.

Returning to the Lingxu Immortal Sect this time, Wen Xingrui used the fourth-level low-level flying magic weapon with full firepower, and returned to the Lingxu Immortal Sect in just half a month.

After returning to the Lingxu Immortal Sect, Wen Xingrui first gave the incomplete ancient book to Wu Tao, and then said: "Disciple, I plan to be promoted to the fourth-level intermediate weapon refiner, so I need to prepare for a month first. This month , if something happens, you can go directly to Head Ning, I told Head Ning.”

After hearing Wen Xingrui's words, Wu Tao first congratulated: "Congratulations, master. I wish you success in being promoted to the fourth level intermediate weapon refiner."

Then he thought that Master Wen Xingrui didn't know about the episode that happened between him and Ning Qiudao, so he told Ning Qiudao like this. But Wu Tao didn't plan to tell Wen Xingrui about that episode. He felt trapped. Among them, even the master will find it difficult to escape, so he should bear it himself.

So Wu Tao said: "Okay, if I encounter a problem that cannot be solved, I will go to Head Ning and ask the master to prepare for promotion with peace of mind."

"Okay, this ancient book is actually just a travelogue. The content recorded in it is too subjective. You don't have to take it too seriously. As long as you keep practicing with peace of mind, you will know the truth and lies when you reach the end." After Wen Xingrui said this, To prepare for his promotion to the fourth level intermediate weapon refiner.

Wu Tao took the ancient book and left, returning to his residence.

After he came back, he first greeted Gu Xingyuan and other third-level weapon refiners from Xingchen Immortal Palace to see if there were any problems with their weapon refinement tasks during this period.

After doing all this, Wu Tao returned to the training room where he lived and took out the ancient book given by his master Wen Xingrui.

The ancient book was very broken and made of the skin of a monster beast. The words recorded on it were actually ancient characters. Fortunately, he learned the ancient characters.

He began to flip through this torn ancient book. Many of the contents were torn and he had no idea what it was talking about. However, he still found the words Wen Xingrui said about physical cultivation.

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